• 许多物种中这些特征包括侵略性

    In many species, such characteristics include aggressiveness.


  • 它们一点东部土拨鼠那样具有侵略性领地意识

    They are not at all aggressive and territorial like the Eastern marmots.


  • 一个人类生存首要因素似乎人类智力上胜过其他物种能力而不是他们侵略性

    One is that people's capacity to outwit other species, not their aggressiveness, appears to be the dominant factor in human survival.


  • 微量一些激素可以改变我们情绪行为,我们的饮食倾向,我们的侵略性顺从性以及我们的繁衍作为父母角色的行为

    Tiny amounts of some hormones can modify our moods and our actions, our inclination to eat or drink, our aggressiveness or submissiveness, and our reproductive and parental behavior.


  • 这种情况下侵略性更好

    In those situations, it's better to be more aggressive than less aggressive.


  • 猩猩天性不具侵略性,这种体型巨大的动物对我并没有真正的恶意。

    True to a gorilla's unaggressive nature, the huge animal meant me no real harm.


  • 人们习惯于担心增加男孩们侵略性大量数据表明引导他们有感情

    People used to worry that it might increase aggression in boys, but there's plenty of data out there to show that it can lead them to be more empathetic.


  • 由于大型公司无法停止前进步伐,公司带有侵略性公司文化时常招来反垄断机构注意

    Because they cannot afford to rest on their laurels, high-tech heavyweights often foster aggressive corporate cultures that draw the attention of antitrust regulators.


  • 研究者比较了816 -18岁带有侵略性青年,并且随机将其加进了8名没有侵略倾向的男孩儿

    The researchers compared eight boys ages 16 to 18 with aggressive conduct disorder to a group of eight adolescent boys with no unusual signs of aggression.


  • 另一个奇怪的现象人们着看时,心里发毛,认为侵略性姿态而不是友好自我介绍

    Another strange phenomenon is the common anxiety in people that when people look at them, they think it is an aggressive stance, not a friendly introduction.


  • 如果裁判认为其中机器人个机器人明显更具侵略性,那么可以选择那个机器人出比赛。

    If the referee considers one robot to be significantly more aggressive than the other in a collision that breaks the ball, they can choose to remove one robot from play.


  • 男人从小就灌输其他男性表现侵略性的思想,为了等级划分严重的社会中有一席之地不得不这样。

    A man is taught that he must not show physical aggression towards other men, something he needs to do, to find his position within the mating hierarchy.


  • 另外嫉妒中的青少年倾向变得具有侵略性可能是肢体上的,也可能是被动的-根本无视他们生气的对象。

    In addition, jealous adolescents studied were more inclined to become either physically or passively aggressiveignoring people with whom they were angry.


  • 研究结果暗示,给肿瘤创造一个苛刻环境当前化疗方法也许会遗留侵略性蔓延性的肿瘤细胞

    The findings suggest that current chemotherapy approaches which create a harsh microenvironment in the tumor may leave behind the most aggressive and invasive tumor cells.


  • 我们小伙子一直在侵略篮筐,变得有侵略性,争抢进攻篮板,即使再某些场合下没有强调”,麦克米兰说道

    I thought our guys were attacking the basket, being aggressive, offensive rebounding, and there were no calls in some situations, "said McMillan."


  • 英国前锋表达巴塞罗那侵略性无球跑动压迫欣赏表示曼联赛季已经成功地这种风格整合自己的比赛中。

    The England striker expressed his admiration for Barcelona's aggressive pressing off the ball and says United have successfully integrated it into their own style this season.


  • 所以例如对于曾经过兵学院,我们帮助认识生气时候需要大叫、变得具有侵略性

    So, for the person who was in the military, for example, we would work with him on realizing that he doesn't need to yell and scream and get aggressive when he's angry.


  • 总是告诉大家即便拿到40分50如果我们继续好比赛,表现得侵略性的话,他可以拿到70分。

    "I always tell people, even he's getting 40 or 50 points, if we continue to make plays and be aggressive, he can score 70," Lakers forward Lamar Odom said.


  • 恩先生辩称,这场斗争中除了表现出侵略性微软别无选择庞大经销商合作伙伴网络盗版横行的地区无法生存

    Mr.Finn argues that Microsoft has no choice but to be aggressive in its fight, saying its immense network of resellers and partners can't make a living in areas flush with counterfeit software.


  • 彼此充满敌意兄弟姐妹有可能他人关系表现出侵略性杨百翰大学家庭生活院的詹姆斯·哈伯教授

    Brothers and sisters who exhibit hostility toward each other are more likely to portray aggressive behaviors in other relationships, says James Harper, BYU professor in the School of Family Life.


  • 对于有关女性愤怒侵略性描述“非女性化”的指责,莱辛回应道,“显然很多女性所想所感所经历的是非常让人吃惊的。”

    Attacked for being "unfeminine" in her depiction of female anger and aggression, Lessing responded, "Apparently what many women were thinking, feeling, experiencing came as a great surprise."


  • 射手女大多很自豪,有时候甚至好战并富有侵略性她们伪装一位庄严女爵期待自己所钟爱。 。

    They disguised as a stately Dame, looking forward to be your favorite people to love. They disguised as a stately Dame, looking forward to be your favoritepeople to love.


  • 西班牙阿根廷巴西巴拉圭智利等的防守带有侵略性对方半场中线附近,他们就试图重新夺回控球权

    Other teams such as Spain, Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay and Chile aggressively tried to win the ball back in the opponent's half of the pitch or close to the halfway line at the latest.


  • 不仅仅使新的年轻一代军官迫切要求用侵略性方法对待美国外部世界其他国家就像那个生病金先生所制造谣言那样。

    It's not just that a new generation of young military officers has been pressing for a more aggressive approach to the United States and the rest of the outside world as rumors build of an ailing Mr.


  • 利用以往曾经奏效的策略发起了一场侵略性销售大战,在巩固现有客户基础上,将目标集中于开发项目

    Using strategies that have worked in the past, I developed an aggressive sales campaign that focused on cultivating new accounts and nurturing the existing client base.


  • 利用以往曾经奏效的策略发起了一场侵略性销售大战,在巩固现有客户基础上,将目标集中于开发项目

    Using strategies that have worked in the past, I developed an aggressive sales campaign that focused on cultivating new accounts and nurturing the existing client base.


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