• 最近一次巴西帕拉雨林边界上空侦察飞行,空气中竟然连片烟丝都没有

    But on a recent surveillance flight over the forest frontier in Brazil's state of para, there was hardly a wisp of smoke in the sky.


  • 本地居民一起协商敌人战斗寻找失传技术侦察飞行还有其他任务完成

    Negotiations with indigenous people, battles with hostile fighters, search for lost technologies, reconnaissance flights and other tasks are waiting for you to accomplish!


  • 这种飞行能力微型机器人身上安装摄像机,它能够代替人类进入微小空间危险地带工作,比如进入敌人的军事掩体进行敌情侦察,然后信息反馈回来。

    A tiny flying robot of this sort, equipped with a camera, could get into places that are too small or dangerous for people-enemy bunkers, for example-and report what was going on.


  • 美方飞机中国近海所从事不是一般飞行而是收集中国情报侦察活动

    The U.S. planes are not conducting ordinary flights in the airspace over the waters off China's coast, but are carrying out reconnaissance activities to collect intelligence about the Chinese side.


  • 遥控飞机有的只有飞机模型那么,有的则有美国捕食者”无人机“全球”无人侦察机那么大,例行地监测阳光穿过云层的情况,以及在飓风上方进行飞行

    Remotely operated planes, some the size of model airplanes and some the size of military Predators and Hawks, routinely monitor sunlight passing through clouds and fly over hurricanes.


  • 知名军用机器人集成可能无人驾驶飞行器。 它们作战人员提供无人机监视侦察例如捕食者

    The most recognizable integration of robotics in the Army may be the unmanned aerial vehicles that provide surveillance and reconnaissance assets for warfighters such as the Predator.


  • 那次武器评估演习中,这飞行扮演敌方侦察角色,受到最大功率灼伤,持续时间秒钟

    He was playing the role of an enemy scout during an exercise that was meant to evaluate the weapon, and got blasted at full power for four seconds.


  • 为此,美国海军提出所谓的“无人舰载空中侦察打击飞行”计划。

    The US Navy’s response has been to propose what it calls the Unmanned Carrier-Launched Airborne Surveillance and Strike aircraft.


  • “扫描鹰”最大飞行高度超过4880米(16000英尺),可以提供低空侦察能力

    Capable of flying above 16, 000 feet, the unmanned aircraft provides low-altitude reconnaissance.


  • 或许最为著名间谍互换事件的案主叫做FrancisGaryPowers,1960年这位美国飞行驾驶的U-2侦察苏联击落

    Perhaps the most famous spy swap involved Francis Gary Powers, a U.S. pilot who had been shot down in a U-2 spy plane over the Soviet Union in 1960.


  • 艾森豪维尔亲自命令架美军高空侦察机U21960年五一劳动节这天被苏联击落飞行加里·鲍尔斯遭到生擒。

    One of the U-2 surveillance flights that Eisenhower ordered ended in spectacular disaster on May Day 1960, when the Soviets shot down the aircraft and captured the pilot, Francis Gary Powers, alive.


  • 侦察图像侦察任务降下高速飞行期间缩回机身之内

    The reconnaissance bay is lowed during imagery reconnaissance mission and retracted into the fuselage during high-speed flight.


  • 这位将军架可担负全天侯侦察能力无人驾驶武装食者”战机目前已经利比亚使用。首次飞行今天发起由于恶劣天气原因行动取消。

    Two unmanned armed predators capable of around-the-clock coverage are now in Libya, the general added. The first flights launched today but were cancelled because of bad weather.


  • 有可能有人基地进行侦察,因此命令那个飞行跟踪那个奇怪飞行

    He said that someone might be spying on the station and the pilot was ordered to keep track of the strange object.


  • 可能有人基地进行侦察,因此命令那个飞行跟踪那个奇怪飞行

    He said that someone might be spying on the station and the pilot was ordered to keep track of the strange object.


  • 可能有人基地进行侦察命令那个飞行跟踪那个奇怪飞行

    He said that someone might be spying on the station and the pilot was ordered to keep track of the strange object.


  • 两名飞行驾驶的美国侦察苏联白令海上空击落

    The Soviets had shot down their spy plane over the Bering Sea.


  • 航模无人驾驶侦察靶机飞行经常采用螺旋桨的活塞式小型动力装置

    Minitype power unit with diesel and propeller is widely used in aviation model, unmanned scout and target drone.


  • 论述一种小型无人侦察飞行控制管理系统计算机的基本设计思想。

    Design principles of the flight control and managing computer of a small reconnaissance UAV are presented.


  • 本发明无人机适用科研实验遥感探测、侦察空中航拍飞行任务

    The unmanned aerial vehicle of the invention is applicable to flying assignments such as scientific experiments, remote sensing, reconnaissance and aerial photography.


  • 绝地偏小飞行摩托相比BARC飞行摩托大,更富有攻击性。它各种星球用于侦察护卫任务

    A more aggressive and bulkier design than slimmer speeder bikes used by the Jedi, the BARC speeder was used in scouting and escort missions on a variety of worlds.


  • 高空长航无人机一种新型无人飞行器,战场侦察高空大气探测方面特殊用途

    HALE UAV is a new type of UAV, and this new type of UAV has special purpose in scout and exploration of altitude atmosphere.


  • 空中支援要求拒绝了德军指挥官只能利用一下在这个地区上空盘旋的侦察了,他要求飞行报告如下情况。

    The air support requested was denied. Then taking advantage of one recce plane that was overflying that area, the german commander requested the pilot the following.


  • 丘吉尔接到报告侦察执行完任务穿越英国海岸返航途中,遭到一架不明飞行物的尾随

    A report gave to Churchill claim that a scout crossing Brithish coast tailed by an UFO after it return from a mission.


  • 丘吉尔接到报告侦察执行完任务穿越英国海岸返航途中,遭到一架不明飞行物的尾随

    A report gave to Churchill claim that a scout crossing Brithish coast tailed by an UFO after it return from a mission.


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