• 同样制造商改造一级供应商营造商成为装配工

    Similarly, manufacturers will be transformed into tier one suppliers and builders will become the assemblers.


  • 没有指明出问题的制造商表示一家长期供应商

    Mattel would not identify the manufacturer, but said it was a long-standing supplier.


  • 除了使用内部工厂提供部件外,制造商外部供应商购买其他部件。

    Besides using parts supplied from internal plants, the manufacturer purchases other parts from external suppliers.


  • 总的来说,无论外包哪里制造商担心问题供应商不能履约,目前最大问题

    Overall, manufacturers are most worried, no matter where they outsource, about supplier failure, the top concern now.


  • 制造商可以找到新的供应商培训灾民,提高他们能力

    Manufacturers can find new suppliers: training them to increase their capacity.


  • 定价战略的改变不仅影响平板电脑制造商会影响各个零配件生产商,以及参与平板电脑功能打包、装配销售的软件供应商零售商

    A strategy shift affects not just the tablet manufacturer, but also the various component makers, software suppliers and retailers that contribute to the tablet's packaging, assembly and sale.


  • 公司提供最新产品目录以及制造商供应商买家批发交易商的信息。

    The company introduces the updated product directory including lists manufacturers, suppliers, buyers and wholesale traders.


  • 这些公司促进零部件运动供应商制造商材料成品制造商分销商零售商

    These firms facilitate the movement of parts and materials from suppliers to manufacturers, and finished products from manufacturers to distributors and retailers.


  • 每年世界最大钢铁制造商最大的铁矿石供应商总会铁矿石价格一个基准

    EACH year the world's big steelmakers and the big suppliers of iron ore get together to fix a benchmark price for the commodity.


  • 转移影响拥有不同分支行业的公司包括软件公司、ISP(互联网服务供应商)硬件制造商

    The shift would affect companies with a few different sub-industries including software companies, ISP (Internet Service Providers) and hardware manufacturers.


  • 谷歌数码方面的优势扩展汽车领域,成为汽车业的一个供应商合作伙伴甚至原始设备制造商

    Or does Google plan to extend its digital mastery into the automotive industry as a supplier, partner, or original equipment manufacturer?


  • 一旦建立了这种联系制造商不必猜测供应商库存未来推广计划从而就改善了预测销售

    Once such links are established, a manufacturer, for example, no longer has to guess at a vendor's inventory or future promotional plans, hence forecasts — and salesimprove.


  • 这笔规模惊人交易使谷歌智能手机操作系统供应商摇身一变,成为智能手机的制造商可能会谷歌的一些合作伙伴感到紧张

    This monster deal will convert Google from smartphone OS provider to smartphone maker, which may make some of its other partners nervous.


  • 这些工作留给了设备制造商,并且管理更新生成API操作系统供应商隐藏

    That is left to device manufacturers, with all the messiness hidden by "operating system vendors" who manage the updates and often provide generic APIs for entire classes of device.


  • 他们写道世界最大电子产品合同制造商鸿精密工业股份有限公司可能成为苹果iPad的供应商

    Hon Hai Precision Industry co., the world's largest contract maker of electronics, will likely be the supplier, they wrote.


  • 过去铁矿石供应商钢铁制造商41号,也就是日本钢铁企业新财政年度开始第一日起,协商为期12个月固定基准价格

    Iron ore suppliers traditionally hold annual talks with steelmakers to fix benchmark prices for the 12 months from April 1, the start of the financial year in Japan.


  • M知道方可不可以批商品给个折扣通常情况下,批发商会制造商供应商那里得到一些折扣。

    M: I wonder if you could allow us any discount for this commodity. It's the general practice that wholesalers usually get some discount from manufacturers or suppliers.


  • 据说苹果公司汽车非常在乎,汽车制造商供应商某些相关说法表示,位于加利福尼亚库比·蒂诺苹果公司专业团队一起公事会有多难

    It's been said that Apple could give a damn about the car, and automakers and suppliers have related stories about how difficult it can be to work with the Apple crew in Cupertino, California.


  • 实际上这家重型设备制造商一直增加从供应商订货大型轮胎液压防震玻璃,不一而足。

    In fact, the heavy-equipment maker has been boosting orders to suppliers for everything from big tires and hydraulic tubes to shatterproof glass.


  • 许多业内人士认为大型外国汽车制造商足以控制汽车业,他们建立了庞大供应商网络速度之快,超出人们的一般认识

    But many industry experts say the big foreign makers are established enough to take control of the industry and its vast supplier network more quickly than is widely understood.


  • 成衣背后,是来自数十供应商所提供的零配件服务面料钮扣制造商从设计师裁缝从批发商到销售代理商

    Most any piece of clothing contains parts and services from potentially dozens of providers: from fabric and button makers, to designers and seamstresses, and wholesalers and sales agents.


  • 日本第二大汽车制造商本田宣布日本工厂停产进行为期一周安全供电基础问题检查以及调查供应商目前的状况

    Honda, the country's second-largest carmaker, said it was halting production at its Japanese plants for a week to check safety, power supply and infrastructure issues, and the state of its suppliers.


  • 许多汽车制造商零部件供应商轮毂电机感兴趣。米其林公司就是其中个,正在开发一个“活性轮胎”的系统

    Several carmakers and component suppliers are interested in hub motors. Michelin, for one, is developing a system it calls the Active Wheel.


  • 这个数字几乎相当于今年全美汽车制造商供应商裁员人数

    That is roughly the number of jobs already lost this year at the nation’s automakers and their suppliers.


  • 然而汽车行业面临来自于数十汽车制造商成千上万的供应商激烈竞争专有技术很难永葆青春。

    Yet nothing stays proprietary for very long in a fiercely competitive industry with dozens of manufacturers and thousands of suppliers.


  • 开始主要经营来自5制造商沙发酒吧用的凳子以及平板家具等,现在公司经营来自45供应商的3,700种不一样的商品

    The business, which began with sofas, bar stools, and patio furniture from five manufacturers, has since expanded to include 3, 700 unique products from 45 suppliers.


  • 开始主要经营来自5制造商沙发酒吧用的凳子以及平板家具等,现在公司经营来自45供应商的3,700种不一样的商品

    The business, which began with sofas, bar stools, and patio furniture from five manufacturers, has since expanded to include 3, 700 unique products from 45 suppliers.


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