• 仔细阅读保险单条款签字

    Check the terms of the policy before you sign.


  • 一份普通人寿保险单退保金额可能$50000。

    An ordinary life policy may have a cash surrender value of $50,000.


  • 一旦保人卖掉保险单自然就丧失了一切相关权利

    Once the insured has sold his policy, he naturally loses all rights to it.


  • 保险单索赔

    You can make a claim on your insurance policy.


  • 汽车保险单标有MC代号(表示汽车)。

    Car insurance policies have the prefix MC (for motor car).


  • 随信附上保险单

    I enclose herewith a copy of the policy.


  • 没想到核对保险单

    It did not occur to me to check my insurance policy.


  • 保险单正常使用造成坏损

    The insurance policy does not cover damage caused by normal wear and tear.


  • 约翰拿出保险单试图索赔时,保险公司拒绝赔付

    John had taken out insurance but when he tried to claim, the insurance company refused to pay.


  • 保险单疑问请拨打我们的咨询热线

    If you have a query about your insurance policy, contact our helpline.


  • 也许一份满足丧葬费用保险单年幼孩子足够了尽管大多数他们年幼的孩子投保

    Perhaps a policy to meet funeral expenses would be sufficient for the young child, although most people do not take out insurance on their young children.


  • 也许一份满足丧葬费用保险单年幼孩子来说足够了不过大多数他们年幼的孩子投保

    Perhaps a policy to meet funeral expenses would be sufficient for the young child. Although most people do not take out insurance on their young children.


  • 完了你们火灾索赔要求后,认为你们保险单并没有提供火灾损失保险

    Having gone through your claims for fire damage, I don't think the policy you have provides protection against loss by fire.


  • 这份保险单全部行李个人财产提供保险

    The insurance policy covers all baggage and personal effects.


  • 保险单这座大楼及其所有的设施保了险。

    The insurance policy covers the building and any fixtures contained therein.


  • 没有迹象表明向客户出售不适当保险单

    There is no suggestion that clients have been sold inappropriate policies.


  • 客户们告知的是他们的保险单到期时的价值不是现在的价值。

    Customers are told what their policies will be worth on maturity, not what they are worth today.


  • 保险单突然死亡伤残保险

    The insurance policy covers sudden death or disablement.


  • 建议一下房主保险单汽车保险单小号印刷字

    You are advised to read the small print of homeowner and car insurance policies.


  • 所以裁剪购买保险单来适应需求而不是倒过来

    So, tailor the insurance policy you purchase to your need, not the other way around.


  • 有点覆盖全身基本部位的保险单。”解释

    "It's sort of like an insurance policy that covers all your bases," he explains.


  • 当前应用程序支持保险单手工输入

    The current applications support only manual entry of the policy.


  • 我们最佳的保险单

    This is our best insurance policy.


  • ACME正在研究采用一个文档管理系统管理保险单文档

    ACME is investigating adopting a document management system for managing policy documents.


  • 更高储备量抵抗经济命运矢石保险单

    Higher reserves are an insurance policy against the slings and arrows of economic fortune.


  • 出示保险单

    Please show me your insurance policy.


  • 有助于承保人确定异常的保险单申请

    This helps identify unusual policy applications for underwriters.


  • 保险行业保险单承保人使用潜在客户驾驶记录作为确定风险因素之一

    The policy underwriters in the insurance industry use a potential client's driving history as one of the factors to determine risks.


  • 当时不到保险单

    He couldn't find the insurance papers.


  • 保险单到期时,投保人得到笔总括性付款。

    When the insurance policy matures, the insured person will receive the capital sum agreed.


- 来自原声例句

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