• 通过现在修建建筑一百修建具有相同规模建筑物在重量的差异,我们可以衡量出一领域进步

    Progress in this area can be measured by the difference in weight between buildings built now and those of comparable size built one hundred years ago.


  • 门廊19世纪模仿诺曼式建筑修建

    The doorway is a 19th century reconstruction of Norman work.


  • 一千美国西南部现代祖尼人和皮人祖先在他们统治土地上修建了复杂的道路建筑后来由于一些不为人所知的原因,又遗弃了这些复杂的道路和建筑

    The ancestors of the modern Zuni and Hopi built and then, for reasons still mysterious, abandoned the complex roads and structures of the domain they ruled a millennium ago in the American southwest.


  • 如果人们知道他们民族集团以及家庭注定消亡他们便不会修建永久性建筑

    If people knew that their nation, group and family were doomed to perish, they would build no lasting buildings.


  • 直觉告诉一座公元前八世纪世纪的建筑,”,即修建所罗门一百多年,所罗门死于公元前930年。

    "My gut tells me this is an eighth - or ninth-century building," he says, constructed a hundred years or more after Solomon died in 930 B.C..


  • 西方国家支持下,他帮位于阿富汗的同盟哈米德·卡尔扎伊修建铁路,电网国会建筑那儿印度第五捐助国

    With Western support, it is also building roads, a power grid and a new parliament building for its ally, Hamid Karzai, in Afghanistan, where India is the fifth-largest donor.


  • 许多受灾的社区已经修建住房学校恢复了道路电力供水以及建筑卫生服务

    Many communities that saw catastrophic damage have rebuilt homes and schools, and restored roads, electricity, water and sanitation to buildings.


  • 构造原理来自一个德国词汇意思基本的构造,建筑修建原则

    The Aufbau principle comes from a German word which means it is essentially construction or building, build-up principle.


  • 然而建筑近几年暂不会动工因为计划完善修建中心所需的资金到位

    Construction, though, will not begin for a few years yet; the plans are not completed, and the centre's funding is not in place.


  • 隔壁正在兴建公寓建筑工人正在切割修建地基所用钢筋不过一把铁锤不断地打,直到钢筋断裂

    It is the sound of workers cutting through all of the re-bar to pour the foundation for the apartment house being built next door but striking it with a small hammer, repeatedly, until it breaks.


  • 领事馆隔壁领事寓所修建1873年,仍旧矗立外滩古老建筑之一。

    The consulate, and the consul's residence next door, were built in 1873 and are some of the oldest buildings still standing on the Bund.


  • 而现在法国对SacyrVallehermoso(西班牙一家建筑公司)要收购曾经修建艾菲尔铁塔,具有历史性意义Eiffage组织感到焦急不安。

    Now the French are shaking in their shoes over a bid by Sacyr Vallehermoso, a Spanish construction company, for the historic Eiffage construction group, which built the Eiffel Tower.


  • 他们抵达村落的时候,上百欢呼学生在HoaLac学校门口列队欢迎。这座两层楼高的水泥建筑正是由Carly募捐修建的。

    Now, as they approached the village, hundreds of cheering schoolchildren lined the entrance to the Hoa Lac school, a two-story concrete building that Carly had raised money for.


  • 现在的图像中看不到无人机出现座2006年后修建建筑其它设施包括足够容纳3架无人机的飞机机库

    There are no visible drones, but it does show that several new buildings and other structures have been erected since 2006, including what appears to be a hangar large enough to fit three drones.


  • 庄严围绕内部红色宫殿闻名这座建筑修建3700或者12000英尺的山上。

    Famous for its imposing white walls surrounding the inner red palace, the building sits at 3, 700 meters or over 12, 000 feet.


  • 庄严围绕内部红色宫殿闻名这座建筑修建3700或者12000英尺的山上。

    Famous for its imposing white walls surrounding the inner red palace, the building sits at 3,700 meters or over 12,000 feet.


  • 地震虽然震级小很多,但造成至少22万人丧 生原因震中并且接近该国首都这里很多建筑都是没有监管的情况下修建的。

    Though much smaller, Haiti's quake has claimed at least 220,000 lives because its epicenter was shallow and near a capital where many structures were built with virtually no oversight.


  • 在泡沫言论盛嚣尘上的同时建筑商们还在继续修建房屋。

    Builders, meanwhile, continue to build.


  • 他们拆除那些建筑以便腾出地方修建新的公路

    They have razed those buildings to make way for the new highway.


  • 主厅这些建筑物当中第一修建在这块地方其他部分都是约翰逊超过五十时间扩建添加上去的。

    The main pavilion was the first of the buildings to be built on the estate. The others were added by Johnson over a period of fifty years.


  • 我们新陈代谢延伸如果愿意意味着可以修建一个耗能很少建筑

    It's an extension to our metabolism, if you like, and this means you can build a building and use far less energy.


  • 最后名木匠将名片装药瓶里,将瓶子密封他们正在修建建筑

    Then they shoved it into a pill bottle and sealed it inside the walls of the building they were working on.


  • 再次提醒鉴于企业拥有大量闲置建筑设备为什么还要修建建筑购买新的设备呢?

    Again, given that businesses have plenty of idle structures and machines, why should they be building or buying even more?


  • 谈到所有建筑修建无障碍设施残疾人重要性

    I talked about the importance of access facilities for persons with disabilities in all buildings.


  • 临时使用土地使用者应当按照临时使用土地合同约定用途使用土地,并不得修建永久性建筑

    Users who use the land temporarily should use the land according to the purposes agreed upon in the contract for the temporary use of land and should not build permanent structures.


  • 临时使用土地使用者应当按照临时使用土地合同约定用途使用土地,并不得修建永久性建筑

    Users who use the land temporarily should use the land according to the purposes agreed upon in the contract for the temporary use of land and should not build permanent structures.


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