• 同时波士顿科技公司的债券信用评级这个垃圾债券”的状态。

    Meanwhile boston scientific's credit standing with ratings agencies this month fell into junk bond territory.


  • 投资人过于依赖投资决策过程得出风险分析,而这些分析主要都是债券信用评级

    Investors relied far too much on the risk analysis coming from elsewhere in the investment decision process - mainly bond credit ratings.


  • 存在个问题信用评级机构对他们投资大部分债券给予了AAA评级

    Part of the problem is that the rating agencies were rating their securities that they were investing in as AAA, in many cases.


  • 然而最近德国债券广泛蔓延开来。评级机构穆迪二月发出警告,如果不进行盘整越来越债务威胁到法国三A级信用

    Yet the spread over German bonds has widened recently, and in February Moody’s, a rating agency, warned that in the absence of consolidation, rising debt could threaten France’s AAA rating.


  • 信用评级国库债券的关系不大,远远不如公司债券之间的关系。

    A credit rating is far less relevant to Treasury bonds than it is to, say, a corporate bond.


  • 救援计划购买那些原有信用评级达到AAA级债券这一原则那些最差的资产排除在外。

    And the scheme will buy only securities that originally had an AAA credit rating, which rules out the nastiest stuff.


  • 一个可以理解的,也是深受欢迎的建议---如果投资者主权债券从来没有遭受损失那么为什么还烦扰根据他们信用评级区分这些国家呢?

    This is an understandable, even desirable, ideaif investors never lost money on sovereign bonds, why bother to distinguish among countries according to their credit rating?


  • 鉴于法国拥有完美AAA信用评级,其债券理应视为零风险,眼下这样的保险成本实在是太高了。

    That's a considerable payout on debt that should ostensibly be considered risk free given the nation's perfect triple-A credit rating.


  • 由于EFSF本身也需要发行债券支付买进所有坏账,因此,为了维持其3 A信用评级基金只能购买价值3,000亿欧元的债券

    To maintain its triple-A credit rating, as the EFSF issues its own bonds to pay for all the bad debt it buys up, it could only really acquire around 300 billion euros worth of debt.


  • 委员会态度暗示某种偏执就是欧洲主权债券发行人被信用评级机构不公正对待

    The attitude of the commission also suggests a certain paranoia that European sovereign issuers are being treated unfairly by ratings agencies.


  • 由于评级机构准备下调这些债券保险商信用等级使他们业务遭到严重打击。监管者敦促他们,要不注入新的资金,要不就分折业务。

    With rating agencies preparing to downgrade them to levels that could destroy their business, and regulators pushing for bail-outs or break-ups, the monolines' moment of truth has arrived.


  • 这些债券保险商失去最高的信用评级他们担心很多债券发行商面临更高的发行成本,这使得这些发行商难以生存。

    Were the monolines to lose their top-notch ratings, they fear, many issuers could struggle to meet higher funding costs.


  • 信用评级发行期限更为丰富与完整有利于形成合理公司债券收益率曲线二级市场流通提供定价基准

    The maturity of various credit rating bond is more abundance will help to build up a rational corporate bond yield curve, and provide pricing benchmark for secondary market circulation.


  • 标普(Standard &Poor近期下调美国主权信用评级后,各界再次开始热议评级机构是否值得信赖:它们是否能够公平地评估各类债券

    The recent downgrade of U.S. debt by Standard &Poor's reignited the debate over whether ratings agencies can be trusted to fairly assess different types of debt.


  • 信用评级机构最近已将希腊债券评级下调为“垃圾级”(junkstatus),与同时,葡萄牙西班牙评级也遭降低

    Ratings agencies have recently downgraded Greek bonds to junk status, as well as lowered the ratings of Portugal and Spain.


  • 也许正是这种行动迟缓的恐惧解释Fitch一家大型信用评级机构选择周来降低希腊主权债券等级一级A-进一步下调BBB +。

    That fear of acting too late may explain why Fitch, a big credit-rating agency, chose this week to lower Greece's sovereign-debt rating by another notch, from a - to BBB +.


  • 本周一家面临资金困难资产公司-Thornburg,,以9-95销售了200亿美元最高信用评级债券

    This week Thornburg, a property firm facing funding difficulties, sold an array of top-notch securities worth over $20 billion at a 5-10% discount.


  • 然而最近德国债券广泛蔓延开来。评级机构穆迪二月发出警告,如果不进行盘整越来越债务威胁到法国三a级信用

    Yet the spread over German bonds has widened recently, and in February Moody's, a rating agency, warned that in the absence of consolidation, rising debt could threaten France's AAA rating.


  • 过去中,这些机构为渴望盈利银行信贷债券提供信用评级而获得利润。

    Those rating agencies have earned huge sums in the past ten years offering opinions on the creditworthiness of an alphabet soup of mortgage-related securities created by over-eager Banks.


  • 计算债券信用风险损失可以充分利用评级公司公布数据具体计算债券信用风险值,本文给出这种方法例子

    In calculating the credit loss of bond, we can efficiently use the data list by the rating company to calculate specifically credit loss of the all bonds. This paper gives the methods and cases.


  • 凯恩斯主义者反唇相讥——债券市场下跌很少渐进式的,往往一个消息就能触发一轮大跌,比如信用评级下调

    The anti-Keynesians point out that bond market sell-offs are seldom gradual. All it takes is one piece of bad news – a credit rating downgrade, for example – to trigger a sell-off.


  • 中国进出口银行最近日本取得债券信用等级AA-日本金融市场当前中国银行最高债券评级

    Recently, the Import and Export bank of China won a bond credit rating of AA - in Japan, which is currently the highest bond rating given to a Chinese bank by the Japanese financial market.


  • 几周来,资金再度源源流入专事购买垃圾债券美国基金。所谓垃圾债券,是指负债相对较重、信用评级较低高风险公司发行债券

    In recent weeks, money has again poured into us funds focused on buying junk bonds - debt issued by risky companies with relatively high levels of debt and lower credit ratings.


  • 最近危机中,在债券市场意识违约风险之前评级机构就已经开始下调欧元区国家信用评级了。

    In the current European crisis, ratings firms had begun to downgrade peripheral euro-zone countries years before bond markets woke up to default risk.


  • 公司期待交易最高等级的部分可以获得道明债券评级DBRS)的A类评级意味着良好信用质量

    The company said it expects the most seniorslice of the two-tranche deal to receive a single A rating from DBRS, indicating it is thought to be of "good credit quality".


  • 他们担心更多消息诸如债券保险信用 等级评级调低,引发恶性循环

    They feared more bad news, such as the downgrading of bond insurance, could set off a nasty downward spiral.


  • 这些评级机构决定所需信用级程度,以便获得可用于与具有相同评级公司债券比较信用评级

    These agencies determine the amount of credit enhancement required to produce a credit quality comparable to that of a same-rated corporate bond.


  • 这些评级机构决定所需信用级程度,以便获得可用于与具有相同评级公司债券比较信用评级

    These agencies determine the amount of credit enhancement required to produce a credit quality comparable to that of a same-rated corporate bond.


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