• 绑定器没有名字它们的生命依赖于所紧密连接交换器队列

    Bindings have no names and are dependant on the lifecycle of the exchange and queue they tie together.


  • 这种现象甚至还有一个名字自律外包,意思就是说人们潜意识依赖别人帮助自己达到目标同时自己会放松努力

    This phenomenon even has a name - 'self-regulatory outsourcing ' - which is the unconscious reliance on someone else to move your goals forward, coupled by a relaxation of your own effort.


  • 简单WebBean支持依赖注入EL名字拦截器没有EJB那些编程约束

    Simple Web Beans supported dependency injection, EL names and interceptors, but did not have the programming restrictions or full capabilities of EJBs.


  • 他们孩子父母,是好多次陷入麻烦可以依赖,是即使我讲他们名字带到死亡xx不会起诉朋友

    They are my children's godparents, the people to whom I've been able to turn in times of real trouble, friends who have been kind enough not to Sue me when I took their names for Death Eaters.


  • 选择deriverqt名字为了避免uml 2.0中的Derive依赖标准发生混淆。

    The name DeriveRqt was chosen in order to avoid any confusion with the standard Derive dependency in UML 2.0.


  • 现在,人类动物依赖可能以前那么强了。可是我们每天仍能听到许多关于动物的话。美国人许多方面用到动物的名字

    We may not depend as much on wild animals now. But we hear about them every day. Americans use the names of animals in many ways.


  • 现在我们可能野生动物依赖不再那么大。但是我们每天能听到关于它们的对话。美国人很多方面到了动物的名字

    We may not depend as much on wild animals now. But we hear about them every day. Americans use the names of animals in many ways.


  • 以及通常听到一首歌知道歌手名字,我最终放弃了依赖一个音乐搜索引擎,我能够找到一首歌,歌词

    Well usually when I hear a song and want to know the singer or the name of the song , I end up going to relying on a music search engine where I can find a song by it's lyrics .


  • 文件名字情况戏弄黑客们使用简单的文件代替代理人打败简单化名字-应用认证依赖安全措施

    In the case of file name spoofing, hackers use simple file replacement to deposit agents that defeat simplistic, name-dependent security measures for application authentication.


  • 这种现象甚至还有一个名字自律外包,意思就是说人们潜意识依赖别人帮助自己达到目标,而同时自己放松努力。这种现象不仅仅存在于情侣之间,也存在于家人和朋友之间。

    This phenomenon even has a name - 'self-regulatory outsourcing' - which is the unconscious reliance on someone else to move your goals forward, coupled by a relaxation of your own effort.


  • 父母子女这种依赖与被依赖关系可能使子女与父母平等相处,子女更不可能用名字来称呼 父母。

    Because of the dependence relation between children and parents, they are not able to share equal thoughts; moreover, children cannot call their parents by first name.


  • 一个登录信息包含至少登录时间登录的主机名字正常情况下记录程序名字但是依赖程序可信任程度

    Every logged message contains at least a time and a hostname field, normally a program name field, too, but that depends on how trusty the logging program is.


  • 一个登录信息包含至少登录时间登录的主机名字正常情况下记录程序名字但是依赖程序可信任程度

    Every logged message contains at least a time and a hostname field, normally a program name field, too, but that depends on how trusty the logging program is.


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