• 由于大型公司无法停止前进步伐,公司带有侵略性公司文化时常招来反垄断机构注意

    Because they cannot afford to rest on their laurels, high-tech heavyweights often foster aggressive corporate cultures that draw the attention of antitrust regulators.


  • 遭受了多年欧洲葡萄虫害困扰加州,近日宣布终于根除这个具有侵略性害虫。

    After several years of being infested with European grapevine moth, agricultural officials declared that this invasive species had been eradicated from California.


  • 另一个奇怪的现象人们着看时,心里发毛,认为侵略性姿态而不是友好自我介绍

    Another strange phenomenon is the common anxiety in people that when people look at them, they think it is an aggressive stance, not a friendly introduction.


  • 足球曲棍球球员变得更加敌对侵略性赛季仍然如此在淡季,没有增加侵略性游泳选手

    The football and hockey players became more hostile and aggressive during the season and remained so during the off-season, whereas there was no increase in aggressiveness among the swimmers.


  • 男人从小就灌输其他男性表现侵略性的思想,为了等级划分严重的社会中有一席之地不得不这样。

    A man is taught that he must not show physical aggression towards other men, something he needs to do, to find his position within the mating hierarchy.


  • 费拉拉意甲上双丰收,需要一名有实力具有侵略性达到欧冠水平的右边后卫

    Ferrara is keen to challenge for the Champions League and the Scudetto and he wants a powerful, pacy and combative right-back who can cope with the demands of top European action.


  • 尽管如此,风险高的动物搬迁这个年龄可以高度紧张研究表明企图育种男性可以成为侵略性的

    Still, the risks were high-relocating an animal this age can be highly stressful for it and research shows that breeding attempts by males can become aggressive.


  • 英国前锋表达巴塞罗那侵略性无球跑动压迫欣赏表示曼联赛季已经成功地这种风格整合自己的比赛中。

    The England striker expressed his admiration for Barcelona's aggressive pressing off the ball and says United have successfully integrated it into their own style this season.


  • 对于有关女性愤怒侵略性描述“非女性化”的指责,莱辛回应道,“显然很多女性所想所感所经历的是非常让人吃惊的。”

    Attacked for being "unfeminine" in her depiction of female anger and aggression, Lessing responded, "Apparently what many women were thinking, feeling, experiencing came as a great surprise."


  • 利用以往曾经奏效的策略发起了一场侵略性销售大战,在巩固现有客户基础上,将目标集中于开发项目

    Using strategies that have worked in the past, I developed an aggressive sales campaign that focused on cultivating new accounts and nurturing the existing client base.


  • 艾普盖特原创的「步兵杂志系列文章中提出同样的观点。 。 。 。 。 。不是自卫而是富于侵略性进攻

    Applegate fires this same volley in his original " infantry journal " articles. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . not self - defense , but aggressive self - offense.


  • 而且女人第六所以即使明白怎么,她也出一些端倪,然后用一些只有女人消极的,侵略性方式来惩罚你。

    And women have that sixth sense, so even if she doesn't figure out to what you are up, she will smell the dog on you and punish you in passive aggressive ways that only a woman can.


  • 曼联一直领先麦柯利什充满侵略性球队最后时刻的失球让伯明翰2010年的最后1场比赛中在曼联身上拿到1

    The Reds led Birmingham by a goal to nil in a tight game against Alex McLeish's terrier-like team, but a dubious late goal earned the Blues a point and spoiled Sir Alex's end to 2010.


  • 也许更多打断侵略性本性不会转化大量篮板可能不得不使用技巧把握时间能力来处理,这都有学问的。

    Perhaps more disturbing his aggressive nature didn't translate into heaps of rebounds. That probably has to do with technique and timing, both of which can be learned.


  • 不仅仅使新的年轻一代军官迫切要求用侵略性方法对待美国外部世界其他国家就像那个生病金先生所制造谣言那样。

    It's not just that a new generation of young military officers has been pressing for a more aggressive approach to the United States and the rest of the outside world as rumors build of an ailing Mr.


  • 年前,与克里斯托先生一样同为新保守派的罗伯特•卡根危险国家》一书中承认美国人所作所为具有侵略性一面

    Two years ago, inDangerous Nation”, Mr Kristol’s fellow neoconservative, Robert Kagan, also acknowledged the aggressive side of American behaviour.


  • 年前,与克里斯托先生一样同为新保守派的罗伯特·卡根危险国家》一书中承认美国人所作所为具有侵略性一面

    Two years ago, in "Dangerous Nation", Mr Kristol's fellow neoconservative, Robert Kagan, also acknowledged the aggressive side of American behaviour.


  • 英超冠军切尔西主场斯坦福开局显得很槽糕,巴伦西亚在富有侵略性的进攻中,凭借戴维。席尔瓦25码世界波以1-0领先

    The English champions were outplayed in the opening half at Stamford Bridge and Valencia fully deserved their 1-0 lead - courtesy of a fabulous 25-yard angled drive from David Silva.


  • 侵略性的矿物盐一般都含有氯化镁组分,成分溶液中的移动速度氯化钠要快100以上泥浆发生化学反应,影响泥浆体系的使用性能。

    The aggressive salts contain Magnesium Chloride, which can move at rates 100 times faster than Halite and could chemically react with cement.


  • 米兰对阵的是非常有侵略性球队,但是米兰组织好阵脚,就掌控节奏,制造了3,4次非常好的机会接下来菲拉只能通过反击来威胁我们了。

    We played against very aggressive opponents, but when we got organised we took control of the play and created 3-4 important chances and from then on they were only dangerous on counterattacks.


  • 杜克大学泌尿科医生研究调查Freedland说:“实验考虑,我们没有这些小鼠进行任何的治疗,任由具有侵略性的肿瘤不受抑制的生长。”

    "These mice were not receiving treatment and we were allowing aggressive tumors to grow unchecked for the sake of the experiment," said study investigator Freedland, a urologist at Duke.


  • 杜克大学泌尿科医生研究调查Freedland说:“实验考虑,我们没有这些小鼠进行任何的治疗,任由具有侵略性的肿瘤不受抑制的生长。”

    "These mice were not receiving treatment and we were allowing aggressive tumors to grow unchecked for the sake of the experiment," said study investigator Freedland, a urologist at Duke.


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