• 新的模型中,每个节点都会保存高于节点信任门限节点信任代理保存本域内所有节点的信任数据

    In the new model, each node saves the trust value of node that is higher than the trust threshold of itself, and the trust data of all nodes in this domain are saved by intra-domain agent.


  • 可以将其保存便携式笔记本中

    You can keep this in a pocket notebook.


  • 些年来,琳达的父亲一直秘密保存着这个笔记本,本子已经变黄了。

    Linda's father has kept this notebook as a secret these years and the notebook has become yellow.


  • 手头保存的这比较容易掌握的。

    The four books I keep at hand are user-friendly.


  • 曾经送给本书。这本书我一直保存至今。

    He gave ma a book which I kept to this day.


  • 这种笔记本很大需要个月才能本用完,而那些用过笔记本保存抽屉里

    The notebooks are big, so it takes me four to six months to fill one up. I keep all of the old ones in a drawer.


  • 笔记本电脑智能电话就属于完整参与方因为可以直接此类设备执行新的应用程序并且有必要还可以创建新的数据存储保存信息

    A laptop or a Smartphone are examples of full participants because new applications can be executed directly from the device and you can also create new data stores to persist information if required.


  • 产业巨头英特尔微软已经成功适应上网本挑战吸收到自己的业务中,保存了他们的暴利

    And the industry leaders, Intel and Microsoft, succeeded in adapting to the netbook challenge, assimilating it and containing it, preserving their lucrative profits.


  • 切记,将药品保存儿童无法地方,不可他人分享,严格按照本说明书进行用药。

    Remember, keep this and all other medicines out of the reach of children, never share your medicines with others, and use this medication only for the indication prescribed.


  • 保存着这些笔记,还有所有听力练习然后汇总本教材。

    I had these lecture notes; I had all of these listening exercises; I basically just put it in a textbook.


  • 练习中使用已有UML模型项目保存转换配置文件

    For this exercise, use the existing UML model project to store the transformation configuration file.


  • 埃斯库罗斯写了本记录神话形象普罗米修斯一生三部曲可惜的是只有一部——《被缚普罗米修斯》保存下来。

    Aeschylus also wrote a trilogy chronicling the life of the mythological figure Prometheus, but only the first play, "Prometheus Bound," has survived.


  • 确保保存6.2版本

    Make sure you save the 6.2 version.


  • 自从第一次发布指南我们已经包含了保存文件修复启动问题,用以ubuntu为动力的拇指驱动器来清除病毒稍有深度的问题。

    Note: since first Posting this guide, we've since covered saving files, fixing boot-up problems, and purging viruses using an Ubuntu-powered thumb drive in a bit more depth.


  • 提示如果使用记事本,在保存文件双引号括文件名例如,“hello.mxml”)防止记事本文件添加扩展名 .txt。

    Tip: If you are using Notepad, when you go to save the file, wrap the filename in double-quotes (for example, "hello.mxml") to stop Notepad from appending the .txt extension to your file.


  • 尽管可以记事本”,不过一个更常用的编辑方法使用远程桌面客户端图形用户界面本身就提供了打开保存、另配置文件选项

    While you can do this with notepad, the most common way to edit a.rdp file is to use the GUI Remote Desktop client because it offers options to Open, Save, and Save as connection files, like this.


  • Kindle内存能存储200本书外接存储卡保存更多电子书杂志博客

    The Kindle holds about 200 titles in its internal memory, and can accept memory CARDS for storing more books, periodicals and blogs.


  • 右键单击导出证书示例中为 ExportedCert),保存本地文件系统

    Right-click your newly exported Cert (in this example, ExportedCert) and save it to your local file system.


  • 上一版本DynamicServer中,外部优化器指令作为文本字符串保存dml语句没有作为单独的实体保存

    In previous releases of Dynamic Server, external optimizer directives existed as text strings within DML statements, but were not stored as separate entities.


  • 目次保存视图项目组视图,凡是分组存放在它们接洽关系的把握器定名文件夹中。

    This directory holds views and partial views, usually grouped together in folders named after the controller with which they are associated.


  • 打开一个普通文本编辑器(比如记事本)输入清单1中的代码,然后hello . mxml为名称将文件保存hello文件夹中。

    Open a plain text editor (Notepad will do fine) and enter the code in Listing 1, saving the file as hello.mxml in your hello folder.


  • 这本《动作漫画》杂志于本周一拍出,拍轻松超过去年该网站以31.72万美元拍出另一本保存完好次的首期杂志,创下纪录

    The record price was reached Monday, easily breaking a 317, 200 dollar record set last year when ComicConnect.com sold another, less well preserved copy of the same first issue of Action Comics.


  • 保存购买视频教程学习雅各布编辑过程不同的编辑技术通过重新观看视频教程!

    So save your money and purchase this video tutorial and learn Jakob's editing process and different editing techniques through a re-watchable tutorial video!


  • 教程部分重新出现字符保存文件

    The tutorial may partially re-appear for old character save files.


  • 使用记事本(或者类似文本编辑器),创建一个名为Expected . txt的文件,内容是PlaceOrders并且将其保存c: \之下。

    Using Notepad (or a similar plain text editor), create a file named Expected.txt, with the content Place Orders, and save it under c: \.


  • 知道喜欢最初买的第一个手机或者电脑或者笔记本,但是你的卧室中保存所有那些老旧东西真的是主意

    I know you loved your very first cell phone or computer or laptop, but keeping all those old gadgets in your bedroom is a really bad idea.


  • 研究优良同源四倍体桔梗推广应用和优良种质离体保存、减少遗传变异提供了技术依据。

    This research provided techniques for the application, conservation in vitro of excellent germplasm and reduction of heredity variance of autotetraploids of Plalycodon grandiflorum.


  • 笔记本好好保存抽屉里,在物欲横流的时代里书的不多了,庆幸自己做过

    But this notebook is also well preserved in my drawer, in the materialistic era, not many people asked to copy, and I was grateful that this stupid thing done Transcription.


  • 笔记本好好保存抽屉里,在物欲横流的时代里书的不多了,庆幸自己做过

    But this notebook is also well preserved in my drawer, in the materialistic era, not many people asked to copy, and I was grateful that this stupid thing done Transcription.


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