• 自信的自己有不妥?。

    What's wrong with being confident?


  • 跟着分享简单步骤可能帮助拾起你所需自信,来拿起杯。

    Following the simple steps that I'm sharing might just help you find the confidence you need to break out the frying pan, casserole dish, and ramekins.


  • 随后十年中,拉德克利夫扮演这个巫师哈利·波特沃特森饰演那个总是很自聪明的赫敏格林特则成为虽然自信十分忠诚罗恩

    For the next decade, Radcliffe plays the boy wizard Harry Potter, Watson is smarty-pants Hermione, and Grint is insecure but loyal Ron.


  • 家务可以帮助孩子建立自信

    Doing chores helps children build self-confidence.


  • 如果你频繁这样,在别人的眼中,你就会从一个自信的小丑变成滑稽的吉娃娃狗。

    If you do it too often, you can transform in the eyes of others from a confident joker to a Chihuahua dog.


  • 通过每天一点点发现可以的,这会增长自信

    By doing something daily, you demonstrate that you do, and this grows your confidence.


  • 空间自己选择教会了我们自信责任

    Having space to do what you like teaches you confidence and responsibility.


  • 像这样全身心投入到语言环境中,没有同事懂双语的朋友帮忙翻译建立自信有帮助。

    The total immersion, where you have no colleague or bilingual friend to turn to for translation, is brilliant for building confidence.


  • 摆脱焦虑的一种方法获取更多信息了解自己的状况从而获得自信一些你的将来更有利的选择

    One way of tackling these are through getting information, by learning about your condition, gaining confidence in it, in yourself and making informed choices for your future.


  • 不过补充道:“孩子自己‘必须’的家务事自律以及树立他们自信重要。”

    But he added: "Giving children their own 'must-do' chores is great for self-discipline and for building their confidence."


  • 如果缺乏自尊自信,那么时间帮助实现梦想,去冲破传统模式真正自己,是几乎可能的。

    It’s near impossible to make time for your dreams, to break free from the traditional mold, and to truly be yourself, if you have low self-esteem and self-confidence.


  • 活动组织者行为改变专家史蒂芬·苏普西认为,这样可以提升员工自信加深信任

    Behavior change specialist and the activity organizer Steven Suphi believes stripping off in the office will help boost employees' confidence and develop trust.


  • 采取某个立场时,你必须相信你是但是你必须有足够多自信说服别人件事情最好方式

    Before you take a stand, you should believe that you're right, but you should also have enough confidence to allow others to convince you that there are better ways of doing things.


  • 镜子这个动作,那样未你展示出的自信感到惊讶的。

    Try it in front of the mirroryou'll be surprised how much more confident it makes you look.


  • 镜子这个动作,那样未你展示出的自信感到惊讶的。

    Try it in front of the mirror -- you'll be surprised how much more confident it makes you look.


  • 千万不要绝望如果现在开始复习每天一点练习下来考试时候就能冷静下来并自信满满。

    But don't despair: if you start reviewing now and do a little practice every day, you should feel calm and confident once it's time to sit down and take the test.


  • 列出清单可以自信拒绝那些真正可以放一放事情或者别人更加胜任的事情。

    By drafting a to-don't list, you can be more confident that the items you are saying no to truly can wait, or can be done by someone else other than you.


  • 在考前考试中,可以很多事儿帮助你保持平静自信——比如深呼吸训练形象化练习。

    There are a number of things you can do right before and during the test to help you stay calm and confident. Examples include deep-breathing exercises and visualization.


  • 戈德史密斯布朗就重获自信给了12个简单攻略每天一条只要21会变得更快乐惬意

    Adopt Goldsmith and Brown's simple strategies for gaining self-confidence (try one each day), and in just 21 days, you'll feel happier and more at ease.


  • 求精(Refactoring):去掉编码过程中产生任何重复代码可以自信认为这么不会破坏任何东西,因为还有测试作为后盾

    Refactoring: Refactor out any duplicate code generated in a coding session. You can do this with confidence that you didn’t break anything because you have the tests.


  • 实践使之完美.如果必须一些,那么小事着手.因为建立自信不是一朝一夕之事,尤其长年养成了对自己能力不信任习惯.决定你想要的和你认为什么是最有价值的.通过他们引导你决定.

    Start small if you have to. Building self confidence is not an overnight thing especially if you have been having age old habits of disbeliefs in your own capabilities.


  • 如果缺乏自信非常相信能够一些事情增加自信虽然表面看上去可能不是这样的。

    While it may not seem so, if you are low in self-confidence, I strongly believe that you can do things to increase your self-confidence.


  • 这样以后,这些原则就成了习惯效率自信的印象都会大大提升

    In doing so, these principles become habits, your productivity, confidence and the way you are perceived will advance greatly.


  • 虽然某些情况下语法有点差异,但是,非常自信地说DM能够AR所有能够满足需要事情而且不需要插件的帮助。

    While the syntax is different in some cases, I'm pretty confident DM can do all of what AR does out of the box with or without plugins.


  • 为了帮助提高比较薄弱环节甚至可能会考虑聘请一位私人教师如果您对上面所描述许多关键方面不是十分自信,那么强烈建议您这么

    To help you improve your weaker areas, you might even consider hiring a personal coach, which I highly recommend if you are less confident in many of the critical areas described above.


  • 开始工作项目可能会要求加薪努力升值或者甚至工作自信

    Taking on that new project at work might give you the confidence to ask for a raise, chase a promotion or even change careers.


  • 尽管中国讨厌安理会使用否决权,但是作为一个自信与日俱增强国它现在很有可能会这样

    And although China has an aversion to using its veto alone in the Security Council, its growing self-confidence as a great power suggests that it might do so now.


  • 个例子,梦见童年时期会游泳会飞毕业时四周充满了异国情调,进一步观察发现这些片段都会使你感到自信

    For example, a dream that combines flying, a childhood swim meet, and your college graduation seems outlandish, but upon closer inspection, you notice that the images all relate to feeling confident.


  • 第一次看到时,所有自信天才的那样,他回家自己开发了一个类似的游戏家里的电视上玩。

    When he first saw it, he did what any self-respecting genius would do: He went home and built one of his own that he played on his own TV.


  • 第一次看到时,所有自信天才的那样,他回家自己开发了一个类似的游戏家里的电视上玩。

    When he first saw it, he did what any self-respecting genius would do: He went home and built one of his own that he played on his own TV.


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