• 事情的结果不我们所希望那样时,我们容易假设如果我们的事情不同故事一个更快乐结局

    When things don't turn out as we would like them to, it is very tempting to assume that had we done things differently, the story would have had a happier ending.


  • 目前有…这里有一个完整故事线,有些喜欢假设哈利马尔福故事

    Apparently there’s a whole storyline that some people like to pursue where Harry and Draco… Yes.


  • 制作一部剧集的时候总是假设观众第一次接触这个故事

    I need to create a show and assume that the people who are watching it, are watching it for the first time.


  • 这样实际上滚雪球,期望未来某个假设时间点所有故事可以完成(如果这样情况真的能够发生的话),而且可以进行一次大规模发布

    We are rolling a snowball, saving up for a big bang release at some hypothetical point in the future when all stories are complete (if that ever happens).


  • 故事过程所做一系列假设应该收集起来(这个列表稍后可以证明正确),另外还加上故事板过程中查询的任何限制条件

    A list of assumptions made during the storyboarding process should be gathered (the list can later be verified as being correct), plus any constraints discovered during the storyboarding.


  • 举例来说假设非常喜欢这个故事因此Entertainment容器中的其他故事

    Let's say, for example, that you liked that story so much you want to see some other stories, but only those in the Entertainment container.


  • 例如,假设你接手项目1000个故事,一团队速率大约每周完成50个故事点,相当于80人周的工作量

    Let's also say that a team of four has established an estimated velocity of 50 points per week. This looks like about an 80 man-week job.


  • 现在假设我们正在使用TemplateMethod模式,那么我们可以将清单4中的方法看作空白,而清单 5中的代码组成故事的情节

    Now, given that we're using the Template Method pattern, think of the methods in Listing 4 as the blanks and the code in Listing 5 as the story that assembles them


  • 封面故事主编戴安娜传记作者TinaBrown撰写,该故事假设戴妃遭遇车祸身亡,现在生活状况的想象

    The cover and corresponding story, penned by editor-in-chief and Diana biographer Tina Brown, imagines what her life would be like today if tragedy had not struck on Aug. 31, 1997.


  • 假设他们现在开始sprint每个团队两个用户故事要开发(通常一个sprint更多故事)。

    Let's say they are going to start a sprint now, with two user stories per team (usually there will be more stories than that in a sprint).


  • 许多个人亲身故事证实了这个假设一旦我们历经了深层投入,便会陷入一种渴望铭记希望重复状态

    Many personal stories confirm the hypothesis that once we experience deep engagement, it is a state we long for, remember, and want to repeat.


  • 多年大城市生活经验,使得可以假设如果朋友们——包括我在内,真的得到过童话般美好的结局那么这个故事早就结束

    After years of living in the city I assumed that if my friends and I ever got our fairy tale endings that would be the end of the story.


  • 一些学者假设潜藏着历史记忆,在上帝神奇兑现许诺详细的戏剧化故事

    Some scholars assume there's a historical memory behind the elaborate and dramatic story of a miraculous redemption by God.


  • 对于倾诉来说,重要他们的故事有人倾听,而无需打断假设判断

    Yet all those things do not really matter. What matters to the storyteller is that the story is heard - without interruption, assumption or judgment.


  • 假设广告主已经将最合适广告投放最合适的人群。 广告主的故事就讲完了吗?

    So now, advertisers have delivered the right ad to the right audience at the right place - does the story end here?


  • 故事情节挑战不少社会基本假设探索了“文明”生活最普遍的麻烦

    The story lines challenge some of society's most basic assumptions and explore some of the most universally troublesome aspects of "civilized" life.


  • 假设用户访问随机概率较高饲料环节用户浏览历史记录包含故事身份标志

    Assuming users visit links in their feed with higher probability than a random user, browsing histories contain tell-tale marks of identity.


  • 假设用户访问随机概率较高饲料环节用户浏览历史记录包含故事身份标志

    Assuming users visit links in their feed with higher probability than a random user, browsing histories contain tell-tale marks of identity.


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