• 农民依靠种植作物为生,牧民依赖驯养牲畜

    While agriculturalists rely on domesticated plants, pastoralists rely on domesticated animals.


  • 几千年来他们开始减少野外狩猎采集依赖更多地依靠自己饲养动物播种庄稼

    Over thousands of years, they began to depend less on what could be hunted or gathered from the wild, and more on animals they had raised and crops they had sown.


  • 女人可以依赖其它朋友然而许多男人依靠他们妻子来进行他们的社交网络所以他们关系破裂后社交网络会受到破坏。

    Women were able to rely on other friends, whereas many men depended on their wives for their social networks and so were devastated when they lost these ties.


  • 这个系统中的许多要素像庞式计划中的一样,它们依赖投资者的信心,如果所有投资者撤回他们的资金,这些要素就崩溃,或者依靠新的投资者来使继续运转

    Many elements of the system are Ponzi-like in that they depend on confidence-they would collapse if all investors demanded their stakes back-or they rely on new backers to keep them going.


  • 因此德国过分依赖盎格鲁-撒克逊国家出口付出了沉重的代价因为这些国家是依靠信贷不断上涨房价来维持其消费的。

    For that reason Germany has so far paid a higher price for its reliance on exports than the Anglo-Saxon countries have borne for their dependence on credit and rising house prices.


  • 自然我们可以依靠程序员全面归档这个场景可以依赖程序员读取精心准备文档

    Naturally, we can rely on programmers to thoroughly document this scenario, and we can also rely on programmers to read the carefully-prepared documentation.


  • 软件所依靠其他项目数量越多(包括这些项目自身依赖项),构建软件就变得复杂

    The greater the number of other projects your software depends on, including any of those projects' own dependencies, the more complex building your software becomes.


  • 我爸完全依赖没错,我也不想依靠他们但是没法我自己房子

    My father says I am totally dependent on him and my mother, which is true. I don't want to depend on them, but I cannot afford a house by myself.


  • 一方面,新婚夫妇可能因此受到误导,认为可以一直依赖父母依靠自己。

    For another, new couples might be misled thinking that they can always rely on parents instead of being self-sufficient.


  • 麦凯恩行动方式不会过度依赖敌对方的直接对话,也不会依靠军事威慑力量

    McCain said his approach would not rely too heavily on either direct talks with adversaries or the threat of military force.


  • 很多经济学家说,中国需要咬紧牙关人民币升值这样中国的经济可以减少出口依赖更多地依靠内需

    Many economists argue that China still needs to bite the bullet and let the yuan appreciate so its economy depends less on exports and more on domestic demand.


  • 由于人事记录仍然依靠纸张文件不要过于依赖电脑档案

    Because personnel still runs on paper and paperwork, do not rely too heavily on computerized files.


  • 长远来看,如果中国被迫较少依赖出口更多依靠国内消费,中国经济获益良多。

    If China was forced to depend less on exports and more on consumption it would gain in the long run.


  • 它们或许依赖于使用玉米但是可以依靠目前实验阶段高科技手段市场提供。

    They would not require food crops, but bringing them to market depends on perfecting techniques that are still experimental.


  • 时尚-挑战人们-接受时尚-依靠值得依赖的有时尚意识的朋友家人衣服推荐给他们

    Most fashion-challenged people - I fall into that category - rely on trusted fashion-conscious friends and family to recommend new clothes to them.


  • 如果没有简单系统、没有不断交流扩展知识以及没有掌握方向依赖反馈勇敢也就失去了依靠

    And without a simple system, constant communication to spread knowledge, and feedback to steer with, it's tough to be brave.


  • 大体上男性的IQ依靠灰质女性则更多依赖白质

    More generally, men seem to rely more on their grey matter for their IQ, whereas women rely more on their white matter.


  • 构建Lua容易;只需运行make如果不想依赖特定于平台特性那么可以依靠posix甚至ansi

    Building Lua is easy; you just run make; you can fall back on posix or even ANSI if you don't want to rely on platform-specific features.


  • 安装期间我们依靠Linux发布版管理系统解析所有依赖

    We are going to rely on our Linux distribution's package management system to resolve all package dependencies during the installation.


  • 因为中国人追求和谐依赖群体,所以他们依靠面部表情语调姿势告诉他人他的感受

    Since the Chinese strive for harmony and are group dependent, they rely on facial expression, tone of voice and posture to tell them what someone feels.


  • 依靠Guice提供依赖即使配置Guice模块本身

    You rely on Guice to provide your dependencies, even when you're configuring your Guice module itself.


  • 实际上罗马结构依赖于高强度,寿命长于现代依靠强化混凝土建筑钢结构最终被腐蚀

    In fact, he said, Roman structures that rely on the arch for strength can far outlast modern concrete buildings that rely on steel reinforcement bars, which eventually corrode.


  • 习惯软弱逐渐软弱起来,习惯了依赖,会渐渐忘记如何依靠自己

    Accustomed to the weak, the heart will gradually weak up, used to rely on, will gradually forget how to depend on ourselves.


  • 日本的预警系统没有独独依赖天然地震学,也依靠了大众的即时反馈。

    The Japanese system doesn't rely on seismology alone.


  • 相互依赖也是非物质舞蹈其中一个人依靠消耗另一个人的气血。

    Codependence is also a nonphysical dance in which one feeds off another or consumes another for chi and love.


  • 一些方法依赖于高低点突破,一些依靠移动平均线被击穿另外一些则试图使用价格形态顶部底部

    Some methods rely on breakouts of highs and lows, some use moving average crossovers, and others attempt to find tops and bottoms using price formations.


  • 不要总是依赖别人应该依靠自己

    Don't always depend on others. You should learn to rely on yourself.


  • 促使依靠自己吸取教训从表面依赖安全感

    That forced you back on yourself, and reinforced the lesson not to depend externally on security.


  • 岁以下宝宝依靠母乳生存稍大点的幼象也依赖母亲引领

    Young elephants under the age of two years old are dependent upon milk to survive, while older calves depend on their mother's guidance.


  • 岁以下宝宝依靠母乳生存稍大点的幼象也依赖母亲引领

    Young elephants under the age of two years old are dependent upon milk to survive, while older calves depend on their mother's guidance.


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