• 全国过度委员会(NTC)能够快速召集包括:发电厂管理者后勤人员、以及保证电力食物供给的其他人。

    The NTC was quickly able to call upon a network of power-plant managers, logisticians and others who kept Benghazi’s lights shining and its warehouses stocked with food.


  • 来自蒙大拿盆地怀俄明州煤炭含硫量,可保证电厂超出本地排污限制

    Coal from the Powder River Basin of Montana and Wyoming tends to be low in sulfur, for example, allowing power plants to burn more without exceeding local pollution limits.


  • 能源部提供了21亿美元有条件承诺贷款用以保证加利福尼亚州莱斯地区附近太阳能电厂的建设支持

    Today, the Department of Energy offered a $2.1 billion conditional commitment loan guarantee to support a concentrating solar thermal power plant near Blythe, California.


  • 第二以色列恢复了供应但是保证最低需求防治电厂停止供电

    Israel restored supplies the next day, but said it would keep them to the bare minimum needed to prevent a shutdown.


  • 风力电厂提供保证藻类水下夜间正常生长光照这项可行的未来计划是太空船地球美好未来的完美设想

    Wind power could then provide lights to keep algae growing underwater and during the nighttime hours — a fitting vision for the sustainable future of spaceship Earth.


  • 良好放置反应堆(电厂)能够有效阻挡对手的攻击,在蜂巢攻击步兵时有效保证它们安全

    Well placed Reactors (Power Plants) and such can help block off opponent attacks and keep Buzzer Hives safe while they take out infantry.


  • 这家公司保证电力公司提供需要的额外电力费用按照随时保有实际电厂模式支付。

    It promises utilities to supply them if they need additional power and is paid as if it were keeping physical plants ready.


  • 传统点检制相比RSI保证设备必要可靠性,同时节约电厂的各项资源成本提高点检的效率经济性

    Compared with traditional spot inspection, RSI can both assure the necessary reliability of equipment and save cost, thus, it improves the efficiency and economy of spot inspection.


  • 通过石泉电厂2机组推力轴系应力应变调整,使2号机组的推力轴瓦受力均匀保证机组安全稳定运行

    Through the stress - strain adjustment of unit 2, Shiquan Hydropower Station, the thrust bearing pad of unit 2 has been stressed uniformly, and the safe operation of unit 2 is ensured.


  • 保证电厂输煤程控系统安全可靠地运行本文硬件软件两方面提出了完善、有效的可靠性措施

    This paper puts forward some effective anti-jamming measures from both hardware and software to ensure the PLC control system to work reliably.


  • 利用很少资料,提出一种求解97%保证矿井可利用水量计算方法利用此种方法对阜新金山煤矸石电厂水源进行了水资源论证。

    A method, with a guaranteed rate of 97%, to calculate mine water available was proposed and used in the water resources demonstration of main source of Jinshan coal gangue power plant in Fuxin City.


  • 陕西神木阳光电厂工程安装质量控制主要保证焊缝施工质量风机找平对中的质量,进度控制就是确保施工节点不变。

    The installation quality of the air-cooling island, which is a turn-key project of Shenmu Yangguang Power Plant, is very important, and its schedule control is also very complicated.


  • 保证电网意外情况下发生大面积停电尽快恢复对电网供电需要电厂具有启动能力

    When a grid takes place a large scale of accidental blackout, we need a power station that has the black startup ability to recover the supply of electricity.


  • 通过碱再生山西汾西矿业集团电厂处理系统应用减缓了锅炉的腐蚀保证了锅炉的安全运行取得可观经济效益

    Through application of alkali-remove regeneration used in water disposal system of the power plant, it reduces corrupt of the boiler, ensure its safty operation, and gain great economic benefit.


  • 电厂节能保证安全运行需要,探讨了应用热管技术更新电厂部分热设备的必要性和可行性。

    For energy saving and secure operation of a powerplant, this paper discusses the necessity and feasibility of renewing some exchangers in powerplant applying he heat pipe technology.


  • 说明做好电厂检修管理工作保证发电设备安全经济运行重要措施之一

    Note well the overhaul of the management of power plants to ensure safe power generation equipment, one of the important measures of economic operation.


  • 燃气轮机小岛运行指燃气轮机电网解列的情况下,带厂用电运行,从而保证电厂安全运行

    House load operation of gas turbine is described as an operation with station-service power under the condition of disconnection to main power grid, which can make a power plant operate safely.


  • 为了提高电能质量降低发电成本保证电厂收益本文提出集团联盟报价策略的概念。

    Then contractor will reduce the production cost to guarantee the profit, but this will make the quality of power supply service quite low.


  • 记住反应堆(电厂)放在蜂巢前面,保证它们在进攻步兵时候不被伤害。

    Remember that placing Reactors (Power Plants) in front of the Buzzer Hives will keep them safe from fire while they can still go around and take out infantry.


  • 水轮机调速器保证电厂发电机组稳定运行重要控制设备,直接关系到机组的安全稳定运行。

    Turbine governor, which ensures the stable function of hydropower generator unit, is important control equipment in hydropower plant.


  • 良好放置反应堆(电厂)能够有效阻挡对手攻击,在蜂巢攻击步兵时有效保证它们安全

    Well placed Reactors (Power Plants) and such can help block off enemy attacks and keep Buzzer Hives safe while they take out infantry.


  • 保证电厂输煤程控系统安全可靠地运行本文硬件软件两方面提出了完善、有效抗干扰措施

    This paper puts forward some effective anti- jamming measures from both hardware and software to ensure the PLC control system to work reliably.


  • 为了保证诊断多样化,该系统提供了用于电厂应急运行时两种诊断准则设计基准事故监督,另一个是临界安全功能的监督。

    To guarantee diagnosis diversification, two diagnosis criteria of a design basis accident monitoring and a critical safety function monitoring used in plant emergency operation are provided.


  • 摘要调试电厂建设过程中的一个重要环节,是保证电厂顺利投入商业运行关键

    Abstract: as an important phrase during the buildup of nuclear power plant, commissioning is the key to put the nuclear power plant into commercial operation successfully.


  • 器故障诊断系统凝汽器良好运行提供了保证同时发电机组正常运行,以及电厂安全、经济运行提供了可靠保证

    The condenser CBM system provides a guarantee for condenser's good operation as well as the security, the regular operation and the economic operation of power plants.


  • 开发使用电厂紧急运行规程保证电厂运行安全一个重要措施

    The development and application of emergency operating procedures(EOPs) is an important measure to assure the operational safety for nuclear power plants.


  • 保证提高燃烧过程经济性可以改善电厂生态条件

    It can not only make the burning process more economic but also improve the ecologic condition of the power plant.


  • 保证提高燃烧过程经济性可以改善电厂生态条件

    It can not only make the burning process more economic but also improve the ecologic condition of the power plant.


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