• 论文感知网络性能通过考虑新的合作战略协作频谱信号组合提高

    The present dissertation is showing the performance of the cognitive network is improved with the consideration of cooperative spectrum sensing scheme using new cooperative strategy.


  • 由于模态混淆信号组合分量频率接近时,HHT常不能正确分解窄带信号

    But when the frequency of components is too near, HHT cannot shift the narrowband signal because of mode confusion.


  • 数字域中数字偏移音频信号组合取消处理所述相同音频信号一个以上模拟组件引起输出偏移。

    A digital offset is combined with an audio signal in the digital domain to cancel an output offset caused by one or more analog components processing the same audio signal.


  • 消息可以简单信号复杂节点信息组合或者条件数据

    Messages can be simple signals, complex combinations of node information, or conditional data.


  • 因此尽管可能出现阳性信号,但是脑电图肌电图组合可以将假阳性的几率大幅降低。

    So while false positives from the signal are possible, the combination of EEG and EMG data makes a false positive much less likely.


  • 那些看做是思维闪光的精神实体确信信号或者'自找上门'的复制、组合清晰图景

    The psychical entities which seem to serve as elements in thought are certain signs and more or less clear images which can be 'voluntarily' reproduced and combined.


  • 电视台要把组合视频信号经由无线电波广播出去时,要先把调制到特定频率的载波

    When a composite video signal is broadcast over the airwaves by a TV station, it happens on a specific frequency.


  • 非常多设备支持组合视频信号

    Many different kinds of equipment understand composite video signals.


  • 不是数字电视”——模拟组合视频信号变为数字信号以利传输,由变回到模拟信号用以在模拟电视机显示图像

    This is not "digital television" — it is a normal composite video signal for analog television converted to a digital format for transmission and then converted back to analog for display.


  • 每个频道中,组合视频信号当作调幅(AM信号传输,声音信号作为FM(调频)信号传输。

    The composite video signal is transmitted as an AM signal and the sound as an FM signal on these channels.


  • 可以透过有线电视系统它们其它数以百计组合视频信号一道传输出去。

    You can transmit them through a cable TV system along with hundreds of other composite signals.


  • 但是如果这种化学信号老鼠身上,形成组合能够保护被称之为造血细胞干细胞

    But by jamming these signals in mice, the team was able to protect the stem cells, called hematopoietic progenitor cells.


  • 所接收到正是前文述的组合视频信号单独声音信号

    What you receive, as described earlier, is a single, analog composite video signal and a separate sound signal.


  • 动物采用交流形式非常有限,他们发出求偶信号或者入侵警报但是那些信号不能组合起来表达其它含义

    The forms of communication that animals use are much more limited-they can express a desire to mate, or warn of the approach of a predator, but those calls cannot be combined to mean something new.


  • 任何这些特征或者它们组合都可能显示无害的信号来自于一个文明。

    Any of these features, or a combination of them, could indicate that an innocent looking signal is in fact an intelligent transmission.


  • 这个包含一个像素颜色亮度信息以及同步信号最终信号称为组合视频信号(composite video signal).

    This final signal, containing the color and intensity of each pixel in a set of rows, along with horizontal and vertical sync signals, is called a composite video signal .


  • 可以组合视频信号声音信号很多不同比如

    There are lots of different things you can do with a composite video signal and a sound signal. Here are just a few


  • 可以这些巧妙安排数字模拟信号的形式表示时间,也可以用数字信号或者两者组合格式,另外,款手表曲线式的指针设计也搭配得很舒服。

    You can configure the artfully arranged digits to show the time in analog, digital or combined formats, and the curved body fits comfortably.


  • 然后分别对各信号进行一步预测组合预测结果获得原始负载最终预测。

    After one-step-ahead prediction, the predicted results of these signals are combined into the final predicted result of the original load series.


  • 按照逻辑芯片设计特点芯片工作信号分为4时钟信号输入信号组合输出信号寄存器输出信号

    According to the logic chip design feature, the chip work's time signal can be divided into 4 kinds: clock signal, input signal, combination output signal and register output signal.


  • 可以按多种方式信号进行组合而得到希望的测井响应例如,具有较深探测深度、较高纵向分辨率或者二者兼有

    The signals are combined in a wide variety of ways to produce the responses desired, as for example, deep-reading, high vertical resolution or some combination of both.


  • 提出一种由线性调频二相码组合而成新型混合脉冲信号给出了其数学表达式处理方法及其模糊函数的表达式。

    According to a new type of mixed pulse compression signal, this paper discusses the mathematical expression, the way of processing and the expression of the ambiguity function.


  • 首先侦察雷达能探测目标雷达信号载频应用证据理论将其组合得到雷达参数联合概率分配函数

    Firstly, the obtained radar signal radio frequency, pulse width, repeat frequency are composed to get a combined probability assignment function of radar parameters by applying D-S method.


  • 一种感应测井仪器测井方法,由组相互平衡线圈系组成分别记录它们的信号,再由软件进行组合得到所需的测井响应

    An induction tool or log that consists of several mutually balanced arrays whose signals are recorded separately and combined in software to produce the response desired.


  • 耦合故障表示成故障信号组合时,该方法推广到耦合故障的诊断中。

    When the coupling fault can be expressed in combination of the individual fault signal, the method can be extended to diagnose the coupling fault.


  • 重点介绍微球侧向、声波、伽马、3506脉码、微电极(3104)组合测井各种信号传输采集方法刻度管理。

    It also focuses on the signal transmission, acquisition and calibration procedure of MSFL and DLL, AC, GR, 3506PCM, ML(3104) combination logging.


  • 研究动态用户最优配流信号控制组合问题。

    The combined dynamic user optimal assignment and signal control are studied.


  • 本文研究运用组合传感器声压联合信号处理技术进行噪声通过特性测量

    A new method of low intensity radiated noise measurement is shown using acoustic combined sensor and combined signal processing with pressure and particle velocity.


  • 研究流式惯性组合陀螺结构原理信号处理技术。

    Researched were the structure and signal processing of the airstream style inertial integrated gyro.


  • 研究流式惯性组合陀螺结构原理信号处理技术。

    Researched were the structure and signal processing of the airstream style inertial integrated gyro.


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