• 陆上油田主要分布东北华北西北大庆胜利辽河克拉玛依等油田。

    Oilfields on land are distributed in Northeast, North and Northwest China, etc, such as Daqing, Shengli, Liaohe and Karamay oilfields.


  • 根据设置的不同,可能URL重写路径名动态生成手段。

    Depending on your setup, you might have URL rewriting, dynamic generation by pathname, and so on.


  • 如果曾经面临一个困难决定,譬如,间房子是否接受海外的职位,你也许以上的建议行事

    If you have been faced with a difficult decisionwhich house to buy; whether to accept a Posting abroad — you may have done something similar yourself.


  • 达利凭借超现实主义作品闻名于世,其中包括记忆坚持》、《马-维斯特的》、《纳希瑟斯的蜕变《圣安东尼诱惑

    Dali was famous for his surrealist works, including The Persistence of Memory, The Face of Mae West, The Metamorphosis of Narcissus and The Temptation of St. Anthony.


  • 阿勒颇德拉德勒胡姆其它城市也有大量人员受伤报道

    Elsewhere, scores of wounded were reported in the cities of Aleppo, Deraa, Idleb and Homs.


  • 自动合闸成功率线路结构电压气象条件主要故障类型变化而定。

    Automatic reclosing the success rate structure on line, voltage levels, weather conditions, fault type, and other major changes may be.


  • 无故缺席(含)以上者,成绩不予通过。病假、事假合理原因,学校规定办理请假手续。

    Absence three times and above will flunk. Sickness, business, or something accepted also would be OK, and students have to applied asking off from school rules.


  • 诗雅有限公司创办于1995年,专业从事指甲油洗甲口红美容品生产

    Poems by Accor Limited was founded in 1995, specialized in nail polish, a washing water, lipstick and other cosmetics production.


  • 金箔纯度分为一毛金、二毛金、三毛金

    The gold foil divides into three levels according to the purity.


  • 求解断层相对运动方法,美国毕令斯的画法几何,前苏联有莫尔恰诺夫和瓦涅尔曼的图解分析法

    As to the method of calculating the relative movement force and total fault displacement of two walls of a fault, there are the method of descriptive geometry and the method of diagram analysis.


  • 塑造城市环境城市的规模性质功能,自然特征,注意创建自己风格韵味

    The urban environmental beauty with oneself style and charm should be constructed according to the scope, performance and function as well as their natural characteristic.


  • 影响车皮可供数量一个因素在于内布拉斯加阿华明尼苏达乙醇工厂扩充

    One factor affecting railcar availability is the expansion of ethanol plants in states such as Nebraska, Iowa and Minnesota.


  • 欧洲,皮尔·卡丹圣罗兰知名品牌家族企业所拥有

    In Europe, the family enterprise holds some famous brands such as Pierre Cardin, Yves Saint Laurent.


  • 性别分析,我们发现在女性受雇者中,高职、高教育程度者疲劳指数高于、低教育程度者。

    When stratified by gender, females who were better educated and had higher employment grades had higher levels of burnout than females with a lower socioeconomic status.


  • 与以往虚报注册资本主要行政机关职权发现的瑕疵登记相比,受欺诈的瑕疵登记更具复杂性特殊性

    Fraud flawed registration is more complicate and characteristic than those like a false registered capital which were mainly detected by administrative departments.


  • 以往曾岩群岩块中的珊瑚、腕足类、腹足类化石划分奥陶世古生代

    On the basis of fossils yielded from the exotic blocks, the age of this group-complex was defined to the Late Ordovician or the Paleozoic.


  • 新晃星级宾馆不多,夜郎宾馆属于新晃较好的宾馆。另有君家、祥园大酒店凯瑞商务酒店

    You may not easily find star hotels in Xinhuang. Yelang hotel is one of the best hotels there along with Junhan Yijia Hotel, Xianghuan Hotel and Kairuida Business Hotel.


  • 口头言语使用交际对象目的场合手段,将语言因素结合起来考察

    The use of oral language ought to be based on the object, purpose, environment and means of communication and checked by both the internal and external factors of a language.


  • 此外理光三菱莱克斯公司一直保持着良好业务关系

    In addition with the Ricoh, Mitsubishi, according to lakes such companies have maintained good business relationships.


  • 金属垫圈,材料:图来生产。

    Metal washers made of iron, steel, copper, etc. according to supplied drawings or samples.


  • 任何公司还应当按照根据任何规定有权对该记录进行查验任何人要求,将其上述方式保存的记录进行格式转换

    Any corporation shall so convert any records so kept upon the request of any person entitled to inspect such records pursuant to any provision of this chapter.


  • 公司“以诚为本、诚信经营原则业界赢得良好口碑产品远销东南亚国家

    In a principle of "Professional Integrity, Faithful Operation", it has established a sound reputation in the circle. And its products have been exported to Southeast Asian countries.


  • 方法:以5-氰基苯起始原料,核加成、水解化学拆分、反应制得抗抑郁药草酸地普仑。

    Methods:Starting from 5-cyanophthalide, escitalopram oxalate was prepared via several steps including nucleophilic addition, hydrolysis, chemical separation, cyclization and salt formation.


  • 汉字艺术是以汉字、汉字理念讬、为载体视觉听觉行为多维书写,好,决不仅仅书写。

    The art of Chinese Characters is a multi-dimensional beauty in vision, audition, action, etc. with conception as its basis and carrier, Calligraphy is writing, but not only writing.


  • 汉字艺术是以汉字、汉字理念讬、为载体视觉听觉行为多维书写,好,决不仅仅书写。

    The art of Chinese Characters is a multi-dimensional beauty in vision, audition, action, etc. with conception as its basis and carrier, Calligraphy is writing, but not only writing.


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