• 改革停滞经济需要严厉措施,而造成失业

    Reforming the stagnant economy requires harsh measures that would translate into job losses.


  • 想想看生活实际GDP不断下降长期停滞经济环境是种什么样感受

    Consider what it will feel like to live in an economy in which real GDP is experiencing little or no long-term growth.


  • 这种全球经济的判断基于增长动力驱动,即全球经济健康痊愈中的部分经济逐渐带动停滞的经济

    This global view is based on multispeed growth dynamics, with the healing and healthy segments of the global economy gradually pulling up the laggards.


  • 一个充满活力快速发雇经济有时可能看上去很丑恶但是停滞的经济相比每个美国提供更多希望

    A dynamic, fast-growing economy may sometimes look ugly, but it offers far more hope than a stagnant one for everybody in the United States.


  • 正是这些人民创造日本奇迹;也正是这些人民在世界对日本停滞经济逐渐感到厌倦不抱幻想,支撑着另一日本奇迹。

    These are the people who created the Japanese miracle and who maintained another kind of Japanese miracle even when the world had grown bored and disillusioned with its stagnant economy.


  • 但是如果劝说无果那么紧缩财政政策将会给原本就陷入停滞经济增长带来严重的阻碍也就是说足以我们重新衰退期

    But if they fail, then fiscal tightening poses a serious obstacle for an economy already growing at "stall speed" : that is, slowly enough to fall back into recession.


  • 住房销售停滞阻碍经济复苏

    Stagnation in home sales is holding back economic recovery.


  • 认为经济缓慢增长水平上停滞不前

    I think the economy is stuck on a plateau of slow growth.


  • 长期经济停滞衰退几乎总是使社会变得更加刻薄、更缺乏包容性通常还会阻止或逆转权利自由进步

    Lengthy periods of economic stagnation or decline have almost always left society more mean-spirited and less inclusive, and have usually stopped or reversed the advance of rights and freedoms.


  • 几十年前两个亚洲巨人错误经济意识形态停滞不前

    Just a few decades ago, Asia's two giants were stagnating under faulty economic ideologies.


  • 经济增长必要的,除非我们想让世界穷人深陷贫困的沼泽,或使其他所有人的生活水平停滞不前。

    We need economic growth unless we condemn the world's poor to their present poverty and freeze everyone else's living standards.


  • 20世纪80年代末一些经济学家谈到一个生产率悖论”:尽管有大量IT投资尤其是服务部门,生产率仍然停滞不前

    Toward the end of the 1980s, some economists spoke of a "productivity paradox": despite huge IT investments, most notably in the service sectors, productivity stagnated.


  • 他们的国家经济停滞不前。

    Their national economy is stagnant.


  • 大多数民众享受繁荣机遇世界无疑要好个80%的国家陷入经济停滞泥潭的世界。

    A world in which most people enjoy prosperity and opportunity is surely better than one in which 80% are Mired in economic stagnation.


  • 通胀经济停滞国家,债务负担很难减轻

    It is hard to ease the debt burden in a stagnant economy with low inflation.


  • 补充说显然菅直人对于本国经济停滞缺乏危机感

    It is clear, Yamaguchi adds, that Mr. Kan lacks a sense of crisis about the country’s stagnant economy.


  • 重要的是对于塞夫来说,想要赢得全部支持,就要不停控制通货膨胀,确保需要冷却经济陷入停滞状态。

    But more important for Ms Rousseff's overall popularity will be keeping inflation under control and ensuring that a necessary cooling of the economy does not descend into stagnation.


  • 日本组织机构都是唯资历是从,同时女性外国人社会职场参与度很低,这种情况通常被认为经济停滞根源

    The country's seniority-based organizations, and the low participation of women and foreigners in the society and workplace, are often seen as a root of the economy's stagnation.


  • 世界各国中央银行积极向金融系统注入资金应对可能使经济增长停滞信贷紧缩

    Central Banks around the world have aggressively injected money into financial systems to counteract tight credit that could strangle economic expansion.


  • 担心发达国家经济停滞第三原因,无法摆脱金融危机后遗症经济复苏虚弱可能削弱自己经济潜能

    The third reason to fret about the rich world's stagnation is that the hangover from the financial crisis and the feebleness of the recovery could themselves dent economies' potential.


  • 现在长崎经济已经停滞了。

    Now Nagasaki's economy has gone still.


  • 民意调查显示停滞不前经济尤其是顽固失业问题共和党星期二中期选举大胜一个主要原因

    Polls show that the stagnant economy, and especially the persistent unemployment problem, were a major factor in the opposition Republicans' big victories in Tuesday's elections.


  • 资本流入停滞时候,经济崩溃可能非常痛苦的——如果固定汇率(货币联盟)要求名义工资价格一定时期内下降,情况就更加糟糕。

    The economic collapse, when inflows of capital halt, can be very painful - even more so if a fixed exchange rate (or currency union) demands a period of falling nominal wages and prices.


  • 资本流入停滞时候,经济崩溃可能非常痛苦的——如果固定汇率(货币联盟)要求名义工资价格一定时期内下降,情况就更加糟糕。

    The economic collapse, when inflows of capital halt, can be very painful - even more so if a fixed exchange rate (or currency union) demands a period of falling nominal wages and prices.


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