• 飞机起飞不久便失去一个引擎猛地撞栋建筑物上。

    The plane slammed into the building after losing an engine shortly after take-off.


  • 随着公共卫生结构性问题越来越难以忽视政府过度保护控诉便失去效力

    As the structural nature of public health problems becomes harder to ignore, the complaint about over protective government loses potency.


  • 分钟之后,杰克逊便失去了知觉并且停止了呼吸

    Within minutes, Jackson was unconscious and had stopped breathing.


  • 同样地一旦我们真我闪耀头脑便失去作用。

    Likewise, the mind is useless when we let the Self shine.


  • 但是因为附有条件,这份遗产便失去一半价值

    But he left it to him on such terms as destroyed half the value of the bequest.


  • 既然保守党加入了保护主义潮流投资商便失去渥太华主要盟友

    Now that the Conservatives have joined the protectionist bandwagon, investors have lost their chief ally in Ottawa.


  • 我们知道真实新闻生命失去真实性,新闻便失去灵魂

    We all know that truth is the life of news, without which, news will lose its soul.


  • 原创公司最终进入当地市场时,模仿者可能会很容易便失去原有市场份额

    Copycats can easily lose share when the original company eventually enters the local market.


  • 准备离去脑子里并不惋惜离开沃罗涅日便失去见到公爵小姐机会

    He had, however, been preparing to go away, and it had not entered his head to regret that in leaving Voronezh he was losing all chance of seeing her.


  • 事实上储存过程一氧化氮散失非常之迅速——便失去70%而天则可达90%。

    Within a day of storage, blood loses 70% of its nitric oxide. After a few days, up to 90% has been lost.


  • 大家迅速搬进了大厅…靠那个还是他祖父留下来的座椅上,转瞬之间,便失去知觉

    He was helped into the great hall... losing consciousness instantly, as he lay back in the armchair that had once been his grandfather's...


  • 有人认为电视台电台发射信号附近星球可能都收的因此这场争论便失去意义

    Some people think signals emitted by television and radio stations would be detectable from nearby stars, thus rendering the debate irrelevant.


  • 利润不高情况下,劳动市场更好的待遇,合作社便失去作为参与者长远维生方法的意义

    In the sound of low profit margin, a cooperative is no longer meaningful to the participant to make money while the Labour market could provide better prospects.


  • 那些富裕可以其中每个成员提供自己的电视电脑智能手机家庭,便失去绝大多数社交需要

    The household affluent enough to provide each member with his own television, computer and smartphone is spared the need for most forms of social contact.


  • 啊,知道没有而来的力量生命便失去意义。求你的灵来激励我所做的每件事都荣耀的名。

    Prayer for the day: Lord, I know that without Your power my life would be useless. Prompt me, by Your Holy Spirit, to glorify You in everything I do.


  • 获知父亲哈姆雷特杀死之后,她便失去理智了,那时起,她就经常一个悲伤地唱着歌城堡走。

    She began to lose her mind after she learned that her father had been killed by Hamlet. From then on she often walked around the castle alone, singing sadly.


  • 许多服务器客户端邮件系统传入的”或者新的”电子邮件进行归档并且电子邮件到达用户邮箱之后便失去了作用。

    Many server and client mail systems only file mail on "incoming" or "new" E-mail and become useless once the E-mail reaches the user's mailbox.


  • Camilla Rees在接受《洛杉矶时报》采访表示,新邻居入住后就安装Wi - Fi路由器,之后自己便失去清晰思考能力

    Rees told the los Angeles Times that when her neighbors moved in and installed a wi-fi router she lost her ability to think clearly.


  • 我们变得习惯事情快速得到处理,我们梦想目标雄心其他别的事情那样快地得到实现时我们便失去动力失去自我约束

    We have grown accustomed to getting things quickly. And when our dreams, goals and ambitions don't come as quick as everything else we lose motivation. We lose self-discipline.


  • 我们变得习惯事情快速得到处理,我们梦想目标雄心其他别的事情那样快地得到实现时我们便失去动力失去了自我约束。

    We have grown accustomed to getting things quickly. And when our dreams, goals and ambitions don't come as quick as everything else we lose motivation.


  • 我们这里有案例招聘官范斯德梅克尔表示,发现某个求职者MySpace上刊登了内容低俗的自我介绍,之后便失去了聘用她法律助理的兴趣

    Case in point: Recruiter Lori Fenstermaker says she lost interest in a recent candidate for a legal-assistant job after finding her raunchy MySpace profile.


  • 麻烦始于2007年10月称职开端之后,布朗轻率地表示要提前进行大选但是流行说法是“一遇到阻力,便失去勇气,收回了成命”。

    The trouble began in October 2007, when, after a competent start, Mr Brown toyed with calling an early general election, only, in popular parlance, to “bottle it”.


  • 打开开关,老鼠便失去记忆。” 南加州大学维特比(Viterbi)工程学院生物工程系西奥多·伯格(Theodore Berger)如是说

    Flip it off, and the rats forget, " said Theodore Berger of the University of Southern California's Viterbi School of Engineering's Department of Biomedical Engineering."


  • 我们这里有一个案例招聘官范斯德梅克尔(Lori Fenstermaker)表示发现某个求职者MySpace上刊登了内容低俗的自我介绍,之后便失去了聘用法律助理的兴趣

    Case in point: Recruiter Lori Fenstermaker says she lost interest in a recent candidate for a legal-assistant job after finding her raunchy MySpace profile.


  • 很多青少年一旦一些成为朋友便试图失去友谊

    A lot of teens try not to lose the friendship once they become friends with some people.


  • 很多青少年一旦一些成为朋友便试图失去友谊

    A lot of teens try not to lose the friendship once they become friends with some people.


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