• 需要保持冷冻食品冷却

    You will need ice to keep the frozen foods cool.


  • 所有冷冻食品包装一个保温容器使保持冷冻,直到回到家中。

    Pack all your frozen foods together in an insulated container to keep them frozen until you get home.


  • 一个安全系统可以保持冷冻状态至少等到支援队到达

    There is a failsafe system that should keep him frozen at least until reinforcements arrive.


  • 它们使免遭星光这些毒云保持冷冻状态,使这些气体压缩成为新的恒星

    They also shield gas clouds from starlight and, by keeping those clouds cool, allow that gas to condense and make new stars.


  • 消费者准备使用产品之前冷冻浓缩果汁应置于贮藏库使之保持冷冻状态。

    The frozen juice concentrate is placed in storage and is maintained in the frozen state until the consumer is prepared to use the product.


  • 发酵方式:经人工精选葡萄立刻压榨过滤保持冷冻,然后发酵生成气泡的基酒。

    Vinification: the grapes, picked manually, are immediately pressed and their must, filtered and refrigerated, is fermented to get the basic wine for the following sparkling process.


  • 说明了抗冻技术漂洗工艺保持冷冻水产品新鲜度、风味防止蛋白质冷冻变性有效方法。

    The results show cryoprotection technology and rinsing craft are effective to keep frozen aquatic products fresh degree, flavor and prevent freezing denaturation of protein.


  • 看到额外好处土豆块黄瓜保持冷冻时间更长,因为土豆片自身增加轻微重量这会眼袋增加一点压力

    The only added benefit I can see is that the potato quarters will stay colder longer than cucumber slices, and since they will be slightly heavier, they will add a little pressure to the eyebags.


  • 因此冷藏肉类需要进行事先腌制,同时保持马铃薯沙拉凉爽挤满冷冻包装内储存。

    So refrigerate meat while it marinates, and keep that potato salad in a cooler that's well-packed with ice or freezer packs.


  • 此外烹饪方面熟食卤味冰箱中要保持分开存放,要将食物彻底熟,冷藏冷冻食品时要迅速

    Also wash surfaces when cooking, keep raw food separate from cooked food, marinate food in the refrigerator, cook food thoroughly, and refrigerate or freeze food promptly.


  • 大家知道即使母乳经过巴氏消毒法冷冻后,仍保持绝大部分的营养成分

    Even after pasteurization and freezing, the milk is known to retain most of its healthy properties.


  • 使冷冻食品保持结冰维持质量,这是因为当时食品解冻细菌将会开始成倍增长

    Keep frozen foods frozen to maintain quality, as bacteria will begin to multiply when the food is thawed.


  • 但是冷冻冰箱中,可以使食物生长季节几个月中保持良好

    Cold storage in a freezer, however, can keep foods in good condition for months after the growing season.


  • 尽量买季节性水果这样可以减少食物开支。记住冷冻蔬菜保持大部分营养成份不会流失。

    Buy seasonal fruits. It lowers your grocery bill. And bear in mind, frozen veggies retain most of the health benefits of fresh ones.


  • 如果确实没有更多新鲜产品可选择那就将食物冷冻储存之前添加防腐剂保持其质感和口感

    If you really don't have a lot of options for fresh produce, turn to frozen before canned, which has added preservatives and salt to help it maintain consistency and taste.


  • 控制电路通过加载卸载冷冻压缩机使空气-冷冻热交换器中的压缩空气温度保持恒定

    Control circuit through the loading or unloading coolant compressor and make the air-freeze agent in the heat exchanger compressed air temperature constant.


  • 热气旁通通过冷冻冷冻混合使空气-冷冻热交换中的冷冻剂温度保持恒定

    Heat flow bypass valve through the heat and cold coolant of coolant mixed to make the air-freeze agent in the heat exchanger coolant temperature constant.


  • 结果表明处理的酒经冷冻试验浆降度试验,酒液清亮透明,保持原有风格理化指标变化不大

    The results showed that the treated liquor was clean and transparent, kept the original style and the physical and chemical indexes changed little after freezing and adding water.


  • 冷冻储藏冷冻运输设备保证冻结食品储藏和运输过程保持低温的环境不是食物变质

    Frozen storage and transportation equipment is frozen foods have frozen storage and transport in the process of the environment is not cool food spoilage.


  • 由于低温操作,一些热敏产品果汁冷冻浓缩保持原有品质

    Thermally sensitive products, like milk and fruit juices, retain their original quality after freeze concentration due to the low temperature.


  • 大小适中的食物盒,可存放小食等食物,隔热冷冻及其配合大小的冷冻保持食物新鲜

    The perfectly sized containers store snacks and more while the insulated cooler bag and perfect-fit freezer pack keep food fresh.


  • 乌多石油可以冷冻保持新鲜长的时间

    Udo's Oil can be frozen to maintain freshness for longer periods.


  • 冷冻干燥处理物品易于长期保存,加水恢复冻干前的状态保持原有的生化特性

    Goods are easier for long-term preservation after the freeze-drying processing, and they can be restored to the original shape and form after being watered with the original biochemical peculiarity.


  • 保持工作稳定一定工作时间目标,优化选择了冷冻作为冷源,对冷源腔进行了结构优化。

    Taken keeping temperature of the sink source working stably and lasting a certain time as target, sink source was optimized and freezing ice was selected as sink source.


  • 酶法的出高于提法冷冻浸提法,保持营养成分方面冷冻浸提法优于酶法浸提与热浸提法。

    Enzymatic extraction was superior to heating and frozen extractions in juice extraction rate, while frozen extraction was better than enzymatic and heating extractions in the maintenance of nutrients.


  • 率先华东地区应用胚胎冷冻复苏技术获得成功保持40%以上临床妊娠

    The first to successfully use the embryo cryopreservation technology in the eastern part of China, with over 40% clinical pregnancy rate;


  • 率先华东地区应用胚胎冷冻复苏技术获得成功保持40%以上临床妊娠

    The first to successfully use the embryo cryopreservation technology in the eastern part of China, with over 40% clinical pregnancy rate;


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