• 首先它们允许不同网上书店选购电子书,许多还都有促销优惠

    First, they let you shop around fore-books at different online bookstores, and many run promotions.


  • 社交网站关注品牌原因,认为为了获得更多的促销优惠产品信息的最多

    The most popular reason for people to follow brands on social networks is to find out about promotional offers and sales.


  • 只要登记申请我们会员卡,这手续免费的,然后有权利享受我们今天的特别促销优惠

    All you have to do is sign up for our membership card, for free, and you're entitled to take advantage of our special offer today.


  • 电话联系拜访供应商现有的或潜在的供应商商谈产品的供应,折扣促销优惠以及互惠交易

    To contact suppliers by phone or personal visit; to confer with present or prospective suppliers concerning new products, discounts, promotions, reciprocal business deal etc.


  • 当然没有能够提供确定答案预计将更多真正优惠促销价格出现供应商将通过更多途径,从消费者身上赚取更多利润

    Nobody, of course, can tell for sure, but I expect a lot more really great promotional prices and a lot more ways for suppliers to try to wring extra bucks out of your pockets.


  • 菲律宾,手机用户SIM着用非常普遍,这样可以享受较便宜呼叫,或者享受各种优惠促销

    In the Philippines, juggling multiple SIM CARDS is common: users switch between them to take advantage of cheaper in-network calls or price promotions.


  • 免费送货、免费礼品包装老顾客特别优惠促销加长营业时间、以及各种形式折扣,这些是令消费者无法抗拒的促销高招

    Free shipping, free gift wrap, savings for current customers, sale prices, longer hours of operation and rebates are all examples of promotional hooks that may resonate with your audience.


  • 美国希望减少今年假日购物开支,优惠网站筹划着大量促销

    With Americans expected to shop frugally for the holidays this year, deal sites are planning big promotions.


  • 广告商涌入微博邀请名人推广他们产品分发优惠散布促销活动

    Advertisers are flocking to microblogs, asking celebrities to promote their products or distributing coupons or promotions.


  • 无论使用何种系统除非已经优惠促销可以计算优惠数量跟踪评估广告有效性唯一办法

    Whatever system you use, unless you've done a coupon promotion and can simply count the number of coupons redeemed, tracking is the only way you can assess how effectively your advertising is working.


  • 这项优惠促销活动所提供的度蜜月物品包括:一瓶艾斯达起泡葡萄酒柏姿身体舒缓护理套装,一扁草莓一盒巧克力普里马克牌男女睡衣各一套。

    The offer includes a bottle of Asda sparkling winea hamper of Boots spa treatments, a punnet of strawberries or a box of chocolates and his and hers nightwear by Primark.


  • 当心促销,因为它们感到自己不能不要当心限时优惠,这会让你感到便宜。

    Beware of sale items, which make you feel like you can't afford not to buy, or limited-time offers, which make you feel like you have to take advantage of a special deal.


  • 随着省钱俱乐部特惠信息电子邮件优惠网络发布打折其他促销措施越来越少的按照标价买东西的。

    With savings clubs, E-mail deals, coupons, Internet discount codes, and other incentives, fewer and fewer people are paying full price.


  • Nook自带软件可以检测一个顾客走进一家商店,这样便可以跳出优惠券信息其他促销信息即将到来摘要或者新书阅读建议

    The Nook also has software that will detect when a consumer walks into a store so that it can push out coupons and other promotions like excerpts from forthcoming books or Suggestions for new reading.


  • 例如,撰写本文,IBM 举办特价促销活动会发放一些优惠券,只要购买本权威认证书籍可以为考试节省 $75美元

    Example: At the time of writing, a special promotion gives you a voucher to save $75 USD on an exam when you buy an approved certification study book.


  • 您好咱们官方正品质量保证,售后无忧现在特价促销优惠了,不好讲价了谢谢

    Answer: Hello pro us this is the official authentic, quality assurance, worry free, and now is special promotions super discount, no good bargain oh thank you kiss.


  • 上周,在社交地图网站Loopt上下载iPhone应用程序手机用户留意美国航空的一项优惠产品。这是航空公司针对飞往墨西哥航线上的服务举行的促销活动

    Last week, some mobile users who downloaded an iPhone app from the social-mapping network Loopt found out about a special offer from Virgin America promoting its new service to Mexico.


  • NuCoupon应用当地企业提供了一种移动呈现方式,使其能够全国性连锁企业直接竞争,同时为大学生提供了即时获取优惠、了解新闻促销信息的渠道。

    The Nu Coupons application gives local businesses a mobile presence to compete directly national chains and students instant access to coupons, news and sales.


  • 不得其它优惠促销活动合并

    Not to be combined with other offers or promotions.


  • 熟知所有特别促销活动,季节性套餐计划常客优惠计划以及洲际酒店集团忠实方案

    Knowledgeable of all special promotion procedures, for programs such as; Seasonal Packages, Frequent Flyers programs, and also Intercontinental Hotels Group Loyalty programs.


  • 一周限时优惠促销,赶快收集全套,千万错过

    Time-limited discount for the first week. Collect them all and don't miss out.


  • 近期本网所获的最新信息推出的最新促销商品优惠活动推荐最佳视点等等是本网不可错过栏目

    The latest information, provide newest product on promotion or discount activity, recommend the best view points, etc. Never miss this column.


  • 可以不同促销内容用于不同客户消费习惯比如酷爱买消费者多提供买鞋的价格优惠

    You can match your offers to different trends in customer spending: e. g. Offer shoes shoppers larger discounts on shoes.


  • 必须遵守清单促销代码优惠可以购买一些折扣

    I have complied a list of Promo codes and coupons which can get you some discount when purchasing domains.


  • 必须遵守清单促销代码优惠可以购买一些折扣

    I have complied a list of Promo codes and coupons which can get you some discount when purchasing domains.


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