• 课上以及赢家教育发现自己很难决定

    In the afternoon of class education, and the winners do decide to find themselves.


  • 喜悦承诺,别忧伤回答,别在愤怒下决定三思而后行,睿智行为

    Do not promise us joy o 'clock, do not answers, when in distress, do not make a decision in anger. Think twice and make wise behavior.


  • 我们最终做下决定之前我们所有条件再梳理,这样保证大家在所有事情上都有个共同认知

    Before we finalize everything, let's just go over the terms one more time to make sure that everyone's on the same page.


  • 抱歉因为无权最后决定那种情况不得不别人求助

    He said he was very sorry because it was beyond his power to make the final decision. In that case, I had to turn to others for help.


  • 某些情况学校应该帮助孩子们找到成熟方式来同样事情,如创造艺术交朋友决定,这些事情永恒快乐源泉

    In some cases, schools should help children find new, more grown-up ways of doing the same things that are constant sources of joy: making art, making friends, making decisions.


  • 通过随机问题引擎就会帮决定

    By asking you seemingly random questions, the engine helped you make decisions.


  • 这种情况通常是男朋友或者老公在不告知她们的情况决定,事后才告诉他们的时候发生。

    This happens mostly when boyfriends and husbands make decisions without their knowledge and tells them over dinner.


  • Lowenthal说:“认为我们应当深呼吸一而不是急匆匆决定。”要知道一只抵着我们的脑袋

    I just really would like us to take a deep breath, not to make decisions because there's a gun to our head.


  • 那时侯开始,特别关注人们怎么传达他们新的地址现在决定这个话题“该怎么”。

    Ever since then I have been paying special attention to how people communicate their new addresses and have now decided to write a 'how to' about the subject.


  • 例如本案中一共有四种可能,见图。在信息完全情况无论女人是否有浪漫兴趣男子必须决定

    For example, in the case at hand, the man must decide, in the absence of complete information, whether the woman is romantically interested in him or not.


  • 大都会警方之后透露,警方考虑伦敦混乱期间断开社交网络最终法律建议决定这样

    The Metropolitan police later revealed it had considered switching off social networks during the disorder in London, but had decided not to on legal advice.


  • 难以清楚地方全球系统的一部分只需小修一,哪里又翻新甚至重整一番——有权这样的决定

    Much harder to figure out is which bits of the global architecture need mere tweaking, which need retooling or replacing—and who should have the right to decide.


  • 其它情况移植受者可能违反医生医嘱决定减少停用免疫抑制治疗尽管这样可能会失去移植器官的风险。

    In other cases, transplant recipients decide to reduce or stop immunosuppressive therapy against their physicians advice, even though by doing so, they risk losing their transplanted organ.


  • 通常状况孩子们要求老人去疗养院但是这位老奶奶的状况却是自己自己决定。“病了两次告诉女儿我只能这里了,我已经不能回去了”老人告诉我

    Usually, it's the children who push for a change, but in this case, she was the one who did. "I fell twice in one week, and I told my daughter I don't belong at home anymore," she said.


  • 母亲71岁时候成功从结肠癌来,患上了无法治愈的白血病那时改变想法她的健康护理顾问,在最后的时刻决定是否移除生命支持设备。

    My mother, at only 71, faced with incurable leukemia after surviving colon cancer, changed her mind and asked me, as her health-care proxy, to authorize the removal of life support when the time came.


  • 很多情况妇女迫于社会压力而将女性胎儿打掉的,妇女自己决定例子

    In many cases, a woman aborts her female fetus in response to societal pressure, but there are also instances when the woman herself makes the decision.


  • 想象生产所有决定最后必须知道是不是在浪费资源

    Think of all the decisions that have to be made on the production end that require you to know whether you are wasting resources or not.


  • 或许我们问一约翰逊先生可以决定

    B: Well, maybe we'll go to ask Mr. Johnson. He has the final say.


  • 构架师需要决定(经常需要压力决定),并且保证这些决定经过成员之间的交流的,并且确保它能够执行

    An architect must be able to make decisions (often under pressure), and make sure that those decisions are communicated, understood, and, ultimately, implemented.


  • 即使日程安排无法控制也可以决定挑选重要事情有需要,跟你老板商量

    Even if you have little control over your schedule, you can decide that you'll slow down, and pick the important things to work on, and if necessary, talk to your boss about doing this.


  • 首先决定是否需要这么

    First of all, determine whether or not you need such a thing at all.


  • 现在无法决定考虑一

    I can't make a decision at this time. Let me sleep on it.


  • 现在无法决定考虑一

    I can't make a decision at this time. Let me sleep on it.


- 来自原声例句

进来说说原因吧 确定

进来说说原因吧 确定