• 对于水源污染较严重城市,则采取区分供水方式

    But for cities where water sources have been quite seriously polluted, differentiated water supply modes according to water quality demand might be adopted for different areas.


  • 给排水节能设计篇:超高层供水方式及节能性说明分析。

    Energy efficiency design for water&drainage system:Water supply mode of high-riser and energy…


  • 供水方式控制原理供水相同只是压力设置不同

    PSA water control principles and the same constant pressure water supply, the pressure is different settings.


  • 通过对水费收缴问题研究提出了采用分户供水方式解决一个思路

    Through the study that how to deal with the difficult problem in charging the water fare, the paper raises a new idea that take the method of water supply to separate house.


  • 社区二次供水方式上,新景家园经多方比较最终选择了无负压供水设备

    The second way in the community water supply, multi-Xinjingjieyuan by comparison, the ultimate choice of a non-pressure water equipment.


  • 土壤质地、滴头流量、土壤密度以及供水方式因素对于点源入渗有着一定的影响

    Soil texture, bulk density and water applied methods are critical factors influenced point source infiltration.


  • 土壤质地、滴头流量、土壤密度以及供水方式等因素对于点源入渗有着一定影响。

    With the increment of soil bulk density and water discharge rate, the movement of horizontal wetting front increased and the vertical movement decreased.


  • 以盆栽玉米为试材,研究控制性分交替滴灌供水方式下,不同处理蒸腾速率变化

    The diurnal change of transpiration rate of maize in different disposals was studied in potted experiment under the alternative drip irrigation for the control of root.


  • 本文介绍变频供水设备使用特点以及变频调速装置供水方式住宅小区中使用的实例。

    The paper introduces a frequency water supply as a kind of advanced water supply facilities, particularly, the frequency water supply of regulating device used domestic buildings.


  • 供水系统中,供水供水中用水量发生变化,出口压力保持不变供水方式

    In water supply system, water supply in constant pressure means that terminal pressure keeps constant all the time when the quantity of dispended water varies.


  • 应用模糊综合评判理论给出一种理论依据可靠、切实可行、方便操作高层建筑供水方式选择方法

    A selecting method of water supply way in high buildings is obtained by using the fuzzy synthetic judgement theory.


  • 水泵变频调速恒压交流供水目前应用最广泛节能供水方式,其能耗较低,存在额外水力损耗

    The constant-pressure and variable-flow adjustment of inverter-drive pump is widely used for energy saving, but the method has still additional hydraulic loss.


  • 供水系统间歇式供水方式造成主管道内部产生负压,高位水池(水库)供水管道很长容易产生负压

    The intermittent supply mode in water supply system will lead to negative pressure in the main pipe, and the same phenomenon also exists in long downcomers of elevated basin (reservoir).


  • 系统实行恒供水取代传统供水方式不仅控制方便灵活可省去高位水塔直接加压的系统等;

    The system can replace the traditional water supply mode, not only convenient and flexible in control, but also a high water tower or add to press directly of the pump system etc;


  • 有些店主通过事物方式表示欢迎

    Some go out of their way to welcome pets by offering water and treats.


  • 本文根据一些远距离供水工程设计实践水源选择输水方式线路优选问题提出了见解。

    This paper provides some Suggestions concerning the selection of water resources, the method for water transportation and pipeline optimization on the basis of design practices.


  • 华北山区城市探讨了影响山区城市供水输配水方式因素选择方法

    Taking the case of a mountainous city in North China, this paper explores some effective factors and methods to choose the water-conveying modes of the urban water supply system in mountainous area.


  • 结合工程实例,对同一建筑要求不同供水温度用户采用混水连接方式的供热系统进行了探讨

    The heat-supply system using way of water-mixing direct connection for heat users requiring different water supply temperatures in the same building is discussed with engineering example.


  • 针对城乡集约化供水模式原有城市供水管网供水影响集中探讨了供水管网泵站增压方式优化

    Aimed at the influence of urban-rural intensive water supply pattern on water supply pipe network, the optimization of booster pump station operation in the pipe network is mainly discussed.


  • 通过调节蒸汽阀门控制供水温度现有运行方式通过调节疏阀门控制供水温度的新运行方式进行了仿真分析。

    The two operational modes were analyzed by the model controlled the steam inlet valve and the drain water valve based on the return water temperature.


  • 由此可见方案2方案1提供更多供水优的配方式

    It can be seen that scheme 2 can supply more water supply than that of scheme 1, which is the superior water dispatching way.


  • 这些土地保有制度变化意味着社区必须适应多样化生活方式而这当地可靠供水增加压力

    These land tenure changes mean that the community must adopt a more diversified lifestyle, which is increasing the pressure for a reliable local water supply.


  • 介绍一种基于PLC变频器采用串行总线方式通讯变频供水系统构成工作原理

    The composition and operational principle of an automatic frequency con version constant pressure water supplying system based on PLC and frequency convertor with serial communication are introduced.


  • 无论哪种种植方式最大供水范围之内,灌溉定额大,作物产量水平高。

    In the most ration of water supplying, yield of crop was enhanced when irrigation ration was increased no matter what planting pattern was applied.


  • 针对高炉流量供水冷却方式的弊端,提出采用温差自力式调节阀使高炉按恒温供水冷却方式冷却。

    In this paper, temperature difference self-power adjusting valve is used to make BF cooling apparatus change constant flux water supply mode to constant difference in temperature cooling mode.


  • 介绍了南水北调中线京石段应急供水工程各类闸站负荷等级、主接线方式、供电保证概率分析计算

    The relationship between water supply assurance factor and the quantity of sanitary fittings operated simultaneously which is used to determine the design flow rate is analyzed.


  • 除了保护供水组织措施之外,构成一些处理方式也是必要的。

    In addition to organizational measures to protect the water supply, some form of treatment may be necessary.


  • 除了保护供水组织措施之外,构成一些处理方式也是必要的。

    In addition to organizational measures to protect the water supply, some form of treatment may be necessary.


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