• 最初刀耕火种农业本质鼓励人们进一步依赖农业,并促使人们聚集人口更密集居住

    The very nature of the initial slash-and-burn agriculture encouraged a further dependence on agriculture and the aggregation of people into denser settlements.


  • 今天与会各国维和任务贡献警察军人尔富尔人民依赖你们加快必要准备工作尽快使维和部队抵达行动

    The people of Darfur depend on the police and troop contributing countries assembled here today to speed up the required preparations and arrive in the theater of operations as soon as possible.


  • 这样交易方案使爱尔兰的欧元合作伙伴欧洲央行ECB感到满意,因为前者希望终结这种不确定性,后者正是爱尔兰过度依赖资金的来源。

    Such a deal should satisfy Ireland’s euro-zone partners, which want an end to the uncertainty, and the European Central Bank (ECB), on which Ireland’s banks have become overly reliant for funding.


  • 大猩猩卢旺达返回依赖于森科维科中心落成,这个中心是NdezeNdakasi特别设计的保护,它坐落于维龙加公园一个茂密丛林处。

    The return of the gorillas from Rwanda depends on the completion of the Senkwekwe Centre, a specially designed sanctuary for Ndeze and Ndakasi in a lush forest habitat in Virunga park.


  • 他们极其关注海湾安全问题,同时削减对这一地石油依赖度。

    Both have an interest in the security of the Gulf -but also in depending less on its oil.


  • 通过各种不同注册设置不同跟踪等级数据进入缓冲依赖每个跟踪连接中的活动数量

    With different trace levels set for various registrations, the influx of data into the buffer also depends on the amount of activity in each connection being traced.


  • 存储方面增长依赖缓冲大小应用到队列数量

    The increase in storage depends on the size of the buffers and the number of queues to which it applies.


  • 使用很少依赖项目组合管理工作中的其他实践

    Its use has very few dependencies on other practices in the portfolio management workspace.


  • 以前尝试解决问题通常依赖于采用某种形式数据存储访问关系数据库队列

    Previous attempts at solving this problem have generally relied on some form of access to a data store, such as a relational database or queue.


  • 如果应用程序非常依赖短期存活加载器托儿所收集能够及时处理其他已分配对象那么保留收集可能不会频繁发生

    If an application relies heavily on short-lived class loaders, and nursery collections can keep up with any other allocated objects, then tenure collections might not happen very frequently.


  • 威尔逊探讨的历史比较的,乐观显而易见:在贫民黑人已经代人依赖社会福利零星工作主流生活隔离

    Wilson's history is more recent, and his optimism is apparent: Three generations of black ghetto dwellers have been relying on welfare and sporadic work and doing so in isolation from the mainstream.


  • 法国具备欧元核心某些工业优势(如果算是出口依赖的话)。

    It has some of the industrial strength (if not the export dependence) of the euro zone's "core".


  • 这种变化使一些依赖挥霍无度的英国消费者出口的欧元国家感到不安。

    That shift has upset some other EU countries that had relied on selling to spendthrift British consumers.


  • 对于大猩猩最近最大危险来自砍伐森林,出于对木炭无尽需求本地居民高度依赖这种燃料烹饪食物

    The latest and biggest danger to the gorillas comes from deforestation caused by the relentless demand for charcoal, on which local people are highly dependent for fuel to boil water and cook food.


  • 那些最穷家庭现在水上的花费比起他们依赖贩子时候减少了十分之九还贫民付费率都100%,里维拉说到

    Bills for the poorest households are now less than one-tenth of when they relied on vendors, and payment in the slum areas is 100%, said Rivera.


  • 西班牙经济是否能够挺过这次欧洲危机主要依赖哪个西班牙会盛行——是那个有竞争力版本还是那个墨守成规的。

    Whether the economy rides out the euro-area crisis will depend on which Spain prevails-the more competitive version or the hidebound one.


  • “奖励依赖性格其它性格不同地方是,他们的额纹状体和边缘体积要比其它地方

    "Reward-dependence" personalities stood out for having smaller volumes of tissue in the fronto-striatal and limbic areas of the brain.


  • 并且依赖所有新增贷款债券收益率控制5%,这是欧元同伴们已经同意的救助利率

    Even that relied on an interest rate of 5%, roughly what euro-zone partners have agreed they will levy on Greece, on all new borrowing and on maturing debt.


  • 是的肯定有种地方我们视为个人工作-但是不会依赖任何单一设备

    Yes, there has to be some kind of place that we consider to be our personal "home" and "workspace" -- but it's not going to live on any one device.


  • 欧元国家依赖官方支持私人部门债权人将会承担越多损失

    The more that euro-zone countries come to depend on official support, the greater the eventual losses that private creditors may take.


  • 欧元申根依赖信任每个成员国有健康的公共财政,控制边境

    The euro zone and the Schengen area depend on trust: that each member will run sound public finances, and that each will control its borders.


  • 目前欧元应对过多依赖两个举措紧缩掩饰

    So far the euro zone's response has relied too much on two things: austerity and pretence.


  • 达到这个目的,可以JAR文件导入工作然后更新Web服务客户端的项目特性作为依赖的JAR文件包括进来。

    You can achieve this by importing the JAR file into your workspace and then updating the Web services client's project properties to include it as a dependent JAR file.


  • 两个位于染色体2P35核苷酸多态性SNPs)对于相关的同种疾病总数酒精依赖上有着最高程度的相关性。

    Two single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), both located onthe chromosomal region 2p35, had the highest degree of associationwith alcohol dependence in a relatively homogenous patient population.


  • 注意依赖于 com.ibm.lotuslabs.ui 插件所以两者都应该Eclipse工作

    Note that this depends upon the com.ibm.lotuslabs.ui plug-in, so you need to have both in your Eclipse workspace.


  • Henry”,是患有酒精依赖的流浪者,哈莱姆活动。 他不断拒绝Yu外展团队想要帮助努力

    Henry, ” an alcohol-dependent homeless man in East Harlem, continually rebuffed efforts by Yu's outreach team to help him.


  • 大脑活动表明测试表明,女性通常一起使用大脑的左右,而男性则依赖左右中的个。

    A test of the brain's electrical activity shows that women commonly use both sides of their brain while men rely more on one.


  • 许多公司核心零部件严重依赖薄弱供应链特别是处于泰国日本等自然灾害高发的供应链。

    Many have come to rely heavily on thin supply chains for their most critical components, especially in areas, such as Thailand or Japan, that are vulnerable to disasters.


  • 许多公司核心零部件严重依赖薄弱供应链特别是处于泰国日本等自然灾害高发的供应链。

    Many have come to rely heavily on thin supply chains for their most critical components, especially in areas, such as Thailand or Japan, that are vulnerable to disasters.


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