• 但是正确带来信息损失扭曲

    But the incorrect reading will result in loss or distortion of information.


  • 空间数据化”离散化”行政单元传统作法相比研究方法空间信息损失很小。

    In contrast with the traditional method to coarsen and disperse the spatial data to administration unit, the spatial overlaying analysis can greatly diminish the loss of spatial information.


  • 显然,并不是信息缺乏阻碍国际社会尽早采取行动防止生命损失减少苦难

    Clearly, it was not a lack of information that impeded the international community to take early action to prevent loss of lives and minimise suffering.


  • 只有博客信息价值娱乐价值订阅就是损失的时候,读者订阅。

    Readers subscribe to blogs when they provide an informational or entertainment value so great that it would be a loss to not subscribe to it.


  • 在当今这个又薄又支持文档时代对于用户最大一个损失故障检修信息

    One of the biggest losses to users in this day of the thin little support volume is troubleshooting information.


  • 世界范围内由于病人死亡住院而产生损失缺乏各个国家医疗费用信息情况下难以计算

    The worldwide costs from deaths and hospitalisation are hard to calculate in the absence of information about medical costs in each country.


  • 一个关系视图其中包含信用违约互换衍生产品(发生违约时某个知名的金融实体承担损失)的相关信息

    This is a relational view that contains information about credit default swap derivatives that involve a failure to pay by some known entity.


  • 通常意味着损失一些数据类型信息,有可能掺入非法的数据。

    This often means that you lose some data typing, which can allow invalid data to sneak in.


  • 这个首领队伍已经失去两个勇敢的随从了,害怕因为按照这个计划获取他们入侵者居住信息会让队伍损失严重。

    The captain, having lost two brave fellows of his troop, was afraid of diminishing it too much by pursuing this plan to get information of the residence of their plunderer.


  • 但是SXML通过一些方式损失信息情况下修正XML某些不雅观的地方。

    In a number of ways, however, SXML corrects some awkwardness in XML, without sacrificing information.


  • 查看更多有关咸海缩小信息查看美国大学个案研究《咸海损失棉花》。

    For more details on the shrinking of the Aral Sea, please see the American University case study Aral Sea Loss and Cotton.


  • SAML可以用于在不同协作实体之间传送凭证以及其他一些主题相关信息而不会损失信息的所属关系

    SAML allows you to transfer credential and other related information about a subject, human or otherwise, between various cooperating entities without losing ownership of the information.


  • 因为海量数字信息存储目前普遍称之为计算电脑之内,一侵入损失惨重。

    Because vast amounts of digital information are stored in a cluster of computers, popularly referred to as "cloud" computing, a single breach can lead to disastrous losses.


  • 新闻的攫取程度如此短浅读者数量减少应该算不上社会的一种损失吧。就常识而言,皮这项调查表明青年人获取的信息过去相当。

    Acquaintance as shallow as that with the news is probably no great loss to society; Pew surveys of general knowledge suggest that young people are about as well (or badly) informed as they used to be.


  • DRAM一种静态内存系统速度快、可靠而且损失——断电后会失去储存信息

    DRAM is a static memory system that's speedy, reliable and volatileit loses stored info when there's no power.


  • 协调者损失则会包括瓶颈可能性引起延迟的可能性以及开发人员之间传递信息丢失的可能性。

    Some costs of an intermediary include the possibility of bottlenecks, the potential of introducing delays, and the potential loss of information when it is passed between developers.


  • 迫于《信息自由法》压力,国防部内部备忘录概述潜在严重损失以及信息真相。

    But the seriousness of the potential loss, and the nature of the information, were outlined in an internal MoD memo, which was obtained under Freedom of information legislation.


  • 这些协议目的是使当当信息拥有当当科文全部经济利益,同时承担所有损失

    Taken together, the agreements are intended to provide Dangdang Information with substantially all of the economic benefits from Dangdang Kewen and the obligation to absorb all of its losses.


  • 一个IKSL信息服务帮助避免损失半数作物的风险。

    One information service, the IKSL, helped save him from losing half his crop.


  • 这种考虑实现避免了下面讨论遗忘损失(lossof obliviousness),因为元素只是提供有关它们自己的额外信息,没有意识到那些方面

    This kind of thinking and implementation avoids the loss of obliviousness discussed below, because elements merely provide additional information about themselves and are unaware of the aspects.


  • 他表示,根据目前掌握信息预计此次灾害造成的损失高达15万亿日元(约合1860亿美元),占日本国内生产总值的3%左右

    Based on currently available information, we estimate that damages could exceed 15 trillion yen ($186 billion),” or about 3% of Japan’s GDP, they said, citing provisional estimates.


  • 如果由于上述信息真实不正确无效所引致购票者任何损失推广方恕难承担

    Therefore, any loss caused by incorrect, untrue, or invalid information shall not be the responsibility of the Event promoter.


  • 我方保证任何有关价格变动信息准确性,且不对贵方蒙受任何交易损失负责。

    We cannot guarantee the accuracy of any information regarding price movements and shall not be liable for any trading losses incurred by you.


  • 数据信息系统核心资产,数据的丢失破坏泄漏可能企业带来难以估量损失

    Data is the core of the information system assets, data loss, damage or leakage, it is likely to bring incalculable losses to the enterprise.


  • 敬请关注我行产品有关的信息公告,以免造成不必要损失

    Please pay more attention to our Announcements about this product to avoid unnecessary loss.


  • 如何尽可能利用网络服务减少因网络信息安全方面损失一个很重要课题

    It becomes an important research project that how to use the service of the network and reduce the loss in the network information security.


  • 如何尽可能利用网络服务减少因网络信息安全方面损失一个很重要课题

    It becomes an important research project that how to use the service of the network and reduce the loss in the network information security.


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