• 很容易生活中的问题所困扰,忘记停下来欣赏所拥有东西

    You can be easily caught up by life problems that you forget to pause and appreciate the things you have.


  • 但是如果我们停下来反思一下我们中的绝大部分人承认物质享受金融财富达到目的手段不是财富中终结

    But if we stop to think about it, most of us recognise that material and financial wealth are just a means to an end, not the end in themselves.


  • 可以接住小曲并可以红灯停下来—看起来就所有有感觉一样,事实上的身体又没有任何感觉。

    You could catch a ball, hum a tune, stop at a red light - act exactly like a person but without any sense of what it is like to be alive.


  • 如果经过商店停下来牛奶出来时候却一些完全不同的东西,屏幕电视机,那你一定了解诱惑力量有多大。

    If you've ever stopped by the store to pick up milk and walked out with something quite different, like a big screen TV, you know the power of temptation.


  • 有点呆住了,部分是为自己的遗忘感到难堪,另一部分,是因为我们似乎一直在为生活努力赚钱,但从没有停下来享受一下努力得来的生活

    I was stunned, partially because I was embarrassed that I had forgotten, and, partially, because... well, it seems we spend all of our time earning a living and never stop to live our earnings.


  • 一个重要秘诀开始演讲拿出秒钟的时间组织一下自己思想,不要头脑空空地便开始,否则你会因为选择一个合适的词语常常停下来

    The next most important tip is to take a few seconds to organize your thoughts before you begin speaking–don’t start speaking without some idea of what you’ll say, only to stop and struggle for words.


  • 如果总是争取最大最好东西没有停下来欣赏一下你目前所拥有的,幸福仍是遥不可

    If you're always striving for something bigger and better, without stopping to appreciate what you currently have, happiness will remain slightly out of reach.


  • 如果启用代理处于假期所以假设代理活动,那么就要停下来查看是否出现代理管理器调度队列中。

    If the agent is enabled and you are still within the vacation period so the agent is still supposed to be active, check to see whether or not it appears in the schedule queue of the agent manager.


  • ,根据领导层大会上声明,当前政策的目标仍然保持经济的较高增长不是停下来口气并且实现财政收支平衡

    Yet to judge by the leadership’s pronouncements at the party congress, it is still fixated on meeting high targets for growth rather than pausing for breath and balancing the books.


  • 如果总是争取最大最好东西没有停下来欣赏一下你目前所拥有的,幸福仍是遥不可

    If you're always striving for something bigger and better without stopping to appreciate what you currently have happiness will remain slightly out of reach.


  • 星座以将件事说迷人令人信服能力著称,当要说什么的时候,没有停下来你的话述。

    Your sign is known for extraordinary ability to spin a yarn that is so enthralling and believable, no one can stop reading or listening to what you have to say.


  • 46%女士则表示她们停下来任何一位可爱狗狗说话。

    And 46 percent of women say they'd stop and talk to anyone with a cute puppy.


  • 她总是未雨绸缪不是事后反应。采取行动自己动起来,至此他就没有停下来

    He was proactive, rather than reactive-he took action and set himself in motion, and he hasn't stopped since.


  • 之后不要任何东西了,以免因为饮水过量不得不跑步途中就停下来厕所方便。

    Stop drinking at that point, so that you can void extra fluids and prevent having to stop to go to the bathroom during your run.


  • 也许我们不得不停下来因为没有足够迈出下一步也或者我们害怕离开固有安全保障,害怕因改变自己事业失去现有稳定工作——对未知的一种恐惧

    Maybe they "stop" because there isn't enough money to take the next step, or they are afraid to leave the certain safety and security of their current job to change careers - the fear of the unknown.


  • 可以肯定的是,一步并不犯罪分子或者那些想要偷偷摸摸国家停下来只会让他们不得不付出更多代价实现今天如此自然匿名状态

    To be sure, this step would not stop criminals and states wanting to act covertly but would force them to invest much more to achieve the anonymity that comes so naturally today.


  • 为了期限内完成推行一个智能电网或者AMS实时系统时,如果系统提供不准确数据慢慢停下来时会怎么样?

    When you push a new smart grid or AMS system live to meet deadlines, what if the system provides inaccurate data or grinds to a halt?


  • 如何解释继续滑行不是停下来

    What requires explanation is not why it keeps going but why it stops.


  • 比如说需要完成某些特殊工作不要因为还未得到批准停下来不做。

    Let's say you need some special work done. Don't stop with getting approval.


  • 下一次,当认定的伴侣不会说谎办公室一个神色紧张的可能在说谎,停下来三思

    Next time you're tempted to assume your partner would never lie to you but the nervous-looking person in the office probably does, stop and think again.


  • 下一次,当“这件事真变态或者“这个变态”的时 候,请停下来先想一想——并不是变态只是不同

    The next time you find yourself sayinghmmmm that's weirdor dismissing someone because “oh they're so weird” take a minute to think – not weird just different.


  • 路上的这些年已经停下来帮助许多交通事故或者恶劣天气处于困境中的人们

    In his years on the road, he'd stopped plenty of times to help stranded motorists who'd been in accidents or were caught in bad weather.


  • 构建通用方法需要时间设计并且这样使停下来思考不是本能地使用复制粘贴。

    Building the common method takes some design time, and certainly doing so makes you pause and think instead of instinctively using the copy-and-paste shortcut key combinations.


  • 如果练习就去参加比赛,你会很快上气不接下气不得不停下来或者更严重的你也许为受伤。

    If you do run a race without training, you might simply run out of breath and have to walk. You might even have to stop altogether, or worse yet, you might get injured.


  • 心爱哭泣一同落泪;喜欢的人哭泣,你会停下来安慰。

    When the one you love is crying, you cry with them; But when the one you like is crying, you end up comforting.


  • 想到自己机构和需求不是停下来想想行善观点

    You think about your organisation, what you need.You don't stop and think about the philanthropist's point of view.


  • 想到自己机构需求不是停下来想想行善者观点

    You think about your organisation, what you need. You don't stop and think about the philanthropist's point of view.


  • 其实原因简单我们很少停下来,休息一下,来思考什么有效什么没有。

    There's a simple reason for it: we rarely take the time to pause, breathe, and think about what's working and what's not.


  • 成千上万的英国妇女可能正在自己全科医生\家庭医生开据的处方服用抗抑郁知道一旦服用该药便很难把它停下来,更不知道服用该药可能导致新生儿先天缺陷

    Thousands of women in the UK may be taking antidepressants prescribed by their GPs without knowing that the pills, which are hard to stop taking, could cause birth defects in unborn children.


  • 他们必须停下来

    "And when they say" stop "you have to stop."


- 来自原声例句

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