• 但是没有系统信息表达出来

    But you haven't presented the information in a systematic way.


  • 令阿斯彭达博士感兴趣免疫系统如何表达信息

    What interested Dr Esponda was how the immune system represents information.


  • 系统重复相关信息用户确认信息或者重复查询时,系统便获得了目标一个不同方式语音表达记录

    The system repeats the information; when the customer confirms it, or repeats the query, the system develops a record of the different ways the target word can be spoken.


  • 涉及具体系统方法玻尔兹曼关系信息推导出了克修斯熵的表达

    Using a method that do not relate to the concrete system, the Clausius entropy expression is deduced from the Boltzmann relation and information entropy.


  • 但是由于结构化录入缺乏灵活性,且难于表达复杂病历中的有效信息因此制约了电子病历系统广泛应用

    But structured data entry restricts wide use of EPR system as a result of its inflexibility and hardness to express effective information of complex medical record.


  • 根据顾客价值系统表达信息企业改变价值活动安排以及建立全新外部企业联系顾客联系。

    Owing to the information of the customer value system, enterprises can change the arrangement of value activities and make up the new connections with the outside enterprises and customers.


  • 产品数据表达交换标准STEPCIM系统信息集成提供了重要技术支持

    The standard for product data representation and exchange STEP can provide sufficient technical support for the information integration of CIM system.


  • COBOL系统中,一个数据算术表达条件表达表示信息

    In the COBOL system, the information represented by a data item, arithmetic expression, or conditional expression.


  • 使用分层编码系统表达主轴部件信息海明距离进行模糊决策选择较优的主轴部件设计方案。

    This paper deals with the question of information representation for spindle units by using the hierachical coding system.


  • 广义约束力表达机器人系统状态变量广义输入函数信息由此获得,因此无须使用力传感器即可同时控制机器人的力和位置。

    The generalized constraint forces are then expressed as an explicit function of the state variables and generalized input forces, from which force information is therefore obtained.


  • 系统模块化建模为基础,以图形连接方式表达模块连接信息具有完善的图形编辑功能友好用户界面

    The modularized system has excellent graphic editing functions and a friendly user interface, with information connected graphically through information expression modules.


  • 地理信息系统用于采集存储管理处理检索分析表达地理空间数据计算机系统

    Geography information system is a computer system for the collection, storage, management, processing, index, analysis and representation of geography spatial data.


  • 系统用户视图表达模块功能物料信息特定的视图方式表达给用户。

    The user view display is the process of especial expression of the ship piping engineering material information.


  • 工艺计划信息表达方式直接影响CAPP系统CIM环境下其它系统之间信息交换

    Process plan representation is essential for the data exchange between CAPP system and other systems in CIM environment.


  • 使基因调控表达信息相关联,建立了基因调控信息集成数据库系统

    In order to co-relate the information of gene regulation and expression, an integrated database system of gene regulation information has been built.


  • 表达序列标记分子系统分析隶属生物信息学研究范畴

    Both expressed sequence tags and phylogeny analysis are belonging to the field of bioinformatics.


  • 系统具有环境信息空间查询表达统计绘图功能使环境管理综合决策部门直观、有效地进行水环境质量管理。

    This system had such function as spatial seeking, expression, statistical and drawing. It can make it more easy for water environmental management.


  • 系统是以模块化建模为基础,以图形连接信息表达模块连接信息具有完善的图形编辑功能友好用户界面

    Based on modularization, it has perfect graphic editing functions and friendly user interface, and connects information graphically through information expression modules.


  • 光学信息理论讨论共焦激光扫描显微镜光学系统成像关系,获得理想成像及有差时系统的光学信息量的表达式。

    By using the eigen-theory method of optical information theory, the imaging relationship of the optical system of a confocal laser scanning microscope is discussed.


  • 车载导航系统设计重要功能组成部分本文深入讨论了车载定位导航技术的理论基础:全球定位系统GPS地理信息系统GIS,以及电子地图的表达方式数据结构

    The automobile navigation system is an important part in this design. This paper investigates GPS location, GIS navigation and description methods and data structure of navigation electronic map.


  • 提取实验组和对照组细胞蛋白,应用荧光差异凝胶电泳系统(DIGE)获得差异蛋白点的表达信息

    Proteins were extracted from two cell groups, respectively. The maps of proteins were set up by DIGE system.


  • 本文叙述交互式机械零件信息输入处理系统GEOCORE的图形信息描述方法数据表达模型

    The input describing method and representing model adopted in a detail drawing information input processing system(GEOCORE) for 3-dimensional mechanical parts are proposed.


  • 图画故事通过文字图画共同传达故事信息有别于其他形式语言视觉艺术,独特的表达系统比较契合儿童心理特点。

    The story picture book conveys the story information through the characters and pictures. It is different from the other forms, such as language or visual-art.


  • 【学习目标】系统掌握基础英语语法能够运用正确结构句式表达有效的信息具备国外生活的基本语言能力

    Know well the basic English grammars and make use of accurate sentence patterns to convey sufficient information that will provide students with the basic language ability of living abroad.


  • 接下来内容里研究了交通地理信息系统关于数据库的两个问题,如何大量数据信息中提取有效信息如何表达交通信息的时间特性这两个问题。

    The focus of the research into new GIS-T database is the management of temporal and history data and information that comes from many kinds of resource and services for all kinds of users.


  • 系统通过水土保持工作必需信息进行分析检索利用地图文字表格影像多种手段进行信息表达

    Through the analysis and search of the information necessary to the water conservation, and making use of means such as maps, words, tables and photos to convey the information.


  • 系统通过水土保持工作必需信息进行分析检索利用地图文字表格影像多种手段进行信息表达

    Through the analysis and search of the information necessary to the water conservation, and making use of means such as maps, words, tables and photos to convey the information.


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