• 例如咖啡过量饮用会导致注意力涣散

    Coffee, for example, when consumed in excess, leads to a lack of concentration.


  • 饮料例如咖啡或者是热巧克力免费招待的。

    Hot beverages such as coffee, tea and hot chocolate are complimentary.


  • 食品饮料污迹例如咖啡果汁可以使用地毯清洁剂清除。

    Food and beverage stains, e. g. coffee, juices, etc. can be removed with carpet shampoo.


  • 例如加油站咖啡可以周日继续营业

    For instance, gas stations, cafes are allowed to keep operating on Sundays.


  • 例如假设,你现在真的咖啡说“拐角处就有咖啡店”。

    For instance, suppose you say you would really love to have a cup of coffee right now, and I say "there's a shop around the corner".


  • 例如鸡蛋容易变成鸡蛋饼,但是不能变回鸡蛋。咖啡牛奶杯子中混合,但是却不能再一次把他们分开

    For example, eggs can easily turn into omelettes but not the other way around, and milk and coffee mix in your cup but never separate out again.


  • 这里有许多例如约翰喜欢咖啡

    Many people here, for example, John, would rather have coffee.


  • 例如人类苦涩咖啡呛人烟草存在天生的反感就是这些物质成瘾性,成瘾之后这些原本入不得口的东西会变得怡人起来。

    For example, humans also have natural aversions to the bitterness of coffee or the harshness of tobacco, but those substances have some addictive qualities, which might make them desirable.


  • 例如不再而是和一起去午饭或者咖啡

    For example, she would call her for lunch or for a coffee break and stopped asking me.


  • 例如星巴克可以为一一周内到达不同10个星巴克的店的用户提供一个特别的奖章提供一份免费的咖啡

    For example, Starbucks might agree to give a player who visits 10 different Starbucks locations in a week a special badge and a free coffee drink.


  • 这个想法进入我们鼻子气味分子一个特定形状,相互吻合的特定受体——就像锁和钥匙一样——使我们能够感知,例如感知咖啡刺鼻气味。

    The idea is that every odor molecule that enters our nose has a specific shape that fits a specific receptor-like a key fits a lock-allowing us to detect, say, the acrid aroma of burnt coffee.


  • 一些细微小事例如初尝打开的新鲜果酱咖啡可以增加一个人的幸福指数

    Something as seemingly insignificant as a freshly opened jar or coffee can also add to a person’s happiness quotient.


  • 一些细微小事例如初尝打开的新鲜果酱咖啡可以增加一个幸福指数

    Something as seemingly insignificant as a freshly opened jar or coffee can also add to a person's happiness quotient.


  • 一杯咖啡或是能量饮料可以,其他的方法,例如用一次性湿擦擦脸睡意全无

    A cup of coffee or an energy drink can help, and items like disposable facial wipes can really help you wake up when you start feeling sleepy.


  • 咖啡这种深深误解毫无疑问却是我们最喜爱饮料可能减少这些最近流行疾病的发病率,例如减少患2糖尿病风险

    Coffee, the much maligned but undoubtedly beloved beverage, just made headlines for possibly cutting the risk of the latest disease epidemic, type 2 diabetes.


  • 例如,冲好一杯咖啡需要140升水然而生产千克牛肉需要16,000升水。

    For example, one cup of fresh coffee needs 140 litres of water to produce while the production of one kilogram of beef requires 16,000 litres of water.


  • 咖啡中含有大量氧剂例如绿原酸酸维生素e和矿物质例如

    Coffee has large amounts of antioxidants such as chlorogenic acid and tocopherols, and minerals such as magnesium.


  • 例如,将去过咖啡归于一类,或是全部图书采购归于一类,或是将所有购买的音乐归于一类。

    For example, group all of your coffee shop visits together, or all of your book purchases together, or all of your music purchases together.


  • 例如要是嘈杂咖啡一封电子邮件雨林里搜寻只伪装昆虫过滤外部刺激很有用

    It can be useful to filter out external stimuli if you are writing an email in a noisy coffee shop, for example, or are searching for a camouflaged insect in a rainforest.


  • 研究人员使用的方法是将咖啡隔夜使干燥然后放入一些常见化学溶剂中例如正己烷乙醚二氯甲烷溶解咖啡渣中的油类成分

    The researchers start off by drying their coffee grounds overnight and then pour in some common chemical solvents, such as hexane, ether and dichloromethane, to dissolve the oils.


  • 例如对接收到同一个咖啡信息客户端可以根据移动电话高端桌面显示器渲染定义不同的表现方式。

    For example, the client can customize a representation it receives for the same coffee shop based on whether the information is rendered on a mobile phone or on a high-end desktop monitor.


  • 例如某一天发布一张金门大桥照片,可能看到桥梁自行车出租附近咖啡广告

    Post a photo of the Golden Gate bridge, for instance, and you might someday see ads for bridge bike rentals or a cafe nearby.


  • 例如一位印第安纳州印第安纳波利斯的巴特勒大学的在读生,可以使用智能手机立即计算前往最近星巴克咖啡路线

    For example, an undergraduate at a rainy Butler University in Indianapolis, Indiana, can use his or her smartphone to instantly calculate a route to the nearest Starbucks coffee shop.


  • 舒尔茨先生重新回到星巴克行政长官注意到,一些技术进步例如能够使咖啡豆更精细研磨

    When Mr Schultz returned as chief executive, he noticed that there had been some technological advances, allowing finer grinding, for example.


  • 客户请求服务器资源(例如GoogleMaps)—一个抽象符号附近一个咖啡街道地址

    The client requests a resource - an abstract notion such as the street address of a nearby coffee shop - from a server (for example, Google Maps).


  • 例如早晨高峰期火车站可能咖啡完美地点但是对于午餐时间是了,”

    "For instance, the train station might be the perfect place to sell coffee during rush hour in the morning, but not during lunch time," she says.


  • 例如早晨高峰期火车站可能咖啡完美地点但是对于午餐时间是了,”

    "For instance, the train station might be the perfect place to sell coffee during rush hour in the morning, but not during lunch time," she says.


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