• 当事人第三之间纠纷依照法律规定或者按照约定解决

    Any dispute between the party and such third person shall be resolved in accordance with the law or the agreement between the parties.


  • 个人承包依照法律允许继承人继续承包按照承包合同办理

    Contracting by an individual, if permitted by law to be continued by the successor, shall be treated in accordance with the terms of the contract.


  • 依照生成事件用 ascendingOrder参数将事件按照升序降序进行排列

    The ascendingOrder parameter is used to order events in either ascending or descending order, according to creation time.


  • 他们依照意愿来帮你决定而不是按照他们认为的最好的决定来做。

    They are bound to make the decisions that you want, not what they think is best.


  • 依照法律规定或者按照双方当事人约定应当本人实施民事法律行为,不得代理

    Civil juristic ACTS that should be performed by the principal himself, pursuant to legal provisions or the agreement between the two parties, shall not be entrusted to an agent.


  • 第八十九条依照法律规定或者按照当事人约定可以采用下列方式担保债务履行。

    Article 89 in accordance with legal provisions the agreement between the parties on the performance of a debt may be guaranteed using the methods below.


  • 图书出版者按照合同约定期限出版应当依照本法第四十七条规定承担民事责任

    The book publisher shall bear the civil liability in accordance with the provisions of Article 47 of this Law if he fails to publish the work within the time limit specified in the contract.


  • 北京开票查账征收税务机关按照纳税人提供所反映经营情况依照适用税率计算缴纳税款方式

    Beijing: billing audit collection and tax authorities in accordance with the taxpayer accounts table reflect the operating conditions, in accordance with the applicable tax rates tax paid way.


  • 依照自己兴趣事情按照自己的方法过日子凭着自己的感觉自己的真挚感情交朋友

    According to their own interests to do things, in accordance with their own way to live, with their own feeling to go their own way, with sincere feelings to make friends.


  • 按照生产工艺标准监督生产操作依照巡检规范检测部分工艺参数填写相应检查报表

    Supervise the production operation according to the process standard; inspect parts of process parameters according to the inspection standard and fill out the relative inspection forms.


  • 这样依照实验方法如果匹配参考混合物15%庚烷85%异烷组成,那么按照所用实验方法,对比实验样本辛烷值就是85 。

    Thus, if the matching reference blend is made up of 15% nheptane and 85% isooctane, the test sample is rated 85 motor or research octane number, according to the test method used.


  • 会计利润应税利润依照不同依据按照不同的原则确认的,是两个极易混淆概念,两者既有区别,联系

    Accounting profit and tax profit are two concepts easily confused, according to different foundations and different principals, there are not only differences but also connections in them.


  • 当事人第三之间纠纷依照法律规定或者按照约定解决

    The disputes between the breaching party and the third party shall be settled pursuant to law or by agreement.


  • 安排手术病人按照择期手术的要求进行术前检查依照规定包括一个详细病史体格检查

    Patients scheduled for surgery should have preoperative testing ordered with selectivity and based only on a screening including a careful history and physical examination.


  • 蓝色工作的是员工必须按照事先确定的工作方式依照规定标准完成的任务

    Blue work refers to tasks an employee has to carry in a prescribed way to an approved standard.


  • 同一构成要件内错误应该依照法定符合观点按照行为人预谋犯罪的既处理。

    When the error is taken in the same constitution of a crime, the offenders should be sentenced as accomplishment of a crime premeditated according to the view of accordance in law.


  • 社区文化经营就是按照城市经营理论方法依照城市经营目标规划建设管理社区文化的一项管理活动

    The cultural management of communities is an activity for planning, constructing and managing a community according to the theory and method of city management, in conformity to city operation goal.


  • 发起人依照前款规定缴纳出资应当按照发起人协议承担违约责任。

    Where a promoter fails to pay the subscriptions in accordance with the provisions of the preceding paragraph, he shall be liable for the default in accordance with the promoters' agreement.


  • 1941年重组贵州银行按照股份制公司形式组建、依照现代银行管理模式进行管理。

    In 1941, bank of Guizhou Province was restructured according to the corporate system of limited liabilities and operated based on modern bank management models.


  • 应当按照合同要求交付全部保险单保费依照第13规定属于业主交付的除外。

    Premiums on all insurance policies are required by this Contract, except those policies required under Article 13 to be carried by the Owner.


  • 合营企业依照规定取得场地使用权外,还可以按照国家有关规定取得场地使用权

    In addition to obtaining the site use right pursuant to the provisions of this chapter, joint ventures may acquire such right in accordance with the relevant stipulations of the State.


  • 健康中心经理主管指引依照洲际酒店集团政策程序注重服务按照洲际酒店及当地酒店的标准程序规定。

    Under the direction of the Health Club Manager or Supervisor, delivers exceptional customer focused service through adherence to InterContinental Hotels Group Policies and Procedures.


  • 依照文章下列哪个月份按照节日命名

    According to the passage, which of the following months is named after a festival?


  • 图书出版者按照合同约定期限出版应当依照本法第五十三条规定承担民事责任

    The book publisher who fails to publish the work within the term specified in the contract shall bear civil liabilities provided for in Article 53 of this Law.


  • 依照对方喜欢方式行事——有时候可以按照对方喜欢的方式行事,并以此传达你对伴侣的爱恋尊重。

    Do it his or her waysometimes; you need to do things their way just to show how much you love them and respect their feelings.


  • 依照对方喜欢方式行事——有时候可以按照对方喜欢的方式行事,并以此传达你对伴侣的爱恋尊重。

    Do it his or her waysometimes; you need to do things their way just to show how much you love them and respect their feelings.


- 来自原声例句

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