• 新鲜水果蔬菜永远都是三餐的优良健康伴侣,它们大多含有能够提升健康水平的必要维生素

    Fresh fruits and vegetables are always a great way to make your diet healthier, often containing essential vitamins that promote good health.


  • 一些男性情绪心里,以致最后一股脑爆发出来(这很不健康),或是疏远自己伴侣朋友

    Some men keep their emotions so pent up that they eventually burst in an unhealthy fit of anger or alienate their partners or friends.


  • 潜在的伴侣找到健康的那些

    Seek out healthy choices in potential partners.


  • 相反,伊恩—瓦卡指出一个真正男人女性更多关注这个直接的问题未来伴侣健康还是病怏怏的?

    Instead of looking for a manly man, Penton-Voak noted, a woman may be focusing more on an immediate question: is this potential mate healthy or sick?


  • 那些追寻健康关系的人发现秘密所在我们灵魂伴侣其实并不完美但是我们来说他们却是完美的,因为我们会爱屋及乌

    Those who find healthy relationships discover the secret, that our soul mate isn't actually perfect, but rather that person is "perfect" for us, flaws and all.


  • 心态人们一生中的伴侣愉悦健康

    A good attitude is the best partner of us, making us happy and healthy.


  • 思科的LGBT员工伴侣支付健康保险而导致其推算收入增加、由此产生需要支付的额外税金,思科会代为承担。

    Cisco Systems covers the tax on imputed income that LGBT employees pay when they extend their health insurance to cover their partners.


  • 眼睛提供了健康层面深入洞察个人渠道,健康的眼睛也意味着她有一个健康伴侣

    Eyes provide an insight on the level of health of the individual, and healthy eyes indicate a healthy mate.


  • 如果童年时期父亲情感纽带以后生活伴侣成就健康亲密关系

    If you had an emotional connection with your father as a child, you'll be able to enter a healthy, physically intimate relationship with a partner later in life.


  • 建议在感情身体精神方面多你自己伴侣和婚姻着想,多多关注身体和情感上的健康和满足感。

    Action: Make use of emotional, physical and spiritual support for yourself, your spouse and your marriage. Pay attention to your physical and emotional health and well-being.


  • 因为选择伴侣决定婚后健康状况。

    Your choice of romantic partner helps determine how healthy-or how sick-you'll be.


  • TyFrancis一名幽默银行客服人员伴侣,从事健康保健工作的RosalynCooley抚养了6个小孩

    Ty Francis, a bank customer-service worker here with a sharp sense of humor, supports six children together with her partner, Rosalyn Cooley, a health care worker.


  • 说。他受雇私立大学雇员同性恋伴侣提供普通配偶同样健康保险(从去年起,大多数财富500强企业开始这么。)

    His employer, a private university, offers the same health insurance to employees' gay partners as to spouses (as did most Fortune 500 companies, for the first time, last year).


  • 件恼人的事郁闷不语、强压着内心怨气或者干脆给伴侣一个“冷处理”,这些都不是一个健康化解冲突方法——也不能带来婚姻的和睦。 家庭美满主要在于聪明地处理不和,这意味着要用真诚并且尊重对方的方式来表达自己的想法。

    The key to a happy marriage is healthy conflict resolution, which means expressing how you feel honestly and respectfully.


  • 伴侣开始控制你的血压自主神经系统,身体健康有着巨大的关联。

    Your partner starts to control your blood pressure and autonomic nervous system.It has huge implications for physical health.


  • 伴侣开始控制你的血压自主神经系统身体健康有着巨大的关联

    Your partner starts to control your blood pressure and autonomic nervous system. It has huge implications for physical health.


  • 进化这种喜好也许是因为身体健康伴侣获得益处,从而增强自己的生育能力。

    Such a preference might have evolved because it increases females' reproductive success by gaining benefits from partners who are more physically robust.


  • 迈阿密的精神病学家和健康教练加比科拉说:如果主要养家人失业特别痛苦而且可能使担心伴侣口出恶言

    If you're the primary breadwinner, job loss can be particularly distressing and may incite hurtful comments from a worried spouse. you knew this was coming.


  • 按照生育计划”的观点,健康美满婚姻关系是可以伴侣双方提供一种安全可靠相互支持,彼此享受感觉

    According to Planned Parenthood, a healthy relationship provides both partners a feeling of security, mutual support, and enjoyment.


  • 报告称超重那方感受到伴侣支持他们进行锻炼健康饮食的时候,夫妻间冲突会少一些

    Couples had less conflict when the overweight person reported feeling the partner was supportive of their efforts to exercise and eat a healthy diet.


  • 多么不鸣笛催促去拥有特别的一百万美元或者拥有的完美的健康,或者完美的体重,或者完美的伴侣,或者彻底的内在自由,或者…?

    How hootless are you about having an extra million dollars? Or about having perfect health, or perfect weight, or the perfect mate, or complete inner Freedom, or…?


  • 今天容易因为伴侣严厉而容易流泪健康或者减肥运动有助于受到好评恋爱关系变得更坚固

    You'll be prone to tears if your mate is harsh with you today. Fitness or weight loss programs will help your self esteem. Relationships will become stronger.


  • 好的修养、气质,同样生活激情生活工作指导顾问希望未来伴侣有我同样的健康水准

    Have good culture good manners have intense emotion to life same and is me life and working guidance and consultant. hopes my future yokemate have me same health level.


  • 上帝我们亲友见证下,郑重宣誓成为忠实伴侣无论疾病或健康、顺境或逆境、欢乐或痛苦

    In the presence of God, our family and friends, I offer you my solemn vow to be your faithful partner in sickness and in health, in good times and in bad, and in joy as well as in sorrow.


  • 如果童年时期父亲情感纽带以后生活伴侣成就健康亲密关系

    If you had an emotional connection with your father as a child, you ll be able to enter a healthy, physically intimate relationship with a partner later in life.


  • 养生长寿伴侣健康长寿朋友

    Keeping in good health is the partner of longevity and health is a friend of longevity.


  • 方面维持朋友家人以及(未来)伴侣之间健康友爱关系

    Maintaining my end of a healthy, loving relationship with friends, family, and my (future) mate.


  • 方面维持朋友家人以及(未来)伴侣之间健康友爱关系

    Maintaining my end of a healthy, loving relationship with friends, family, and my (future) mate.


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