• 针对此问题,本文提出一个EVP信息网格地址空间模型

    We present an EVP address space model for the information grid.


  • 文中论述分析了网格空间信息网格地图格网概念

    This paper discusses and analyzes concepts of grid, spatial information grid, mesh on the map and so on.


  • IG - RBAC模型织女星信息网格研究一个组成部分

    The IG-RBAC model is a part of the research work of the Vega Information Grid.


  • 计算机网络地理空间信息网格载体二者之间有着密切的联系

    The computer network is a carrier in the Geospatial Information Grid, there is a close connection between them.


  • 模型上海市交通信息网格移动导航系统取得了良好的实施效果。

    Such model has been implemented successfully in Shanghai Traffic Information Grid and Mobile Navigation System.


  • 论文企业信息平台实践进一步提出信息网格访问控制需要解决问题

    This dissertation presents more problems that should be resolved by the access control mechanism of the information grid based on the implement of the Enterprising Information Portal.


  • 建立空间信息网格可以较好地解决动态异构资源共享信息孤岛问题

    Setting up special information Grid can better solve the space information problem such as the dynamic heterogeneity, resources sharing and information isolated island.


  • 最后论文针对我校实际情况设计了气象信息网格总体框架给出了实现思路

    In the end, this paper designed the main framework of a meteorology information service grid under our school's actual condition and the implement method was given.


  • 空间信息网格项目数据用户遍及各地数据文件的请求延时大、占大量带宽。

    Spatial information grid generates large amounts of data needed to be able to share it with user around the world.


  • 本文提出了企业信息网格资源组织管理机制讨论了LDAP信息网格中的应用

    This thesis presents the mechanism of resource organizing and management in enterprise information grid, and analyzes the application of LDAP in information grid.


  • 地理空间信息网格这一重要的基础设施具有物理特征基本特征多方参与性等若干特征。

    The geography space information grid has the physics character, the basic character and the participation character in many ways.


  • 通过分析美军网络中心能力设想地理信息网格关系阐释了地理信息网格构成应用

    By the analysis of correlation between fighting ability of American force network center and geographical information grid, the structure and application of geographical information grid is explained.


  • 通过某市交通信息网格项目中的应用表明模型具有信息完备结构清晰、简洁实用优点

    The utilization of this data model in some city traffic information grid confirms its advantages of self-contained description, legible structure and practicability.


  • 分布式空间数据注册容器国家地质空间信息网格(NGSIG)平台重要数据发现机制

    The distributed spatial data registration container is one of the most important spatial data discovery mechanisms in the platform of National Geological spatial Information Grid (NGSIG).


  • 信息网格研究问题可以笼统地分为主体相关研究、客体相关研究以及主体客体之间交互相关研究。

    The research on information grid includes that of subject, object, and that of communication between subject and object.


  • 提出企业信息网格获取资源方法,提出了存储资源代理概念讨论了SOAP协议的应用

    This thesis presents the method of getting resource from enterprise information grid and defines the conception of resource broker, discusses the application of SOAP in information grid.


  • GRIDGIS网格技术体系支持下,构建空间信息网格计算环境空间信息服务体系的技术系统

    Grid GIS is a technology system which can be used to construct computation environment of space information grid and space information service system.


  • 研究课题国家863计划项目国家自然科学基金等项目资助下完成,其工程应用背景国家信息网格

    The project is supported by the Foundation of National 863 Plan of China and the National Natural Science Foundation of China, and applied to the National Information Grid of China (NIGC).


  • 本文对于空间信息网格遥感信息分析处理服务节点以及遥感信息处理服务的开发应用技术进行了研究。

    This thesis focuses on the development and applications of the remote sensing information analysis and process Grid node and the remote sensing information processing service.


  • 威瑞森电信是美国光纤入户业务领军企业,尚不能提供全球信息网格”服务,甚至一半速度都达不到。

    Verizon, the nation's leading provider offiber-to-the-home service, doesn't offer a gig, or even half that speed.


  • 新的界面定位MH - 60,满足未来任务要求例如超视距通信中继美国国防部全球信息网格连通性

    The new interface will position the MH-60 to meet future mission requirements, such as over-the-horizon communications relay and connectivity to the Defense Department's Global Information Grid.


  • 介绍网格以及全球信息网格概念分析了GIG体系结构企业级服务最后指出了GIG的意义面临解决的问题

    This paper introduces the conception of grid and global information grid, analyzes the architecture and enterprise service of GIG and finally points out the significance of GIG and the problem.


  • 当前网格应用主要集中计算网格数据网格语义网格信息网格知识网格服务网格以及着重于家庭网络的设备网格等方面

    Currently, Grid application mainly concentrates on Computational Grid, Data Grid, Semantic Grid, Information Grid, Knowledge Grid, Service Grid and Equipment Grid, etc.


  • 论述空间数据网格技术研究意义,叙述了网格、数据网格、空间信息网格空间数据共享等空间数据网格相关技术的研究现状

    Discussed research value of spatial data Grid and research status of Grid, data Grid, spatial data Grid and spatial data sharing, which are the related technologies of spatial data Grid.


  • 文章结合中科院计算所织女星信息网格工作,对信息网格客体——有效关系、虚拟关系和物理关系,运用生命周期的方法进行研究

    This paper is based on the research work of the Vega Information Grid, and investigate the full lifecycle of information grid object-effective relation? virtual relation and physical relation.


  • 之后邮件中,威瑞森新闻发言人在回应关于缺少全球信息网格服务问题中他们能提供超过顾客现在使用网络速度”。

    In a follow-up email, a Verizon spokeswoman addressed the company's lack of a gig service by saying that it offers "speeds that exceed what customers can and do use."


  • 随着GIS技术飞速发展遥感的应用,使得范围细小网格农业气候资源各要素的计算成为可能。论文提出构建农业气候环境信息网格的基本思想。

    The developing GIS and RS technologies make it possible that agricultural climate resources on a large scale can be calculated in tiny grid .


  • 随着GIS技术飞速发展遥感的应用,使得范围细小网格农业气候资源各要素的计算成为可能。论文提出构建农业气候环境信息网格的基本思想。

    The developing GIS and RS technologies make it possible that agricultural climate resources on a large scale can be calculated in tiny grid .


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