• 水库供水水库WQ I值均在60以下,水质尚可。结论塘坑背水库群各主要供水水库水质尚好,基本符合作为供水应急供水水源要求。

    WQI of each reservoir was under 60. Conclusion the water quality of the main Tangkengbei reservoirs meet the standard of water supply and emergency water supply.


  • 发现潜在水资源显然这个计划大有助益特别是可能宇航员以资使用,无需依靠地球水。

    Discovering a potential water supply has obvious benefits for that scheme, not least providing astronauts with a potential reservoir that they can tap into rather than rely on shipments from Earth.


  • 全长127英里利兹-利物浦运河于下月初关闭60英里河道,届时运河供水水库蓄水量,预计降到水库容量的10%。

    Some 60 miles of the 127-mile Leeds and Liverpool Canal will be closed early next month, by which time the reservoirs which feed it are expected to have fallen to just 10 per cent of their capacity.


  • 水库建于上世纪60年代,同时在安加拉建有一个巨大的水坝发电。

    It was formed in the 1960s with a huge dam across the Angara River to provide hydroelectric power.


  • 这个水库全城供水

    This reservoir supplies the entire city with water.


  • 水库供水合同区别合同法中的用水合同转让合同。

    The reservoir water supply contract differs from contract for water supply in contract law and conveyance of water right contract.


  • 介绍玻璃钢管道施工技术设备工艺及其绥化市红兴水库供水工程中的应用

    This paper introduces the construction technique of the glass steel grit filled pipe, equipment, craft and the application of water supply engineering at Hongxing Reservoir in Suihua City.


  • 健康专家一事件不会水库供水波特兰市居民造成任何伤害

    Health experts said the incident would not have caused any harm to people in the city of Portland, who are supplied with drinking water from the reservoir.


  • 由于上游河道污染严重,官厅水库于1997年退出北京市饮用水供水体系

    The Guanting Reservoir quit the drinkable water supply system of Beijing in 1997 due to the seriously pollution at its upper reaches.


  • 通过经济技术多方面比较,认为双峰水库解决承德市防洪供水问题最佳工程。

    Through the comparing on economy, technology, and so on, we found the best way of solving the problem of flood preventing and water supply contradiction is to build the Shuangfengsi Reservoir.


  • 经过一系列努力官厅水库水质明显好转,于2005年开始北京市饮用水尝试供水

    By great efforts, the water quality of Guanting Reservoir has remarkably been changed for the better and it has started trial supply of drinkable water to Beijing since 2005.


  • 龙滩水库在下闸蓄水开始阶段断流,下游供水一定影响

    In the initial impoundment of Longtan Reservoir, it has certain influences to the downstream water supply since there is no runoff below the dam.


  • 城镇水库供水

    The town is supplied with water from a reservoir.


  • 文中所提分析意见供水工作者进行水库规划参考

    The analytical views in this paper may give a reference to engineers in reservoir planning.


  • 结合实例两种方法进行比较联合供水调度使水库供水增加原因进行了探析

    Comparison of the two methods was conducted based on case study and the reason why joint water supply operation can increase water supply was analyzed.


  • 已有水库供水调度规则研究偏重于单一目标供水对于有着不同优先级保证率的多个供水目标的研究不足。

    The existing reservoir water-supply operation rules focuses on the single water supply, paying little attention to multipurpose water supply with different priority and reliability.


  • 灌区运行要求泵站满足正常情况供水能满足向调节水库储水调节水库提水灌溉

    Irrigation district operation requires that pumping station not only satisfy normal water supply, but ensure the water reserves of adjustment reservoir and water lifting irrigation form the reservoir.


  • 供水系统间歇式供水方式造成主管道内部产生负压,高位水池(水库)供水管道很长容易产生负压

    The intermittent supply mode in water supply system will lead to negative pressure in the main pipe, and the same phenomenon also exists in long downcomers of elevated basin (reservoir).


  • 城镇小山中的水库供水

    The town is supplied with water from a reservoir.


  • 通过对水库来水量、供水开发利用现状分析提出提高浍河水库水资源利用效益措施

    Analyses the water measure, supply water quantity and the present condition of huihe reservoir, puts forward the measures of raise the utilization of the resources of water of huihe reservoir.


  • 研究水库污染物运动规律对于加强水库供水水质管理,保障水库供水安全非常重要

    The study of the transportation of the pollutant in the reservoir is very important to enhance the water supply quality management and the water supply security of the reservoir.


  • 本文的一部分论述调节水库供水概率或保证率。

    In the first part, this paper discusses the probability of the annual flow regulation.


  • 包括公用供水系统、公用私人用井、灌溉用井、水库河流池塘

    The source(s) of water. For a given supply this could include municipal water, community well, private well, irrigation well, water course, cistern, reservoir, river, pond and lakes.


  • 1958年,安阳上游修建彰武南海座梯级水库,万金灌区由单一农业供水变为工农业联合供水

    In 1958, two reservoirsZhangwu and Nanhai were built on the upper reaches of anyang River. The single water supply for agriculture was changed into joint water supply for industry and agriculture.


  • 1958年,安阳上游修建彰武南海座梯级水库,万金灌区由单一农业供水变为工农业联合供水

    In 1958, two reservoirsZhangwu and Nanhai were built on the upper reaches of anyang River. The single water supply for agriculture was changed into joint water supply for industry and agriculture.


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