• 这样实际上两个原因第一个原因有时流程可能会需要调用其中一个客户机伙伴操作

    There are actually two reasons for it: the first is that in sometimes the process may need to invoke operations on one of its client partners.


  • 回顾以前信函可以提醒工作流程走到了一步,写了些什么需要些什么,所以说,这样可以把握信函方向要旨

    Review prior letters to remind yourself where you are in the work process, what has already been said, and what remains to be said. This will give your letter direction and purpose.


  • 中级用户则倾向于使用工具重复地同样事情并且希望界面妨碍他们工作流程

    Intermediates tend to repeatedly do the same things with the tool and do not want to have their work processes obstructed by the interface.


  • 内容门户需要查找内容、定义内容生命周期集成创建这些内容流程方面更多工作

    Content portals require more effort in finding content, defining the content lifecycle, and integrating the processes that create this content.


  • 面临一个业务流程方面或者系统资源利用效率低的问题时,每个程序员、系统管理员数据库分析人员都知道应该怎么

    Every programmer, systems administrator, database analyst, and so on knows what to do when they face a problem with business process or some inefficiency utilizing systems resources.


  • 制定规章修订运行流程安全极限使之合乎标准,同时一系列列车类型详细解释

    The rulemaking would revise the safety limits for these operations and the processes to qualify them, and account for a range of vehicle types.


  • 我们此基础进一步构建流程使用复杂逻辑来实现

    Let's build on that and implement it with more complex logic in the process.


  • 从事该项目的团队成员着手他们工作时,他们遇到流程规则影响的情形

    As team members working on that project go about their work, they will encounter situations that fall under the rules of their process.


  • 比如现在修复视网膜脱落破裂的治疗流程可能眼睛里几个切口并且缝合,重新连上穿孔区域

    Current retinal procedures to repair detachments or RIPS, for example, may involve several incisions in the eye and stitches to tie off the perforated areas.


  • 构建流程中,一个脚本可用来全文搜索版本附加那些全局名称中。

    During the build process, a small script can do full text search and append the version number to those global names.


  • 如果相关人员添加只是检查请求并且一些可以自动执行的任务,则可以节约时间成本必然改进流程

    If the person is not adding value, but instead merely checking the request and doing things that could be automated, the time and costs savings make this process improvement a must.


  • 觉得对于隐私问题,我们可以用户方面很多工作,使他们明白常规、批准信息流程确保这些信息对用户的透明化可控性

    I feel like the privacy issue has a lot more to do with the user understanding the normal, ap-proved flows of information and being sure that the user has transparency and control.


  • 这样为了使得外部内部流程之间具有最佳互操作性

    This is done to allow the greatest level of interoperability between the external and internal processes.


  • 这些流程后续流程实现类型文中详尽讨论

    These processes will also be discussed in more detail in a future article on process implementation types.


  • 合理的方法一遍基本流程循环流程然后一遍循环流程

    The reasonable approach is to do the basic flow once, do a loop once, and then do a loop a second time.


  • 之所以可以这样是因为SIMM 主要关注流程多个领域中的结果,提供了对每个成熟度阶段例如最佳实践相应优点可见性。

    This is made possible because SIMM focuses on process and results across multiple domains allowing visibility into each maturity stage (e.g., best practices) and its corresponding benefits.


  • 记住XP就是简单的可以应用设计代码流程工具

    Remember that XP is all about doing the simplest thing that could possibly work. That applies to design, code, process, and tools.


  • Cooper主张设计产品通过应用程序主线流程进行优化,应当按照用户思维模式

    Cooper is an advocate for following the user's mental model when designing the product and optimizing for the mainline flow through the application.


  • 使用Modeler业务分析人员其他非技术用户可以创建业务模型流程文档记录然后对模型进行模拟了解动态行为

    Using Modeler, business analysts and other non-technical users can create business models to document their processes, then simulate the models to understand the dynamic behavior.


  • 我们决定以上部门分别表示流程中的一个Lane,以便明确表示哪些人员哪些工作。

    We decide to represent each of these departments as a Lane in our process in order to clearly indicate who does what.


  • 如果打算这么流程编排引擎利用forward服务输入输出消息的不服作为补偿服务输入。

    If you decide not to do this, the Process Choreographer engine will use the parts of the input and the output message of the forward service as input for the compensation service.


  • pointcut基本上只是一个中断应用程序执行(源代码定义)“正常流程一些不同的事情的地方。

    A pointcut is basically just a place to interrupt the "normal" (as defined by the source code) flow of your application's execution and do something different.


  • 不断反馈改善每一次迭代的末尾我们总是回顾我们以前是怎么的,并且思考我们下次可以哪些不同的事改善流程

    Continuous feedback and improvement: at the end of an iteration of work, we always look back at how we did and figure out what we can do differently next time to improve.


  • 按照业务流程需求的。

    This is done as per the requirements of the orchestration.


  • 只需确保框架每个阶段所有更改流程文档说明允许分析人员其他角色根据需要执行影响分析

    Just make sure all processes of change are documented in each stage of the framework to let the analyst and those in other roles do impact analysis if needed.


  • 如果决定在某个穿刺身体穿刺,请一些调查工作,了解该店操作流程清楚是否顾客提供了一个干净安全环境

    If you decide to get a body piercing, do a little investigative work about a shop's procedures and find out whether it provides a clean and safe environment for its customers.


  • 具有一定历史公司采用敏捷流程具有挑战性但是如果存在这样明显好处也是可以实现的。

    Adapting an agile process in a company with history is more challenging, but it can be done if there are clear benefits to it.


  • 作为工作流程一部分首先导入开发人员1变更

    As part of your workflow, you first import the changes that Developer 1 made.


  • 作为工作流程一部分首先导入开发人员1变更

    As part of your workflow, you first import the changes that Developer 1 made.


- 来自原声例句

进来说说原因吧 确定

进来说说原因吧 确定