• 说明供应商交付环境组织职责范围这种环境下,每个供应商负责不同的端到端交付部分

    To illustrate organizational boundaries of responsibilities in a multi-supplier delivery environment where different suppliers are responsible for different parts of the end-to-end delivery.


  • 例如供应商层次结构中,如果一个产品分类多个类别中,说明多个供应商提供产品。

    For example, in a supplier hierarchy, a product categorized multiple times is just saying that the product is supplied by different vendors.


  • 标志着宝马做出战略性的变革,因为宝马过去一向避免供应商通过财务关系捆绑一起,同时说明宝马未来会加大对碳纤维的使用

    The purchase represents a change in strategy for BMW, which heretofore has shunned financial ties with suppliers and points to its increased use in future BMWs.


  • 记住不同供应商不同的术语框架尽力说明IBM如何对基于处理器产品进行许可授权,使这些术语关联起来。

    Remember that different vendors have different terminology frameworks here; I am trying to bridge them by illustrating how processor-based products would be licensed by IBM.


  • 以下代码片段举例说明三个不同供应商使用订阅语法

    The following code fragments illustrate the subscription syntax used by three different vendors.


  • 顺便说明一下即使选择供应商提供。NET客户端,仍旧一些方法可以使你通过。NET访问JMS

    As a side note, there are a few options available to access JMS from.net even if your preferred vendor does not provide a.net client.


  • 准确地说明何种条件,可双方(客户供应商)废除合同

    It should also precisely state conditions under which the contract may be invalidated by both parties, the client as well as the vendor.


  • manifest 文件包含bundle名称版本说明供应商类别activator,activator实现 ActivatorBundle接口名。

    The manifest contains the bundle's name, version, description, vendor, category, and activator, which is the name of the class that implements the ActivatorBundle interface.


  • 文档包括特定于供应商信息但是我们提供关于在WebSphereDB2UDB安装 SPECjAppServer2004应用程序说明

    Vendor-specific information is not included in the documentation, but we provide the instructions for setting up the application on WebSphere and DB2 UDB.


  • 文中给出寻优迭代算法应用实例说明所给策略确实让供应商和销售商获得更多利润

    A recursive algorithm and numerical example are included to illustrate that the supplier and the retailer get more profit with the strategies.


  • 鲍勃潜在顾客,“我们已经供应商合作了,”鲍勃于是列举一大堆好处说明为什么应该选择公司不是别的供应商

    When Bob's prospect said, "We're already working with a supplier, " Bob responded with a long list of the benefits of buying from his company rather than from other suppliers.


  • 给出了寻优的迭代算法应用实例,说明了所给策略确实供应商和销售商获得更多利润

    A recursive algorithm and a numerical example are presented, and it is illustrated that the supplier and the retailer can get more profit with the strategies.


  • 许多清洁剂供应商没有说明清洁剂成分使生产商难以评估残留物

    Many detergent suppliers will not provide specific composition, which makes it difficult for the user to evaluate residues.


  • 供应商必须说明延迟原因及其预计持续时间

    The supplier must also indicate the reasons for such delay and its expected duration.


  • 本文通过案例说明作业成本法集中采购中的应用可以商业银行供应商选择评价供应商管理决策上提供相关可靠信息

    By illustrating an example, the paper shows the application of ABC in centralized purchasing, which can provide Banks with reliable information to select, evaluate and manage suppliers.


  • 如果要求供应商保留质量保证记录,则应对记录情况进行说明,并说明记录保存时间处理要求

    Should the vendor be required to maintain QA records, the specific records will be defined together with retention times and disposition requirements?


  • 完成第一阶段达到全面PSW,说明供应商已经完成19个中的16个要素生产出用于非卖品车辆生产的优质零件了。

    Phase 1 completion, while it is not fully PSW'd, indicates that the supplier has completed 16 of 19 elements and can ship quality parts that can be used for production on non-salable units.


  • 如果阀门故障,给钢瓶贴上标签标志说明问题然后钢瓶返还供应商

    If the valve is faulty, attach a label or tag to the cylinder identifying the problem and return the cylinder to the supplier.


  • 说明:在整个文件中,指南斜体格式提供供应商

    NOTE: Throughout the document, guidance is provided to the suppliers in italics.


  • 如果阀门故障,钢瓶上作标记说明问题通知供应商

    If the valve is faulty, tag the cylinder identifying the problem and notify the supplier.


  • 只是其中几个许多流行的ERP系统供应商独家采用手段说明方法的类型的解决方案可得到这个地区

    This is only one of several offerings from many of the popular PM and ERP vendors, and is used solely as a means to illustrate the types of solutions that are available in this area.


  • 最后给出混合型多属性群决策方法基本框架基本流程,并把它应用供应商选择问题,说明此方法有效、可行

    Finally, the basic flow of HMAGDM is given and a numerical example for choosing suppliers is given to illustrate the developed method.


  • 对此系统涉及模块进行详细说明,具体包括:系统登录、系统管理、入库供应商综合管理、配送管理等。

    Involve a detailed description of system modules, including: system registry, system management, storage, suppliers, integrated management, distribution management.


  • 供应商说明哪些关键参数影响顾客感受吗?

    Can the supplier show that those identified critical parameters affect the customer experience?


  • 说明组织如何确保员工供应商合作伙伴协作顾客所需数据信息软硬件质量可用性

    Describe HOW your organization ensures the quality and availability of needed data, information, software, and hardware for your WORKFORCE, suppliers, PARTNERS, COLLABORATORS, and CUSTOMERS.


  • 基于状况策略充分利用供应商专长确定达到超越分区清洁状况说明要求所需服务

    The performance based strategy fully leverages the supplier's expertise to determine the service required to meet or exceed the General Cleaning Performance Specification By Zone.


  • 本文针对供应商条件下具有数量折扣订货模型,给出了基于遗传算法的求解方法加以实例说明

    According to the ordering model with quantity discount under multiple-supplier, a method was proposed based on Genetic Algorithms, and model was illustrated using a numerical example.


  • 本文针对供应商条件下具有数量折扣订货模型,给出了基于遗传算法的求解方法加以实例说明

    According to the ordering model with quantity discount under multiple-supplier, a method was proposed based on Genetic Algorithms, and model was illustrated using a numerical example.


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