• 移动电视市场具有巨大的长期承诺作为代的信息娱乐体验

    The mobile TV market has tremendous long-term promise as a next-generation infotainment experience.


  • 目前的未知因素在于,高科技信息娱乐软件丰田汽车中的表现到底如何

    Unknown is how Toyota's reliance on high-tech infotainment software will play out.


  • 汽车制造商已经看到功能丰富信息娱乐系统有助于提高销售利润、增强安全性能

    Car makers have seen how full-featured infotainment systems help sell their cars at higher margins and improve safety ratings.


  • 通过家庭网关,家庭网络应提供家庭通信信息娱乐、家庭办公智能家居服务业务

    With the home gateway, home networks can provide various services such as home communications, information and entertainment, home office and intelligent home services.


  • 高尔夫gti网站特别继续在互联网经典战役给出了一个汽车信息娱乐方式

    The web special for the new Golf GTI continues the classic campaign on the Internet and gives information about the car in an entertaining way.


  • 嵌入式系统广泛应用汽车领域汽车引擎导航系统车身电子信息娱乐系统中比较常见。

    Embedded systems are used widely in the automotive sector and are found in a vehicle's engine, navigation system, body electronics and infotainment systems.


  • 显然所有这些功能地方这种产品越来越牵引作为一个最佳下一代移动互联网设备汽车信息娱乐使用

    Obviously, with all these features in place, this product is getting much traction as one of the best next generation Mobile Internet device for in vehicle Infotainment usage.


  • 由于越来越传统印刷读物转移在线信息娱乐设计师需要解决如何帮助这部分人更容易地转换阅读方式

    As more and more people migrate from the comforts of traditional press to online infotainment, designers are challenged to welcome them in with an easy transition.


  • 增长最快部分信息娱乐系统罗兰·贝格咨询公司称今后10年中信息娱乐系统销售量增加10%。

    The most rapid growth is in the area of information and entertainment systems, sales of which will increase by 10% a year over the next decade, according to Roland Berger, a consultancy.


  • 奥迪公司声称新款A 3第一辆携带包含模块的轿车,模块中包含了使用宽带其他信息娱乐系统所需硬件软件

    Audi said the new A3 sedan is the first with a self-contained module that holds the hardware and software needed for broadband and other infotainment systems.


  • ADV7180ADV7181C视频解码器产品已通过汽车应用认证,能够满足严苛汽车信息娱乐应用快速切换要求

    Automotive qualified video decoders products such as the ADV7180 and ADV7181C are able to meet the demanding fast switching requirements found in automotive infotainment applications.


  • 包括拥有很好用户界面的汽车仪表、音响、内饰电子信息娱乐产品极大地提升驾驶舒适性使驾车者时刻外部世界互联沟通;

    User-friendly instruments and display systems, interior electronics and infotainment products enhance driving comfort and keep drivers informed and connected to the outside world.


  • 现代通信业影响人们社会生活方式通过人们可以获得信息教育娱乐拓宽了人们的视野

    The modern communication industry influences the way people live in society and broadens their horizons by allowing access to information, education and entertainment.


  • 如果娱乐产业真的在意传递关于身体形象错误信息那么它开始需要那么苗条明星

    If the entertainment industry really cared about sending the wrong message on body image, it wouldn't need so many slender celebrities in the first place.


  • 印刷业广播业以及广告业信息教育娱乐有关

    The printing, broadcasting and advertising industries are all involved with informing, educating and entertaining.


  • 口语可以发挥各种重要作用说服鼓舞人心传达信息、表达敬意娱乐或者简单地介绍某人物或接受某物。

    The spoken word can handle various vital functions: persuading or inspiring, informing, paying tribute, entertaining, or simply introducing someone or something or accepting something.


  • 亚洲,信息收发平台快速发展,数百万的用户使用这些平台进行工作或娱乐

    In Asia, messaging platforms are growing rapidly, with users in the hundreds of millions, both at work and play.


  • 我们工作方式获取信息娱乐的途径,购物甚至是人们互相联系方式这些变革无处不见

    You can see this change at work in the way we consume information and entertainment, how we shop, and increasingly how we communicate.


  • 人们变得只会去索取获得信息以及娱乐内容创造,如此长期以往这将会怎么样呢?

    What happens when people become trained to think of information and entertainment as something they receive and not something they create?


  • 信息是否用于娱乐

    Is the information for entertainment?


  • 那些年头中,电视绝大部分一直abcNBCCBS这些广播电视公司控制着,这些广播电视公司一直是新闻信息娱乐主要提供者

    During those years, it has been controlled, for the most part, by the broadcast networks, ABC, NBC, and CBS, who have been the major purveyors of news, information, and entertainment.


  • 专长应该旨在满足一项社会需求娱乐时尚商业信息等等

    Your expertise should aim to fill a social need, such as entertainment, fashion, business, informational, etc.


  • 信息娱乐之间界线不是某些知识分子想象中那么清晰的,反而变得越来越模糊

    The line between information and entertainment has never been as sharp as some intellectuals imagine, and it is becoming increasingly blurred.


  • 无论是印刷还是数字格式书籍珍贵的资源,它提供我们信息娱乐意见、看法,同时也是我们了解自己生活不相同一个窗口。

    Whether in print or digital format, books are a precious resource, providing us with information, entertainment, opinions, ideas, and a window on lives far different from our own.


  • IBM提供了支持服务进行个性化整合技术使电视成为家中娱乐信息通信中心

    IBM provides technology which enables personalization and consolidation of services so that televisions can become a center for entertainment, information, and communication at home.


  • 有一好事是这个小镇配送还是不错了,因此杂志电视节目得到娱乐信息

    A great thing even in the small town there was pretty good distribution, so I could able to get any information about entertainment from magazines or TV shows.


  • 出门在外,社交搜索成了无价之宝—快速可靠获取附近街区信息旅行建议娱乐建议其它更多东西最好方法

    Social Search is invaluable when you're on the go -it's the best way to get quick, trusted answers about neighborhood places, travel tips, entertainment recommendations, and lots more.


  • 出门在外,社交搜索成了无价之宝—快速可靠获取附近街区信息旅行建议娱乐建议其它更多东西最好方法

    Social Search is invaluable when you're on the go -it's the best way to get quick, trusted answers about neighborhood places, travel tips, entertainment recommendations, and lots more.


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