• 之后报了名电视的参赛

    Later he applied to be a contestant on the television show.


  • 投资协会成员之间仲裁

    He arbitrates between investors and members of the association.


  • 如果被捕入侵克林贡人攻击怎么

    What would he have done if attacked by a predator or an invading Klingon?


  • 虽热本特利出名可能雪花研究,但一个天气爱好雨滴实验

    While Bentley may be most famous for his snowflake studies, he was a weather-lover and conducted experiments with raindrops as well.


  • 未曾指示的跟随任何仪式典礼、任何盲目或空泛的礼节

    He never instructed those who came to him to practice any rites or rituals, any empty formalities.


  • 如果怀疑持续不得不提高利率。如果不这样投资通过提高债券收益来替实施紧缩。

    If that suspicion persists, he will need to raise interest rates by more than otherwise-or investors will do the tightening for him by pushing up bond yields.


  • 然后提出大选庆功宴上来,当着我的支持让步祝贺,”达施勒先生

    "He then offered to come to my election night party to concede in front of my supporters," Mr. Daschle says.


  • 那时没有疯狂这件事,几乎没有竞争

    "When no one else is crazy enough to do it, you have little competition," he said.


  • 不是麦凯恩先生从不出什么承诺但是的竞争的要

    It is not that Mr McCain never panders; but he does it less than anyone else who is running.


  • 很明显对于管理来说,使每天事情都促进员工进步成为了必修课,而且还要最大程度减少工作进程中的障碍

    The obvious lesson for managers is that they should do everything in their power to support the daily progress of their workers, and reduce impediments to progress as much as possible.


  • 惯于扯淡广告商政客还有脱口秀主持人“并不会排斥事实权威说谎常常这样站到的对立面,”写道

    An advertiser or a politician or talk show host given to [bull] "does not reject the authority of the truth, as the liar does, and oppose himself to it," he writes.


  • 试着参加那些老道的演讲某个话题演讲的的研讨会观察手势动作语调变化,然后学习付诸实践。

    Try attending seminars where a seasoned speaker gives a speech about a topic. Observe his gestures and mannerisms. Observe his tone variations. Start putting your learning into practice.


  • 由于雪佛龙的股价大跌等额空雪佛龙的配对交易所获的利润抵消部分所有损失

    Yet a pairs trader with equal short exposure to Chevron would offset some or all of those losses with profits as Chevron tumbled, too.


  • 所以即便继任完全按照乔布斯不是史蒂夫·乔布斯。

    So even if his replacements do exactly what Steve Jobs would have done, it's still not Steve Jobs.


  • 不像一些知名作家自豪一名报道不论主题是什么,力求深刻

    Unlike some famous-name writers, he is proud to be a reporter: whatever the subject, he digs diligently.


  • 但是一个诺贝尔奖获得也这么时,人们突然间觉得如此之酷因为古板科学家不会这么

    Add a Nobel Prize and suddenly other people start acting like he's so cool for doing things stuffy old scientists aren't supposed to do.


  • 斯特议员,自己不是一个严格素食在全议会气候变化辩论之的这发言

    Lord Stern, who said that he was not a strict vegetarian himself, was speaking on the eve of an all-parliamentary debate on climate change.


  • 试着参加那些老道的演讲就某个话题演讲的的研讨会,观察手势动作语调变化,然后将学习付诸实践

    Try attending seminars where a seasoned speaker gives a speech about a topic.Observe his gestures and mannerisms.Observe his tone variations.Start putting your learning into practice.


  • 躲闪与揽事过一个重要区别是:故意自愿要求更多任务,甚至超过可能完成的极限。

    The Dodger differs from the Spread-Too-Thinner in one important way: he intentionally volunteers for more tasks than he can possibly perform.


  • 注意到奥古斯汀:,认为自己放进《诗篇》里,把自己放在说话角色上是没问题的。

    Notice what Augustine's doing: he feels like it's okay for him to get into the Psalm and put himself in the role of the speaker.


  • 可以依此向批评申辩始终没有这么,而是批评声中不断进步。

    He could have used any number of excuses, but he has always bounced back from criticism and risen above it.


  • 然而信主义预期要好,赢得了480个下院席位中的233个,8个就能成为多数党。

    However, the Thaksinites did better than expected, winning 233 seats, only eight short of a majority in the 480-seat lower house (see chart).


  • 这位歌手父亲关系非常不好。声称的父亲逼歌手和时,曾经打过

    The singer had a poor relationship with his father, whom he claimed had beaten him as a child as he pushed him as a singer and dancer.


  • 告诉追随戒酒努力工作并存自己生意还要重新获得种族贵族感

    He told his followers to avoid alcohol, to work hard and save money, to own their own businesses, and to regain a sense of the nobility of their race.


  • 银行方面本借贷抵押告知当中存在风险

    The Banks should have warned borrowers of the risks they were running when they took out their mortgages, he says.


  • 同时骄傲地请来访父亲遮盖井口挡板防止再次发生类似事故。

    At the same time, he is proud to show visitors the wooden barrier he and his father built to cover the well, to prevent similar incidents.


  • 同时骄傲地请来访父亲遮盖井口挡板防止再次发生类似事故。

    At the same time, he is proud to show visitors the wooden barrier he and his father built to cover the well, to prevent similar incidents.


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