• 我们需要更多控制性实验论证这个假设的作用机理

    But, he says, more controlled experiments are needed to confirm the proposed mechanism.


  • 这种假设增加社会离婚接纳相当大作用

    This assumption played a considerable part in increasing the social acceptability of divorce.


  • 然而关于地震之间微妙相互作用最新证据可能颠覆假设

    Latest evidence of subtle interactions between earthquakes may subvert this assumption, however.


  • 然而最近有关地震之间微妙相互作用证据可能会推翻假设

    Recent evidence of subtle interactions between earthquakes may overturn this assumption, however.


  • 如果请求只是没有重要作用简单查询请求,请求可以连接重发消息(假设能够建立个连接)。

    If the request was a simple query request with no important side effects, then the requester could resend the message on a new connection (assuming one can be established).


  • 当然这种假设受制于僵尸的时候才起作用保守主义者可能就此止步。

    To be sure, that assumption works when confined to zombies, but it is unlikely that neoconservatives would stop there.


  • 假设每人节省2,500美元,总共只用2,500,000,000美元,和15万亿美元的经济赤字相比微不足道,刺激房屋购买也不到任何作用了。

    Assuming savings of $2, 500 each, that makes just $2.5 billion in additional cash, barely noticeable in a $15 trillion economy. Nor will it do anything to stimulate house-buying.


  • 重新审视学术假设研究人员作用

    Re-examine assumptions about scholarship and the roles of researchers.


  • 假设这个刺激计划作用这样操作央行带来利润,而不是像采取财政政策一样增加国家赤字

    Assuming the stimulus works, this operation will be profitable for the central Banks -a important difference when comparing this to fiscal measures that raise national debts.


  • 假设这个刺激计划作用这样操作央行带来利润不是像采取财政政策一样增加国家赤字

    Assuming the stimulus works, this operation will be profitable for the central Banks - a important difference when comparing this to fiscal measures that raise national debts.


  • 报告认为扩大生物燃料的使用生产减少温室气体排放量所起的作用不一定以前假设那样。”

    "Expanded use and production of biofuels will not necessarily contribute as much to reducing greenhouse gas emissions as was previously assumed," the report finds.


  • 给出引力作用规律关于物质分布假设下一步得出宇宙动力学规律——空间和质量如何时间相互作用

    Given a law of gravity and an assumption about how the matter is distributed, the next step is to work out the dynamics of the universe - how space and the matter in it evolves with time.


  • 另外还有一个大胆假设只有得到国会通过,我们策略才能产生作用

    There was also another big if. The strategy would work only if Congress adopted it.


  • 一个通常策略假设一些诸如人口增长气候变化技术革新的外因,然后说明制度文化作用

    A common strategy is to posit some externalcause such as population growth, climate change, or a new technology, and thenshow its effect on institutions and culture.


  • 可能假设情况相反即时优化不在创建实例时或方法运行发生而是定义作用内发生。

    Contrary to what you might assume, just-in-time does not happen when an instance is created, or methods run, but rather in the scope where the class is defined.


  • 假设自己完美的相信潜意识作用

    Visualize Yourself as Perfect: I believe in the power of the subconscious mind.


  • 场景中,假设车借给哥哥驾驶您的中游玩,然后将车归还您,第二天,您发动机不起作用

    In this scenario, you loan your car to your brother one day, and he USES it to drive around town. He returns it to you after his voyage, and the next day, the engine won't start.


  • 这些对于产后抑郁症作用假设远未得到证实。

    These hypothesized functions for PPD are far from proved.


  • 假设保护作用黑洞边界随着黑洞一起消失,中心的奇点黑洞消亡的一刻暴露出来。

    Assuming that the protective event horizon evaporates along with the black hole, the singularity at the center could be exposed at the moment the black hole winks out of existence.


  • 提醒你们假设力场固体可以固体作用测量出扭转力矩

    I want to remind you that if we have a solid in a force field, we can measure the torque exerted by the force on the solid.


  • 但是正如达尔文工作表明的那样,我们关于竞争实际上如何作用最佳理解并不支持假设

    But our best understanding of how competition actually functions, as Darwin's work makes clear, supports no such presumption.


  • 上述反射性对称性作用使人们抛弃有效市场假设彻底反思监管机制

    The role of reflexivity and the asymmetries identified earlier ought to prompt a rejection of the efficient market hypothesis and a thorough reconsideration of the regulatory regime.


  • 假设出口经济增长不起作用内需的增长速度大概过去相当。

    Suppose that net exports contribute nothing to growth, and that domestic demand grows at roughly the same pace as it has in the past five years.


  • 亨希尔·伍德博士红色赭石假设象征性作用来自大量普遍的红色材料这些许多非洲遗址上发现的红色材料已达16万年之久

    The assumed symbolic role of red ocher, said Dr. Henshilwood, comes from the large amounts of the predominantly red material found at a number of African sites as old as 160, 000 years.


  • 个合理假设,即酒精成分起到描述作用

    It is reasonable to assume that the alcohol component would have the effect that I have described.


  • 预先假设作用Linux发行版已安装非外来的(nonexotic)硬件上,即使LFS可能没有配置工具脚本那么关注。

    Presuppose a functioning Linux distribution installed on nonexotic hardware, even though LFS is probably less demanding as far as configuration tools and scripting are concerned.


  • 油罐车冷却机制可以假设散热器冷却相对来说重要作用

    In the cooling mechanism, it can be assumed that the radiator coolant plays a relatively important role.


  • 适当的设备我们可以研究这些相互作用要么证实否定假设

    With the appropriate equipment, we could study these interactions and either confirm or refute the hypotheses.


  • 假设研究材料线弹性,多个作用效应符合材料力学叠加原理

    Suppose the investigated material is linear-elastic, the multi-force effect should satisfy the superposition principle.


  • 假设研究材料线弹性,多个作用效应符合材料力学叠加原理

    Suppose the investigated material is linear-elastic, the multi-force effect should satisfy the superposition principle.


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