• 俄罗斯保持着世界上晚的就寝时间记录——大约在凌晨3:30。

    On New Year's Eve, Russians have the world's latest bedtime, hitting the hay at around 3:30 a.m.


  • 这种方法使用3000年前俄罗斯欧洲他们使用

    This method was used in Russia and Europe 3000 years ago and they used oil, acid or water.


  • 年前当时只有5%美国物资通过俄罗斯这种合作很大程度上象征性的。

    Two years ago, when only 5% of American supplies went through Russia, its co-operation was largely symbolic.


  • 年前,围绕俄罗斯销往乌克兰天然气价格之争使得途经乌克兰输送至欧洲的天然气量锐减。

    A year ago, wrangling over the price of gas sold by Russia to Ukraine briefly diminished the flow of gas through Ukraine to Europe.


  • 2100年前日本欧洲俄罗斯人口可能会减少二分之一三分之二

    Japan, Europe and Russia could lose between one-half and two-thirds of their population by 2100.


  • 尽管经历了痛苦,但东欧俄罗斯很多人生活20年前大大改善

    And despite painful times, many in Eastern Europe and Russia are much better off today than 20 years ago.


  • 确切来讲,由150名美国俄罗斯两国科学家组成团队,他们在15年前开始着手这件事了。

    That's exactly what a team of 150 U. S. and Russian scientists set out to do 15 years ago.


  • 确切来讲,由150名美国俄罗斯两国科学家组成的团队,他们在15年前开始着手这件事了。

    That's exactly what a team of 150 U.S. and Russian scientists set out to do 15 years ago.


  • 世纪中叶时候,俄罗斯沙皇尼古拉斯一世残酷统治好几年前已经这里失去了效力。

    By mid-century, Russia had for years been in the stultifying grip of Tsar Nicholas I’s harsh orthodoxy.


  • 年前,为俄罗斯奥运代表队致敬,俄罗斯国际航空架波音767- 300喷上了银红两色。

    Two years ago, Russian airline Aeroflot painted this Boeing 767-300 silver and red to honor Russia's Olympic team.


  • 弗兰格尔岛俄罗斯管辖,是个人迹罕至北极岛屿。3 700年前,弗兰格尔岛还是矮猛犸象家园

    The inaccessible Arctic territory - belonging to Russia - was home to a population of dwarf woolly mammoths until as recently as 3, 700 years ago.


  • 科学家就宣称发现两种元素例如,1999年,俄罗斯物理学家用高能粒子钙- 48冲击钚- 244,产生很快衰变第114号元素的原子

    Evidence for the two elements has been mounting for years. In 1999, for example, Russian physicists bombarded plutonium-244 with calcium-48 to produce a single atom of rapidly decaying 114.


  • 威利斯年前离开俄罗斯美国人,做起了抵押贷款经纪人

    Mrs Willis, who left Russia nine years ago, is married to an American and works as a mortgage-broker.


  • 想起年前一位朋友莫斯科提醒我:在俄罗斯心脏永远冬天

    It reminded me of something a friend had told me a dozen years earlier in Moscow: in the heart of a Russian, it's always winter.


  • 3米高种猛犸象种群一直俄罗斯弗兰格尔存活3700年前它们现代大象有很近的血缘关系

    A population of 3 metre-tall dwarf mammoths survived on Russia's Wrangel Island until 3, 700 years ago. They were closely related to the modern elephant.


  • 苏联20年前解体俄罗斯牛肉生产随之瓦解菜牛(又译肉用、食用牛)的饲养管理项目分崩离析

    Twenty years ago, when the Soviet Union collapsed, so did beef production in Russia. Breeding and management programs for beef cattle fell apart.


  • 1年前,因乌克兰拒绝全额支付天然气费用俄罗斯天然气公司中断对乌克兰的供给大幅削减欧盟国家的天然气供应量。was reduced sharply。

    A year ago, Russia's Gazprom cut off gas supplies to Ukraine when it refused to pay its bills in full, and gas to the E.U. was reduced sharply.


  • 三两年前俄罗斯热门歌曲之一就是叫做苏联造就”(iWasMadeinthe USSR)的那首,2005年克里姆林宫普京面前首演。

    One of the biggest pop hits in Russia a few years ago was a song called "I was Made in the USSR", first performed in 2005 in the Kremlin, in front of Mr Putin.


  • 伦敦——天花曾是世上令人闻风丧胆致命疾病之一,但这种疾病已30年前根除如今,在严密安全控制,天花仍还在两个地方活跃”——美国俄罗斯

    LONDON - Smallpox, one of the world's deadliest diseases, eradicated three decades ago, is kept alive under tight security today in just two places - the United States and Russia.


  • 外交部Vishnu Prakash称印度技术经济合作将今年培训来自120个国家5500人(2005年的3400人),在2007年前俄罗斯捐助额为1亿美元 2007年至2010年间,财务部称,一数额增至年均4.22亿美元.

    Before 2007, Russia spent about $100m in aid. This rose to an average of $422m a year between 2007 and 2010, according to the finance ministry.


  • 但是现在俄罗斯生存技能受到了130年前记录以来严热的夏季的挑战。

    But now Russia’s survival skills have been tested by the hottest summer since records began, 130 years ago.


  • 实际上,俄罗斯1918年前,中国在1949年前设有股票市场,那么投资者会得到怎样的回报呢

    Well there actually was a stock market in Russia before 1918 and in China before 1949, so what happened to investors?


  • 俄罗斯天然气工业股份公司发言人莫斯科举行新闻发布会上展示了一封信这封信乌克兰天然气公司的负责人签署的。

    A spokesman for the Russian gas giant, Gazprom, held up a letter at a Moscow new conference on new Year's Eve that he says was signed by the head of Ukraine's gas company.


  • 距离莫斯科几百挤满人的火车爆炸造成俄罗斯震惊愤怒

    A few years ago an explosion of a packed train a few hundred miles from Moscow would have caused shock and outrage right across Russia.


  • 距离莫斯科几百挤满人的火车爆炸造成俄罗斯震惊愤怒

    A few years ago an explosion of a packed train a few hundred miles from Moscow would have caused shock and outrage right across Russia.


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