• 极端分子来说科技损害了友谊来说。它至少更多朋友更好的保持联系

    At the extreme, this is a bad thing, but for me, at least, technology lets me keep in touch with more friends in a wildly more efficient way.


  • 奇怪的是,只有0.3%的人称他们好玩才使用Twitter的,女性使用Twitter好友保持联系的人数明显多于男性(48.4%33.6%),除此之外,男性与女性之间使用Twitter上并没有什么区别。

    Oddly, only 0.3% said that they use Twitter for fun. Significantly more women use Twitter to keep in touch with friends than men (48.4% vs. 33.6%).


  • 所以我们出现各种各样问题保持联系除非课程上了一些愚蠢的,令人困惑的话。

    So we keep track of the types of questions that come up, unless I said something stupid in class or been confusing, certainly.


  • 年,母亲保持联系但是次次见面总是让她痛苦不堪,心烦意乱;她的母亲一如既往她苛刻地吹毛求疵贬低她的人格。

    Over the years, she had tried to have a relationship with her mother, but the encounters were always painful and upsetting; her mother remained harshly critical and demeaning.


  • 试着遇见交换信息,并且时不时保持联系,并且养成习惯。记住,的信息交换必须是友好自然的,而且相互都有帮助的。

    Make it a habit of trading contact information with everyone you meet, then touching base every so often. Keep your exchanges friendly, natural, and helpful at all times.


  • 我们知道人们慢慢地电子邮件产生倦意更多地是靠短信其它通讯方式保持联系但是,大家收件箱里的邮件数量还是在增加

    We've been told that people are turning away from email and relying more and more on text messaging and other forms of communication to keep in touch, but our collective inbox grows.


  • 解释道:“如果离职一直原来同事专业协会保持联系和沟通,行业动态一清二楚,加分。”

    "It really helps if you've stayed in touch with former colleagues and kept up with professional associations, and if you've stayed on top of industry trends, " Walsh notes.


  • 周围人们保持积极宽容态度他们能方便地联系你。

    Always maintain a positive, tolerant attitude and keep an open line of communication to those around you.


  • 在这里管理人员需要提出警告的,并不能因为同一个时间人们需要保持联系意味着他们应该一起进行交谈

    Here is the important caveat for many managers. Just because everyone can meet at the same time and talk together doesn't mean they should.


  • 但是我们联系工伤的时候,为什么我们替代核能产业工伤工伤致死保持沉默呢?

    But if we are concerned about industrial injuries, why do we say nothing about the deaths and injuries in the industry most likely to replace nuclear power?


  • 永远在线期望已经改变了消费者频繁触网”的态度而且市面上有多种工具帮助他们确定控制与外界保持联系方式

    The always-on expectation has changed consumer attitudes regarding frequent touchpoints and given them tools to help define and control how they choose to be contacted.


  • 这些关系我们理解商界想法需要非常重要的,这个充满挑战时代保持和商界的联系尤为重要。

    These relationships are essential to our understanding of business concerns and needs, and are even more crucially important in these challenging times.


  • 如果学习英语兴趣,他保持联系的。

    Should he be interested in learning English, he will keep touch with me.


  • 历史上爱沙尼亚鲁恩德国马克(Deutsche Mark)联系在一起现在属于欧元1992年620日起保持了15.64664个克鲁恩1欧元的稳定汇率

    Historically, the Estonian kroon was pegged to the Deutsche Mark; it is now attached to the euro and has been stable since 20 June 1992 at a rate of 15.64664 krooni to the euro.


  • 我们生活节奏加快,以及全球互联降低了冗长邮件的需求,如果人们频繁地保持联系,他们之间每次需要传达的信息可以减少,这样,更短的,更频繁的信息交换逐渐取代以往冗长的交流。

    If we're in touch more often, then we reveal less every time we talk. Shorter, more frequent exchanges are replacing the lengthier communication of the past.


  • 如果需求变更不同分支中所做的,那么就会通知团队成员创建一种机制(如果复杂,那么最好其他团队保持联系)。

    A mechanism is established for notifying team members if changes to the requirements are made on a different branch (in case of complex use cases, it is good to keep in touch with the other teams).


  • 公司的管理层TEEU的建议根本不予理睬,相反,他们还死鸡硬撑饭盖地表示:“我们会继续保持雇员们联系,利用我们自己的力量来直接解决这个问题而于同时,公司也照常运转。”

    "It the company will continue to interact with employees locally and directly to resolve the issue. In the meantime, operations remain as normal," he said.


  • 可以我们围绕我们关注事物建立“群”,我们那些自己重要的人保持密切联系,不管他们身处何方

    They're helping us build communicates around the things we care about and to stay close to the people who are important to us, no matter where they are.


  • 黑暗人格类型更加感兴趣的一段关系他们是否好处,而且此类前任保持联系为了接近有用的资源

    Dark personality types are most interested in how relationships can be useful to them and that such people may stay connected to [to exes in order to] have access to valuable resources.


  • 虽然如此一些部族根据传统的知识远方保持他们联系,能慢慢通过模拟”来使他们的幼兽们在第一次蜕变了解他们该了解的。

    Even so, some tribes have been historically known to keep track of their young cubs from afar, then staging a mock "wolf attack" just before the children are due for their First Change.


  • 这种社交强调同样反映年老员工认为保持互相联系很重要上。

    This emphasis on sociability is also reflected in the importance older workers attach to having contacts.


  • 飞机随后飞越了位飞行员都没有意识飞机已经不在准确无线电频率地面塔台无法与飞机保持联系感到越来越担忧。

    As the plane crossed state lines neither pilot realized the jet no longer was on the correct radio frequency and that controllers were growing worried about their failure to stay in contact.


  • 技术服务、运营及项目有关的文控人员保持有效联系完工的项目进行竣工文件接收管理

    Keep effective contact with Engineering Group document controllers, receive and manage as-built documentation upon project completion.


  • 技术服务、运营及项目有关的文控人员保持有效联系完工的项目进行竣工文件接收管理

    Keep effective contact with Engineering Group document controllers, receive and manage as-built documentation upon project completion.


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