• 第二了这个地区发现吉斯坦繁荣一个地区,街道两旁是富丽堂皇的黄砖砌的房子

    When I travel there the next day, I discover that it is one of Dagestan's more prosperous districts, its streets lined with handsome, yellow-brick houses.


  • 瑞俄斯欣然应允。奥德要求所有追求者在国王作出决定之前庄严地发誓无论谁获选,其他人都捍卫中选者,反对任何争吵的人。

    Tyndareus readily agreed and Odysseus proposed that, before the decision was made, all the suitors should swear a most solemn oath to defend the chosen husband against whoever should quarrel with him.


  • 汉尼·法理德教授新罕布什尔州茅斯学院计算机科学家他的博士研究生埃里克·基对进行了调查。

    Professor Hany Farid, a computer scientist at Dartmouth College in New Hampshire, and his PhD student Eric Kee, have been investigating photo retouching.


  • 这个研究发起人马赖安博士,他是盖恩斯维尔弗罗里大学急诊医学助教,他人们貌似了解肥胖造成健康问题

    Women seemed more attuned tothe health issues posed by obesity, said study author Dr. Matthew Ryan, an assistant professor of emergency medicine at University of Florida,Gainesville.


  • 但是创始人史蒂夫•佩寇拉、林·克罗·威尔、马·科纳塔科斯明•哥塔希望有朝一日直接生产商合作以便能拿到低的价格

    But founders Steven Pecora, Darrin Cromwell, Matthew Conetta, and Cosmin Ghotta hope to one day partner with manufacturers directly to get even better deals.


  • 23有,拥有一半伊朗血统的日本人,现效力日本职棒联盟火腿斗士,为该队的主力投手然而,出色的身体素质明星亮丽的外表带给了他无数疯狂的粉丝。

    Twenty-three-year-old half-Iranian, half-Japanese Nippon Ham Fighters pitcher Darvish, however, is hot, hot, hot -- a perfect combination of physical prowess and movie-star good looks.


  • 这个团队随后推断西先生不像科林·弗斯以及·麦克法迪恩所刻画形象那样,应该长的平坦胸膛

    The team subsequently concluded that, unlike Colin Firth and Matthew Macfadyen's depictions of Mr Darcy, he would have had slender, sloping shoulders and a modestly-sized chest.


  • 佛陀外在层次上的是悉多-摩,那位舍弃了王族头衔进入丛林最终证得觉醒印度王子

    The Buddha, on the external level, refers to Siddhattha Gotama, the Indian prince who renounced his royal titles and went into the forest, meditating until he ultimately gained Awakening.


  • 2004年元月17周六佛罗里参加每年奥兰多举行农历新年园游活动。

    On Saturday, January 17, 2004, Florida center initiates attended the annual lunar New Year fair held at orlandos Florida state fairgrounds.


  • ·贝克是一名航运纽约市导游他说油轮纽约有着历史意义上关系

    Matthew Baker, a shipping aficionado and New York tour guide, says Cunard and the city have a historic relationship.


  • 胡瑗提倡“明体用”教育目的,创设“教学制度,强调“因材施教”的教育原则,并且注重教学方法的运用和教育管理。

    He creates his Suhu methodology on basis of the traditional Confucianism, advocating pragmatic educational objectives, separate class teaching system, and the aptitude teaching principle.


  • 现在许多认为这个当代新生事物出自现代思潮的洪水猛兽,它想要吞噬艺术之神安德洛。于是,一位斯就会时不时出现。

    I think there are many persons who look upon this new birth of our times as a sort of monster rising out of the sea of modern thought with the purpose of devouring the Andromeda of art.


  • 基金收益率8.7%,甚至超过中国基金另外一个来自波士顿封闭式基金竞争者CHN,后者目前为止的增长6.3%。

    Deng's fund has even outperformed the Matthews China fund (MCHFX), up 8.7% and another closed-end competitor from Boston, the China fund (CHN), which is up 6.3% YTD.


  • 飓风风速小时155英哩50年来登陆地造成土石流的最强风暴

    With wind speeds reaching 155 miles per hour, Hurricane Matthew is considered the worst storm to make landfall in Haiti in more than 50 years.


  • 数千年以后渔翁海里捞起了一口棺材,发现了还是婴儿珀尔死去妈妈

    Millennia later, a fisherman rescues a coffin from sea. He finds baby Perseus and his dead mother Danae in it.


  • 佛陀外在层次上的是悉多-摩,那位舍弃了王族头衔进入丛林最终 证得觉醒印度王子

    Thee Buddha, on the external level, refers to Siddhattha Gotama, the Indian prince who renounced his royal titles and went into the forest, meditating until he ultimately gained Awakening.


  • 内在外在实践根本

    From the intrinsic to the repair of the external practice of the fundamental.


  • 内在外在实践根本

    From the intrinsic to the repair of the external practice of the fundamental.


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