• 利用WTO保障条款保护企业

    Using WTO's safeguard clause to protect the enterprise.


  • 自由历史很大程度上遵守程序保障条款的历史。 。

    The history of liberty has largely been the history of the observance of procedural safeguards.


  • 可能的调整包括了放宽就业保障条款,推迟新的医疗信托生效日期

    Changes may include relaxing job-security provisions and push back the date on when a new health-care trust becomes active.


  • 巴拉迪会议结束相信这个保障条款协议印度全世界好处。

    Speaking after the meeting, ElBaradei said he believed the agreement is good for India and the world.


  • 网络社会里,看到一款保险产品保障条款简直就是举手之劳。

    But in society of a network, want to see the safeguard clause of an insurance product is the fatigue of raise one's hand simply.


  • 这方面的承诺,取消出口补贴12年内对中国产品实行特殊保障条款

    Such as, canceling exports subsidy, performing domestic product special guarantee item in 12 years etc.


  • 国际原子能机构其它成员国之间达成的保障条款一样,这项条款也没有设置期限

    As with other safeguards agreements between the agency and member states, the agreement is of indefinite duration.


  • 因此,起草了一公司章程,规定了各种各样保障条款就是股东间合约

    So you write a corporate charter that puts in place various safeguards: this is your contract with the shareholders.


  • 根据我们媒体报道理解目前情况似乎最有可能构成对充分保护保障条款违反

    As we understand it from media reports, the current scenario seems most likely to give rise to a breach of the full protection and security protection.


  • 过去二十年里,日本婴儿出生率持续下降这引发老年人无保障条款长期财政赤字一系列人口统计学问题

    The past two decades have witnessed relentless declines in the Japanese birth rate, prompting a range of demographic concerns, from a lack of elderly care provision to long-term fiscal catastrophe.


  • 不过发债企业并未想到这种投资者保障条款用来钻空子。 “总有些想方设法地要把任何东西都拿来赌。”

    While issuers didn't intend for the money-back guarantee to be used to make a quick buck, 'there are people out there who will figure out how to game almost anything in the world.


  • 中国-东盟自由贸易协定包含许多保护条款包括公平公正待遇条款充分保护保障条款征用条款和国民待遇条款

    This FTA contains a number of protections, including: fair and equitable treatment, full protection and security, expropriation and national treatment.


  • 保障与赔偿条款不能每个船员提供直接保险

    P&I cannot provide direct insurance to individual crew.


  • 顾客通常支付产品价格10-50%用来给产品买保险,以求制造商担保期限[原译:条款]之外,有更多的保障

    Shoppers typically pay 10-50% of the cost of a product to insure it beyond the term covered by the manufacturer’s guarantee.


  • 但是没有条款保障控制员的疲惫程度。

    But there's no provision for an air traffic controller to call in fatigued.


  • 伊朗代表一张,支持关于加强安全保障强有力宣言同时有助于阻止强制制定更加严格条款举动

    With a straight face, Iran's representative endorsed the ringing declarations about strengthening nuclear safeguards, while also helping block moves that would have made tougher rules mandatory.


  • 但是信贷周期必将发生转折,一旦这天来到,缺乏条款保障投资者可能欲哭无泪

    But the credit cycle will turn eventually. When it does, investors, unprotected by covenants, may be left feeling wallet-lite.


  • 投资者普遍认为希腊企图避开IMF严厉条款的这一做法,削弱保障金融系统努力因此纷纷卖出欧元

    Investors generally believed that the Greece government's attempt to sidewalk IMF's strict agreement would weaken its efforts to stabilize its financial system, so they sold Euros they held.


  • 这些条件就是条款某些财务比率进行了明确限定比如利息保障倍数。

    Such conditions, known as covenants, typically specify limits on certain financial ratios, such as that of a company's earnings to its interest payments.


  • 如果打算结婚放弃工作而待在家里协议条款可以提供给你以其他方式所无法获得财务保障

    If you intend on giving up your career to become a stay at home mom after marriage, the terms of your agreement can provide a financial safety net that you might not otherwise have.


  • 根据第6保障措施条款采取行动针对特定纺织品服装产品实施,并非针对协调制度税号本身

    Actions under the safeguard provisions in Article 6 will be taken with respect to particular textile and clothing products and not on the Basis of the HS lines per se.


  • 保险公司采取火险保单扩展条款形式提供私人保险保障主要保障洪水暴风雨地震地面下沉等风险

    Private insurance cover is provided by insurance companies in the form of an extension to fire policies and may include risks as: flood, storm, earthquake, subside.


  • 申请工作人员告诉书面条款保障孩子权力因此他们无法阻止我。

    The staff was mean to me when I applied, but there were written rules guaranteeing the rights of my child, so there was nothing they could do to prevent me.


  • 然而秋季指导联盟出赛可能足够说服国民一个较低保障薪资加上许多依2011实际投球比赛场数计算的激励奖金条款,和建仔再度签约。

    Wang's eventual progress, though, could convince the Nationals to now re-sign him to a contract with a lower base salary but plenty of incentives based on games pitched in 2011.


  • 合同条款实质上反映各方权利义务,合同条款严密性准确性保障谈判获得各种利益重要前提

    Contract provision essentially reflect the rights and obligations of the parties, contract negotiations with accuracy is safeguard blurred from the advantages of important premise.


  • 合同条款实质上反映各方权利义务,合同条款严密性准确性保障谈判获得各种利益重要前提

    Contract provision essentially reflect the rights and obligations of the parties, contract negotiations with accuracy is safeguard blurred from the advantages of important premise.


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