• 活动部件摩擦使发动机过热

    Friction between moving parts had caused the engine to overheat.


  • 如果我们过去没有意识到,我们现在知道,我们使我们的球地过热惊人程度潜在的后果是灾难性的。

    If we didn't realize it already, we now know that we are overheating our planet to alarming levels with potentially catastrophic consequences.


  • 事故处理小组们努力根电力线导入站点使电站内重要的水泵恢复运行,它冷却过热反应堆阻止核反应堆的爆炸。

    Disaster teams managed to get a power line onto the site in an effort to reactivate crucial water pumps to cool overheating reactors and prevent a calamitous meltdown.


  • 堵塞转向助力泵,使助力转向系统关闭避免过热

    Rust particles could then enter the power steering pump and cause it to shut down to avoid overheating.


  • 直接附着于计算机每个处理器使之不会过热

    Every processor in the computer has these tubes directly attached to them, so no processor in the system overheats.


  • 使瓶装远离热源过热会促进化学品出。

    Keep bottled water away from heat, which promotes leaching of chemicals.


  • 三个运行中的反应堆如设计一样自动关闭停电使工人无法运行降温系统导致过热

    The three active reactors shut off automatically as designed, but a lack of electricity left workers unable to operate their cooling systems, leading to overheating.


  • 科学家研究发现大脑开始出现过热时,打呵欠动作就充当天然的“自动调温器”,清凉空气进入大脑,使大脑温度恢复健康水平

    When the head begins to heat up, yawning acts as a natural "thermostat" by allowing cool air to rush in and bring the brain back down to a healthy temperature, research suggests.


  • 禁止使钢瓶过热增加压力流速

    Do not overheat cylinder to increase pressure or discharge rate.


  • 蒸汽加热到饱和蒸汽温度以上使过热

    Steam is superheated by being heated above the temperature of saturated steam.


  • 类似的方式流星使沿路空气变得过热UFO不仅生成自己重力中心产生它们自己的磁场

    In like manner, meteors super heat the air along their trajectory, and UFOs not only create their own gravity centers, they also create their own magnetic fields.


  • 简单巧妙设计使自由流畅的平面截面成为可能炎热夏天允许自然光的照射不会过热

    Simple and yet clever design moves enable a free-flowing plan and section which allow an abundance of natural light without overheating during the hot summer days.


  • 漏泄电流引发维护安装跳闸使马达变压器过热

    The leakage current will cause overcurrent trip to maintain installation, motor and transformer overheating.


  • 伦:冬天我们使室内温度保持不要过热夏天我们使室内温度不要,我们这种办法节省能源

    Glen: We also conserve energy by keeping our homes neither too hot in the winter nor too cold in the summer.


  • 但是由于完全预混式燃烧器火焰温度,增加了火焰向燃烧器传热,造成燃烧器头部过热使材料老化加快。

    But the short flame and high temperature of fully aerated burners conduct more heat through burners and that causes the head of burners overheat and material the size and structure of burners.


  • 为了降低过热设计了一种水冷水口使能够应用实际生产中。

    To lower the superheat of liquid steel, a water-cooled nozzle is designed to be used into commercial run in the paper.


  • 制冷循环中往往采用器,使压缩机吸气过热膨胀入口液体过冷。

    Vapor-liquid heat exchangers are often used to superheat the suction vapor of compressor and to subcool the inlet liquid of throttle valves in refrigerating system.


  • 熔体过热处理弛豫过程引起的不可逆过程使熔体状态变化出现滞后效应,从而影响定向凝固界面形态稳定性

    The influences of hysteresis and relaxation of melt superheat on the morphological stability of interface in directional solidification were described.


  • 单一过热液体更换为复合过热液体,使照射产生泡,不会出现雪花片状;2

    The use of composite superheated liquid in place of original single compound one, to make the bubbles more spherical; 2.


  • 如此电池使传统-离子的电池过热胜于的想的比较少量,K

    Such batteries are less inclined to overheat than conventional lithium-ion batteries, said K.


  • 高温损伤由于过热引起过热使金相组织内部产生蠕变空洞,在应力空洞扩展连接形成蠕变裂纹

    Creep damage is mainly caused by superheat. Because of superheat, creep cavities are formed inside microstructure, under heat stress condition, growth and join of cavities induce creep cracking.


  • 严重的碳化物带状偏析使产生局部淬火过热回火不足,造成内应力急剧增高,最终导致拉刀断裂

    It was found that the broach was locally overheated due to band segregation of carbide, and under-tempered. These factors caused fracture of broach as a result of high internal stress.


  • 结构使分散相区域球状棒状形式相变提前力学模型分析,对一现象进行理论解释。

    And the branched structure caused an early transition of the separated domain from the sphere-like to the rod-like, which was interpreted theoretically through a thermodynamic model.


  • 其次安稳均匀导电功能避免电流密度过大使过热,出现热点过早损坏

    Secondly, stable and uniform conductive function to avoid the current density is too large, so that the bottom of the hot, hot spots and premature damage.


  • 这样避免了一般固定反应器过热部位使催化剂减活的现象。

    Thus the hot spot which causes catalyst deactivation in conventional fixed bed reactor is avoided.


  • 方法精确反映了锅炉过热器、再热器分布内在本质,使计算方向趋向简明

    This new method predicts the distribution of the super-heater and re-heater's tube temperature more precisely, and the concept of the calculation is more concise.


  • 但肾阳虚动物由于鸟氨酸氨基转移酶活性降低导致储存能量肌酸合成降低使产生的ATP大部分形式消耗掉,从而导致肾阳虚的临床寒症状。

    The scarcity of ornithine aminotransferase in the kidney-yang deficiency rats resulted in deficient creatine phosphate which was need for depositing energy and most of ATP was consumed as heat energy.


  • 然后使片材粘合机(290),以便粘合增强玻璃纤维树脂纤维。

    The sheet is then passed through a thermal bonder (290) to thermally bond the reinforcement glass fibers and resin.


  • 然后使片材粘合机(290),以便粘合增强玻璃纤维树脂纤维。

    The sheet is then passed through a thermal bonder (290) to thermally bond the reinforcement glass fibers and resin.


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