• 赢利青睐或者保护纵然上帝权力能力也是有限的,事实上,他也许会打败,或者攻击他的崇拜者

    To earn his favor and perhaps his protection, but even that god will have limited powers and abilities and may in fact be defeated or may turn on his devotees.


  • 黑熊防御经常生活在没有树的环境中的棕熊北极熊依靠攻击保护它们的幼崽。

    Black bear cubs use trees for defense, whereas brown bears and polar bears, which regularly inhabit treeless environments, rely on aggression to protect their cubs.


  • 穆萨维力劝支持者远离广场以“保护生命”,避免遭受支持内贾德的群众民兵攻击

    Mousavi urged his supporters to stay away from the square "to protect lives" and avoid being attacked by supporters and militias supporting Ahmadinejad.


  • 应用设计开发人员必须负责提供这种保护因为SOAP -DSIG这种攻击作出任何定义

    Application designers and developers must be responsible for this protection because SOAP-DSIG does not define anything to cover such attacks.


  • 协议用于提供安全信息(比如用户凭证交易信息)机密性,还提供了防止中间人攻击保护

    This protocol is used to provide confidentiality of secure information, such as user credentials and transaction information, and protection from man-in-the-middle attacks.


  • 过去几年里,那些保护电脑网站免遭攻击的人员一直追赶他们装备精良黑客对手

    For the past several years, those defending their computers and networks against hackers have been playing catch up to their increasingly well-funded and organized adversaries.


  • 这样可以通过禁用浏览器脚本IE安全等级设置,保护浏览器免受通过已知漏洞发起的攻击

    This should protect against all known exploits of this vulnerability by disabling scripting and disabling less secure features in IE.


  • 这项观察很多自然资源保护学家有关这些人关心熊对北极熊竞争甚至攻击

    The observation has concerned many conservationists, who worry about the grizzlies competing with—or even attackingpolar bears.


  • 针对一系列攻击ModSecurityweb应用提供了强大的保护HTTP流量进行监测实时分析这些都只是很少或是根本没有影响系统的基础设施

    ModSecurity provides protection from a range of attacks against web applications and allows for HTTP traffic monitoring and real-time analysis with little or no changes to existing infrastructure.


  • 我们讨论一下保护WebSphereApplicationServer基础设施应用程序免受四种形式攻击应该采取各种已知步骤

    Let's identify the various known steps you should take to protect the WebSphere application Server infrastructure and applications from these four forms of attack.


  • 能否详细谈谈核心规则项目有哪些特性这些新特性是如何帮助开发者Web管理员保护Web应用免受安全攻击的困扰。

    Can you elaborate on the new features in Core Rule Set project and how they help developers and web admins protect web applications against security vulnerabilities.


  • 攻击保护生气

    Anger at your attacker or others for not protecting you.


  • 数十亿年以来某些细菌真菌通过产生化学物质保护自己,抵御来自其它微生物攻击

    For billions of years, certain bacteria and fungi have produced chemical substances to protect them from attack from other microorganisms.


  • 驻扎阿富汗北约直升机保护喀布尔洲际酒店,防止“肉弹”武装人员攻击这里有大量西方人员居住

    In Afghanistan NATO helicopters were called on to help repel an attack by suicide-bombers and gunmen on the Inter-Continental Hotel in Kabul, where many Westerners stay.


  • 这种来自微软研究策略完全去除了复杂密码的要求同时保护词典攻击统计学猜测

    The new scheme from Microsoft Research does away with complexity requirements entirely while protecting against both dictionary attacks and statistical guessing.


  • 结果免疫系统开始攻击自己身体而不是为了保护身体免遭细菌、病毒寄生虫的侵袭。

    As a result, the immune system starts attacking its own body instead of protecting it from bacteria, viruses and parasites.


  • 能够保护程序抵御模糊攻击简单的方法一个检验添加数据中。

    The simplest thing you can do to protect against fuzzing is add a checksum to your data.


  • 时间精力花费在保护自己免遭别人攻击的事情上。

    Your energies and time will be spent trying to stop others, and defending yourself against their atacks.


  • 保护免受复杂的攻击(SQL注入字典攻击)需要更多定义的配置用户自定义字典允许语法

    Protection against more elaborate attacks such as SQL injection and Dictionary attacks require more customized configuration, such as user-defined dictionaries containing allowable syntax.


  • 所有藏匿地点保护措施,任何军事行动均只能部分抑制伊朗防空体系,而且,利用所有导弹海军力量来摧毁他们的攻击力量。

    Many of the sites are protected, and any operation would have to suppress at least part of Iran's air defences, and all its missiles and naval power, to limit any retaliation.


  • JATAS项目提供下一代威胁预警系统保护美国海军海军陆战队攻击增加恶劣环境生存能力。

    The JATAS program will provide the next generation threat warning system to protect U.S.Navy and Marine Corps assault aircraft for increased survivability in hostile environments.


  • JATAS项目提供下一代威胁预警系统保护美国海军海军陆战队攻击增加恶劣环境生存能力。

    The JATAS program will provide the next generation threat warning system to protect U.S. Navy and Marine Corps assault aircraft for increased survivability in hostile environments.


  • 此外若遭遇人身攻击唯一办法就是立即寻求救助保护

    Additionally, in the case of physical abuse, the only solution is to seek immediate help and shelter.


  • 公司用于检测漏洞保护s OA基础结构业务策略中包含用于目标和攻击之间多个SOA深度防御模型

    A defense in depth model with multiple SOAs between the target and the adversary should be part of a company's business strategy for detecting vulnerability and protecting SOA infrastructure.


  • 保护名单中删去以后,灰狼攻击家畜宠物时由牧场主们猎杀。

    The delisting also allows ranchers to shoot wolves that prey on their stock or threaten pets.


  • 针对各种各样攻击实施威胁保护必须的,比如拒绝服务攻击(DoS)XML威胁

    Threat protection against a bewildering variety of attacks may be required such as denial of service (DoS) and XML threats.


  • 反向代理服务器可以保护服务器免受病毒攻击大多数黑客攻击因为反向代理服务器惟一能够通过Internet访问的服务器。

    A reverse proxy protects the server from virus attacks and most hacking attempts because the reverse proxy server is the only server accessible from the Internet.


  • 反向代理服务器可以保护服务器免受病毒攻击大多数黑客攻击因为反向代理服务器惟一能够通过Internet访问的服务器。

    A reverse proxy protects the server from virus attacks and most hacking attempts because the reverse proxy server is the only server accessible from the Internet.


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