• 康米神父胸前掏出一封,递给布鲁尼·莱姆,并指了指拐角处的红色邮筒

    Father Conmee gave a letter from his breast to Brunny Lynam and pointed to the red pillarbox at the corner.


  • 它是这样一个工作可以支付5.50瑞典克朗(大约相当于70美分),放在邮筒里,第二就已经到达了基律(瑞典北端的城市)。

    That it works. That you can pay 5.50 [Swedish] kronor [about 70 cents], put it in a mailbox, and the next day the letter arrives in Kiruna [the northernmost city in Sweden].


  • 但是今年读起来令人沮丧。

    But Fontana says this year, the letters have been bleak.


  • 第二天早上彼得斯桌子上看到一封,上面写道:"乔森·彼得斯在我们公司11

    The following morning, Peters found a letter on his desk. It read, "Jonathan Peters has worked for our company for 11 years.


  • 一个之后父母寄给一封:“黛博拉我们的我们都尽力做了。”

    A month later, Rennard's parents sent her a letter: "We tried to do what you asked, Deborah."


  • 希尔奶奶惊奇地嚷道:“亲爱的小姐,嘉先生打发了一个专差主人送来一封难道你们知道吗?”

    "Dear madam," cried Mrs. Hill, in great astonishment, "don't you know there is an express come for master from Mr." Gardiner?


  • 让斯达本困扰究竟是不是帕特亲手写的呢?

    What bothered Stubener was whether or not Pat had written the letter.


  • 特太太正要答话,不料小厮走了进来,拿来一封小姐尼是斐花园送来的一封,小厮着取

    Mrs. Bennet was prevented replying by the entrance of the footman with a note for Miss Bennet; it came from Netherfield, and the servant waited for an answer.


  • 在经过几年奋斗获得电影拍摄以后,送了一封痛苦的他的英雄,卓越的(或许一半疯狂)德国制片商左格。

    After years of struggling to get his films made, he sent an anguished letter to his hero, the brilliant (and perhaps half-insane) German filmmaker Werner Herzog.


  • 经过编辑修正潦草字错误之后,这些法国出版商贝尔格哈赛三月集合出版名为忧郁》。

    The letters, with the scribbles and errors cleaned up, were published by the French publishing house Bernard Grasset under the title My Blue Love and released in late March.


  • 意大利研究人员本周宣布为了重现激发了李奥多·达芬奇灵感而绘制蒙娜丽莎那个女人的,他们可能发掘的坟墓。

    The woman believed to have inspired Leonardo da Vinci's Mona Lisa may be exhumed in a bid to recreate her face, Italian researchers announced this week.


  • 夫妇没有按时收着,便时常内容使悲哀的要求使她破产。

    The Thenardiers, who were not promptly paid, wrote to her constantly letters whose contents drove her to despair, and whose carriage ruined her.


  • 写了一封为了第家去回来,又了字。他们没有什么的了,不是吗?

    He wants to give me a surprise, you know! he made me sign a letter so that she could be taken from the Thenardiers; they cannot say anything, can they?


  • 马德兰先生赶紧了一封弟夫妇。

    M.Madeleine made haste to write to the Thenardiers.


  • 一刻钟过后丢下工作,跑到楼梯夫妇的那

    At the expiration of a quarter of an hour she left her sewing and went to read the Thenardiers' letter once more on the staircase.


  • 一次邮件点名带给外祖母爸爸以及尔逊牧师的回——既震惊又深感卑微

    One "mail call" brought me responses from Grandma, Dad, and the Reverend Nelson — and my reading of their letters left me not only astonished but more humbled than before.


  • 令人兴奋,”北卡罗来威克森林大学医学中心著名瘙痒专家GilYosipovitch教授,“这次综合性研究开辟领域。”

    "It's exciting," said well-known itch specialist Dr. Gil Yosipovitch of North Carolina's Wake Forest University Baptist Medical Center, who wasn't involved in the new research.


  • 开普敦fish Hoek海滩,劳埃德·斯金鲨鱼水底入海中条大白鲨所为。

    Lloyd Skinner was pulled under the surf and dragged out to sea by the shark, believed to be a great white, off Fish Hoek beach in Cape Town.


  • 德黑兰7月19日索拉提交了一个文件这份文件提出要举行部长级会谈回避停止浓缩铀活动的问题上作出任何承诺

    Tehran submitted a document to Solana July 19 that is understood to have proposed several rounds of ministerial level negotiations while avoiding any promise to halt enrichment.


  • 1948年,约翰·带着一句话的推荐——一个数学天才——来到普林斯顿大学开始读博。

    JOHN NASH arrived at Princeton University in 1948 to start his PhD with a one-sentence recommendation: "he is a mathematical genius".


  • 每年孩子们都会可爱的圣诞老人美国印第安小镇,拥有世界上唯一一个得名于圣诞老人的邮局

    Every year youngsters write adorable notes addressed to Santa Claus, a town in Indiana and the only one to have a post office named after Santa Claus.


  • 尽管的态度很高傲,但开始消除伊丽莎白西的偏见。

    Despite its condescension toward the Bennet family, the letter begins to allay Elizabeth's prejudice against Darcy.


  • 虽然合同2006年到期,但是阿森已经明确了意向开始研究签入这位法国国脚可能性

    Although he is under contract until 2006, it is believed that Arsenal have already made their intentions clear and are exploring the possibility of landing the France international.


  • 王应允了,并且关于一切事还给以下说。

    And the king consented: and he wrote letters to Jonathan of all these things to this effect.


  • 此外,该片增加了一个爱情主题布鲁斯·班疯狂恋爱了一点能赚取不少影迷眼泪

    Besides, the love theme is also a catch point of this movie. Bruce Bann falls into love crazily and this will definitely move the female fans to tears.


  • 接到母校一封,通知的老校长雷金德·佩奇先生星期退休

    I have just received a letter from my old school informing me that my former head - master, Mr Reginald Page, will be retiring next week.


  • 接到母校一封,通知的老校长雷金德·佩奇先生星期退休

    I have just received a letter from my old school informing me that my former head - master, Mr Reginald Page, will be retiring next week.


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