• 绝对值得

    It was definitely worth the wait.


  • 有些值得如果一直不到,不到不用可惜幸运

    Some man or woman is worth, and so on, if you do not wait, wait for no pity that is lucky.


  • 既然预装Windows7的电脑只有就上市了,还是值得除非马上需要电脑

    Since PCs preloaded with Windows 7 are only two weeks away, it's worth the wait, unless you are need of a new PC right away.


  • 最近这些历史学家继承比尔德贝克二十世纪早期进步派”历史学家一些观点,他们提出观点值得我们仔细分析。

    Inheritors of some of the viewpoints of early twentieth-century Progressive historians such as Beard and Becker, these recent historians have put forward arguments that deserve evaluation.


  • 承认练习确实会改变大脑值得怀疑的认定这些改变会影响负责空间推理数学问题其他大脑区域的主张。

    Practice does change the brain, he allows, but what is questionable is the assertion that these changes affect other brain regions, such as those responsible for spatial reasoning or math problems.


  • 本周刊值得一读,它展示了中国所取得的诸如“嫦娥五号”、“天问一号”和“奋斗者号”伟大的科技成就。

    The weekly magazine is worth reading, which presents China's great scientific achievements, such as Chang'e-5, Tianwen l and Fendouzhe.


  • 如果重组企业整合原因而砍掉职位,则可能值得

    But if a position was lost as part of a restructuring or consolidation, it may not be worth the effort.


  • 其他资源信号量网络句柄数据库连接同样值得考虑

    Other resources, such as semaphores, network handles, database connections, and so on, deserve the same consideration.


  • 国际原子能机构化武组织多边核查组织核查经验更具普遍意义值得认真总结

    The experience of existing multilateral verification mechanisms, such as IAEA and OPCW is of broader significance and deserves careful review.


  • 一定会不同意其中一些观点因为立场观念区别很大许多谈话都是值得的。

    You’ll definitely disagree with some of them, because there’s a large diversity of opinions, but many talks are worth listening to.


  • 一定会不同意其中一些观点因为立场观念区别很大许多谈话都是值得的。

    You'll definitely disagree with some of them, because there's a large diversity of opinions, but many talks are worth listening to.


  • 电视里很多值得一看的节目包括新闻音乐讨论当前社会问题的节目

    There are many worthwhile programs on televion, including news, concerts, programs on current social problems and so on.


  • 新闻每日都会更新主要文章每周进行更新,而且内容十分全面并且价值,所以值得

    News is updated daily and main articles are updated on a weekly basis and are well worth the wait. The content is very useful and very thorough.


  • 酒店边缘还有许多的城堡花园其他值得探索娱乐活动,探索参观传说中的路易斯十四皇家领地

    Just beyond the borders of the Hotel however lies a world of castles, gardens and amusements to explore, including the legendary Royal Domain of Louis XIV.


  • 爱丽丝想反正没什么不如这儿也许最后一点儿值得听的话的。

    Alice thought she might as well wait, as she had nothing else to do, and perhaps after all it might tell her something worth hearing.


  • 旧金山山顶上地产价格比较昂贵,也值得购买,而且山越价格也越高,像诺布俄罗斯山,太平洋高地

    Hilltop real estate in San Francisco gets more expensive and desirable the higher you go: Nob Hill, Russian Hill, Pacific Heights.


  • 这就要求应聘者查阅招聘方的最新新闻稿、财务年报媒体报导行业博客社交圈值得信任人士进行咨询。

    Read recent company press releases, annual reports, media coverage and industry blogs, and consult with trusted members of your network.


  • 由于音乐录制音乐所以生成播放列表是需要时间的。不过读写网Frederic Lardinois初次评述来看(link),它还是值得

    Because libraries are taken from recorded music, it takes a while to populate playlists; however, according to RWW's initial review by Frederic Lardinois, the service is worth the wait.


  • 很少商店值得花费超过15分钟的时间,包括Bed,Bath & Beyongd商店(卖床上用品,浴卫用品厨房用品家具类小商品)或是当地的PotteryBarn商店(家具店)。

    There are only a handful of stores that it is exceptable to spend more than 15 minutes in. This list does not include Bed, Bath and Beyond or the local Pottery Barn.


  • 最后报告认为图书馆现在值得开发手机上的电子书电子期刊应用

    In the end, though, the report argues that it is currently "not worth libraries putting development resource into delivering content such as eBooks and e-journals to mobile devices at present."


  • 我们那么还是值得的,因为我们买到了想要

    It was worthwhile for us to wait so long because we bought the tickets we had wanted.


  • 连线执行主编凯文·凯利(Kevin Kelly)最近采访布鲁克斯,二人就失败的益处、小写字母苹果有什么值得我们学习之处一些奇奇怪怪的问题作了深入讨论

    Wired's founding executive editor, Kevin Kelly, spoke with Brooks to discuss the upside of failure, lowercase letters, and what we can learn from Apple.


  • 股市方面,衣食住行、医疗教育基本消费板块值得考虑

    For the stock market, basic consuming sectors including life necessities, health care and education are worth considering.


  • 最后提出几个值得探索的研究方向寻求一种新的适合分析非正弦脉冲UWB系统的无线通信理论

    Finally, several valuable research directions are put forward, such as seeking a new wireless communications theory adapted to analyze nonsinusoidal UWB impulse radio, etc.


  • 最后提出几个值得探索的研究方向寻求一种新的适合分析非正弦脉冲UWB系统的无线通信理论

    Finally, several valuable research directions are put forward, such as seeking a new wireless communications theory adapted to analyze nonsinusoidal UWB impulse radio, etc.


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