• 俄罗斯进口乌克兰公司需要俄罗斯卢布

    To import from Russia, a Ukrainian firm needs Russian roubles.


  • 比如美国能源企业俄罗斯卢布持有者华尔街银行

    Think of us energy companies, holders of Russian roubles or Wall Street Banks.


  • 由于俄罗斯卢布美元汇率贬值,现在生活在莫斯科以前便宜一点儿

    The fallin Russia's currency against the dollar has made Moscow cheaper than itonce was.


  • 五月份白俄罗斯卢布的猛烈贬值以及大额经常项目赤字,使得该国经济摇摇欲坠。

    A sharp devaluation of the Belarusian rouble in May and a large current-account deficit have left the economy tottering.


  • 坦吉(货币代码KZT)哈萨克斯坦货币单位,于1993年11月发行替代俄罗斯卢布

    Tenge (currency code KZT) is the monetary unit of Kazakhstan. It was introduced in November 1993 to replace the Russian ruble.


  • 先期发布一些分析师报告预计,由于俄罗斯卢布贬值,Turkcell周三发布的季报可能不佳。

    The company's quarterly earnings, to be released tomorrow, may take a hit due to a devalued Belarussian ruble, according to advance analysts' reports.


  • 即使备受诋毁的新兴市场面临风险反弹,美元兑土耳其里拉还是下滑至1.8163,美元兑俄罗斯卢布下降31.0782。

    Even the much maligned EMs have got into risk rally with USDTRY falling to 1.8163 while USDRUB traded down to 31.0782.


  • 俄罗斯卢布遭受了明显影响,当日控制美元-欧元篮子货币卢布的汇率报收于29.86卢布本月战争爆发以来,卢布价值下挫了1.5%。

    It has also eroded the value of the ruble, which closed at 29.86 against a managed dollar-euro currency basket, down 1.5% since the start of the war early this month.


  • 俄罗斯警卫感兴趣,卢布还有我的腰带、小刀手表

    The Russian guards were interested in my wedding ring and took away the roubles that I had, and also my belt, my penknife and my watch.


  • 卢布贬值通过提高进口产品价格减小了俄罗斯经常账户赤字。

    The rouble's depreciation does cut Russia’s current-account deficit, by making imports pricier.


  • 分析师们如果卖盘压力持续俄罗斯必须实施外汇管制放任卢布贬值之间做出选择

    If the selling pressure continues, Russia will have to choose between imposing exchange controls or letting the currency drop, analysts say.


  • 他们(俄罗斯警卫)对感兴趣,卢布还有腰带小刀手表,当时时间6:30。

    They [the Russian guards] were interested in my wedding ring and took away the roubles that I had, and also my belt, my penknife and my watch, which showed the time to be 6.30..


  • 他们俄罗斯警卫)对感兴趣,卢布还有腰带小刀手表,当时时间6:30。

    They [the Russian guards] were interested in my wedding ring and took away the roubles that I had, and also my belt, my penknife and my watch, which showed the time to be 6.30 . . .


  • 由于投资者普通民众纷纷抛售卢布8月初以来,俄罗斯央行储备已经减少了669亿美元。

    Central bank reserves have fallen $66.9 billion since early August as investors and ordinary Russians have fled the ruble.


  • 滚动卢布兑美元价格意味着国外品牌包括那些Zaire俄罗斯制造的车突然间变得不是那么难以负担,因为大部分零部件需进口

    The tumbling rouble also meant that foreign car brands suddenly became much less affordable, including those made in Russia, because most of their components are still imported.


  • 进口价格增加,卢布价值减弱使得俄罗斯3月通胀率达到14%。

    Higher import prices, largely the product of a weaker rouble, pushed Russia's annual inflation rate to 14% in March.


  • 俄罗斯克里姆林宫预测俄罗斯经济增长速度减少2.2%,使得卢布迅速下跌。

    In Russia, the rouble slid as the Kremlin forecast that the economy would contract by 2.2% this year.


  • 俄罗斯货币名称来源于俄罗斯货币—卢布苏联货币体系崩溃留下来的;俄罗斯拒绝发行自己的民族货币。

    The name of the Belarusian currency comes from the Russian rouble and was left after the collapse of the Soviet monetary system and Belarus "refusal to introduce a national currency."


  • 人们排队周来兑换俄罗斯卢布

    People are queuing for weeks to change Belarusian roubles.


  • 卢布货币代码RUB俄罗斯联邦俄罗斯以前苏联俄罗斯帝国)使用货币。

    The ruble or rouble (currency code RUB) is the currency of the Russian Federation and Belarus (and formerly, of the Soviet Union and the Russian Empire).


  • 去年8月1日以来,卢布美元贬值35%,随着进口货值相对提高,俄罗斯1通胀率高达13.4%;俄罗斯人的收入因此降低

    Already, household incomes have sunk with the 35 percent plunge in the ruble against the dollar since Aug. 1 and inflation surged to 13.4 percent in January because of the cost of imported goods.


  • 大国中,美元只有俄罗斯巨无霸卖得便宜,尽管过去一年中卢布已经走强

    Of big countries, only Russia offers a cheaper big Mac, in dollar terms, even though the rouble has strengthened over the past year.


  • 美国苹果电脑公司停止了产品俄罗斯官网销售防止美元卢布之间汇率损失

    The U. S. computer company Apple halted online sales of its product in Russia to prevent losses from the exchange rate between the dollar and the ruble.


  • 俄罗斯出口商收到的是外汇卢布贬值时它们从中受益。

    Russian exporters are paid in foreign currency, and can make gains when the ruble's value is low.


  • 大国中,只有俄罗斯巨无霸美元换算价格低,尽管卢布近几年大幅升值

    Out of the big countries, only Russia offers a better value big Mac, in dollar terms, even though the rouble has strengthened considerably over the past year.


  • 当前汇率下,一个巨无霸美国售价4.33美元,在俄罗斯仅售2.29美元(75卢布),然而巴西的售价略低于5美元(10雷亚尔)。

    At current exchange rates a Big Mac, which sells for 4.33 dollor in America, costs just 2.29 dollor (75 roubles) in Russia, whereas in Brazil it sells for a sliver under 5 (10 reais) dollor.


  • 当前汇率下,一个巨无霸美国售价4.33美元,在俄罗斯仅售2.29美元(75卢布),然而巴西的售价略低于5美元(10雷亚尔)。

    At current exchange rates a Big Mac, which sells for 4.33 dollor in America, costs just 2.29 dollor (75 roubles) in Russia, whereas in Brazil it sells for a sliver under 5 (10 reais) dollor.


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