• 本文提出随机多元进行脉位调制(PPM获得随机信号雷达波形方法

    The new method for obtaining a random signal radar waveform by means of random multi- element code PPM is proposed.


  • 宇宙飞船位置可以根据追踪它的无线电信号来确定,可以望远镜雷达来确定。

    A spaceship's position can be located by following its radio signal, or by using telescopes and radar.


  • 该设备能单一系统同时探测监控记录视频基带无线电通信卫星通信以及雷达信号

    It enables a combination of video baseband, radio communicatons, satellite communications, and radar signals to be detected, monitored, and recorded simultaneously on a single system.


  • 公司负责控制信号处理软件以及雷达系统集成测试活动

    The company is also responsible for the control and signal processing software and radar system integration and test activities.


  • 我们正位于的黎波里上空,雷达探测到其它信号显示器上以字母数字标出。

    We are over Tripoli.And we are not alone.The radar detects other signals that on the screen become letters and Numbers.


  • 我们位于的黎波里上空雷达探测到其它信号显示器上以字母数字标出

    We are over Tripoli. And we are not alone. The radar detects other signals that on the screen become letters and Numbers.


  • 美国军舰,密密麻麻布满了100副巨型铜质天线,舰上武器雷达语音数据通信收发信号

    BIG American warship bristles with more than 100 large copper antennae that send and receive signals for its weapons, its radar and its voice and data communications.


  • 美国军舰,密密麻麻布满了100副巨型铜质天线,舰上武器雷达语音数据通信收发信号

    A BIG American warship bristles with more than 100 large copper antennae that send and receive signals for its weapons, its radar and its voice and data communications.


  • 同时经过加工处理隐形战机表面还可以吸收雷达信号

    Also, the surfaces on a stealth aircraft can be treated so they absorb radar signals.


  • 认为,人类运用雷达天文学探测小行星金星天体,早已经发射可以外星智慧生物接收信号

    He argues that radar astronomy, which is used to probe things like asteroids and the surface of Venus, already gives off signals that could be picked up by aliens.


  • 多数常规机载雷达依靠机械扫描天线收发信号的时候,有源电子扫描阵列(AESA)传感器使用固定孔径

    While most conventional airborne radars rely on some form of mechanically scanned antenna to transmit and receive signals, active electronically scanned array (AESA) sensors employ a fixed aperture.


  • 平直混凝土跑道卫星雷达信号远离卫星的方向发射开去,所以图像中表现条深黑色直线

    The two runways are clearly visible as black lines, because the flat concrete reflects radar signals away from the TanDEM-X satellite.


  • B - 2无法通过红外线声音电磁波视觉上雷达信号跟踪侦查

    The B-2 is hard to detect via infrared, acoustic, electromagnetic, visual or radar signals.


  • 很多新车装备了点火开关相配控代码或是运用特殊的雷达信号发动汽车远程控制系统

    Many newer model cars come equipped with high-tech keys coded to match ignition switches or remote systems that use specific radio signals to start a car.


  • 智能显示器通过雷达信号提供导航服务接收防撞信息,同时,显示器还可以海军电子显示信息系统(ECDIS-N)一同使用

    The smart displays provide navigation and collision avoidance visualization from the radar sources and are used together with the Electronic Chart Display and Information System-Navy (ECDIS-N).


  • 结果美国F-117A一类的隐形战机雷达反射信号出仅仅如一只小鸟并非架飞机

    The overall result is that a stealth aircraft like an American F-117A reflects the radar signature of a small bird rather than an airplane.


  • 然而飞机金属制成事实将会增强它们返回雷达信号以致使飞机很难完全遮盖希尔

    However, the fact that the planes are made out of metal will increase their radar return and make it very hard to completely mask them, Hill said.


  • 系统能够拦截自动处理雷达信号管理发射机有效干扰数量不同雷达威胁

    The system intercepts and automatically processes radar signals and manages the transmitters to effectively jam large Numbers of diverse radar threats.


  • 然而这种雷达回波经常受到干扰而产生杂波,使信号模糊不清

    However, the radar returns are often cluttered by interference, obscuring the signal.


  • 能综合四个拥有软件雷达得到信号意味着大气中水含量可以相隔4 k m远的取样

    Combining the signals from all four radars using some newly designed software means that the water content of the atmosphere can be sampled at points 4km apart.


  • 巴基斯坦的“旋风”无人机是由卡拉奇集成动力(Integrated Dynamics)公司所研制,它可以产生类似喷气战斗机的雷达信号达到欺骗敌人的目的。

    A Pakistani UAV called the Tornado, made in Karachi by a company called Integrated Dynamics, emits radar signals that mimic a fighter jet to fool enemies.


  • 因为,现代历史上没有哪架客机像法航447航班一样消失如此彻底----没有求救信号,没有目击者甚至没有雷达留下任何痕迹。

    No other passenger jet in modern history had disappeared so completelywithout a Mayday call or a witness or even a trace on radar.


  • FrankDrake博士声称由于电视无线电雷达越来越少采用模拟信号进行传输过程使地球文明的电子设备上逐渐隐形

    Dr Frank Drake said the phasing out of analogue transmissions from television, radio and radar was making our planet electronically invisible from outer space.


  • 雷达信号接触飞机任何部位,都会有部分反射回来

    No matter where the radar signal hits the plane, some of the signal gets reflected back.


  • SR- 5124集成电子情报通信情报的信号情报系统,能够同时同步捕获无线电卫星通信遥感勘测以及雷达信号

    The SR-5124 is the first SIGINT system that integrates ELINT and COMINT that captures radio, satcom, telemetry, and radar signals simultaneously and synchronously.


  • 隐形飞机依赖外形逃避雷达这种外形能避免雷达机体资源上反射信号、且含有能吸收雷达能量物质

    Stealth aircraft rely on shapes that prevent radar waves from bouncing back to their sources and on materials that absorb radar energy (stealth-plane time line).


  • 隐形飞机依赖外形逃避雷达这种外形能避免雷达机体资源上反射信号、且含有能吸收雷达能量物质

    Stealth aircraft rely on shapes that prevent radar waves from bouncing back to their sources and on materials that absorb radar energy (stealth-plane time line).


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