• 光子吸收扫描X线法,对54骨质疏松情况进行了自身对照定和比较。

    The status of osteoporosis in 54 volunteers was measured by Single Photon Absorptiometry and measurement of the X-ray film with a self-control trial design.


  • 每个试用完成任务基本是相同的,只是方法的参数有所改变

    Each one would essentially do the same thing, only varying the parameters to the method under test.


  • 可疑链接(5红色斜线箭头)说明TC 1.2可能uc1.3改变需要修订。

    A suspect link (red slashed arrow in Figure 5) indicates that test case TC1.2 may need to be revisited due to a change in use case UC1.3.


  • Kearns博士,在被42胚胎的80%已经有了足够的数据确定北欧皮肤头发眼睛色素相关SNP

    Of 42 embryos tested, Dr. Kearns said he had enough data to identify SNPs that relate to northern European skin, hair and eye pigmentation in 80% of the samples.


  • 最后以300MW机组说明振动一般布置

    Finally, demonstrate the general layout of vibration signals for 300MW unit.


  • 依照发明某些实施相位频率包括温度电路

    According to some embodiments of the present invention, a phase frequency detector includes a temperature sensing circuit.


  • 方法对56神经症患者进行防御方式问卷(dsq)A行为问卷(TABQ)查。

    Methods 56 neurotic patients were investigated by the Defense Style Questionnaire (DSQ) and Type a Behavior Questionnaire (TABQ).


  • SP24型手持GPS,探讨无功能GPS面积方法进行精度评价

    Taking SP24 pocket GPS as an example, area measurement and precision appraising for GPS without function of measuring area.


  • 方法:选择CT确诊的120卒中运用DNDSDSSAS进行分析并进行统计学处理

    Methods: 120 cases brain stroke that were really diagnosed by CT, DND, SDS and SAS were used to go on analysis statistically.


  • 尼泊尔西南部森林,被目标就是树木

    And in the case of the forests of south-western Nepal, the target is the trees.


  • 方法50压力性鼓膜穿孔患者的常频扩展高频听阈结果进行分析。

    Methods 50 patients received standard pure - tone and extended high frequency audiometry for hearing measurement.


  • 本文采用免疫分析法22缺氧缺血性脑病HIE患儿血清中神经元特异性烯醇化酶(NSE变化。

    Serum samples taken from 22 patients with hypoxia-ischemia encephalopathy (HIE were determined with enzyme immunoassay using a kit for the measurment of NSE.


  • 然后特殊船型双隧道的“1 号水文量船”重点如何应用FASTLINE系统对特殊船型船舶线型进行光顺设计作了介绍

    Then with hydrologic survey ship "Xin Huang survey 1" the paper as an example emphatically explains how to apply FASTLINE system to design and fair the ship lines with special features.


  • 本文频率、相位扫描体制雷达,探讨了实现实时比幅最佳最佳方法

    Real time optimal and quasi-optimal methods for the angle measurement are analyzed using frequency-scan and phase-scan radars as examples.


  • 实验2探讨表面概貌事件类型方面发生改变的条件下,两者表面概貌相似性对原理运用影响

    In experiment 2, by making the story type of the story line of the test item different from the example, the effect of the story line on the use of principle was explored.


  • 二尖瓣血流频谱一般反映舒张功能状态出现的“伪正常”频谱表现难以明确评价

    Mitral valve flow spectrum commonly reflect the state of left ventricular diastolic function, but several cases with pseudonormalization spectrum can't be clearly assessed.


  • 方法30受试者(60)分别进行纯音听,首先出双耳纯音听阈,然后应用掩蔽试验各个频率的MCML。

    Methods the pure tone thresholds of 30 subjects (60 ears) were measured by pure tone audiometry and MCML was obtained by means of the same frequency tone masking test.


  • 方法关节角器30健康成年男性操练太极拳时髋关节外展活动度

    MethodsThe ranges of abduction motion of hip joint of 30 healthy male young subjects were measured using a goniometer.


  • 方法应用abr方法对30(30耳)外伤性鼓膜穿孔进行试,结果纯音听结果进行对照。

    Methods ABR tests were evaluated in 30 traumatic perforation of tympanic membrane cases (30 ears) and compared with the results of pure tone audiometry.


  • 通过了解放样元素误差控制点误差放样精度影响规律

    The effect laws of setting out element errors and control point errors on setting out point accuracy are known by a computation example.


  • 最后货柜轮之有限元素动态分析模拟实船量结果进行船体整体振动之态特性识别

    Finally, the present method is applied to the modal identification from the I/O data of FEM dynamic analysis and on board measurement for a container ship.


  • 据此,设计研制了“四肢血压同步量仪”样机,并家医院疗养院数百者作了成功的应用量。

    The prototype of the synchronous sphygmomanometer which was developed based on the above results, has been successfully tested on hundreds of patients in many hospitals and sanatoriums.


  • 方法20GHD患者治疗治疗3月后分别水平并观察他们身高变化,20nghdss患者20正常儿童进行对照

    Methods the serum levels of ca, Zn were measured in 20 GHD children before and after 3 months of r-hGH therapy, and compared with that of 20 cases of NGHDSS and 20 normal children.


  • 疤痕提示,13患者有电学意义上的疤痕区域有11室速起源于疤痕区域。

    Electrical scar zone was identified in 13 patients and 11 VTs were found to be originating from the scar zones.


  • 计算机自动分析系统内容使自动生成完成软件完全自动化具有及其重要意义

    Let the computer automatically analyze the measurement system, so as to automatically generate the test case, it is an important role to the completion of a fully automated software testing.


  • 雷达进一步分析算法实际应用可行性。最后给出了算法实现原理方案

    Furthermore, radar Angle measurement is taken as an example to analyze the feasibility of the algorithm's practical application and the realization principle scheme of the algorithm is presented.


  • 方法:采用智商(IQ)、事件相关电位(erp)方法70ida30正常小学生的认知功能进行对照

    Methods: The cognitive function of 70 cases with IDA and 30 normal school-agers were studied by means of IQ and event-related potential (ERP) determination.


  • 地埋电缆发生故障寻故障点,就地埋电缆故障方法定点技巧进行简要分析

    Take the measure of the breakdown of buried cable as an example, the measure method and the fixed-point skill of the buried cable fault were analyzed briefly.


  • 地埋电缆发生故障寻故障点,就地埋电缆故障方法定点技巧进行简要分析

    Take the measure of the breakdown of buried cable as an example, the measure method and the fixed-point skill of the buried cable fault were analyzed briefly.


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