• 那么出价使觉得受到了侮辱

    She felt insulted by the low offer.


  • 炎热使觉得快要晕倒了

    The heat made him feel faint.


  • 冷漠使觉得他不爱她

    His remoteness made her feel unloved.


  • 不断地遭到拒绝使觉得一无是处

    Constant rejections made him feel worthless.


  • 觉得使父亲失望

    I always felt I was a disappointment to my father.


  • 觉得雄心勃勃的个性使她不适合包办婚姻

    Jeya feels that her ambitious nature made her unsuitable for an arranged marriage.


  • 延迟使那些觉得时间不多了的人感到沮丧。

    The delay has frustrated those who feel the time is running out.


  • 现在看着张照片时,我觉得照片使张照片变得有趣了起来。

    And now when I look at it, I think her presence in the photo is what makes the image interesting.


  • 觉得魔法整个下午都起作用使科林看起来一个完全不同男孩

    She felt that his Magic was working all the afternoon and making Colin look like an entirely different boy.


  • 搂住了孩子使觉得自己是个罪恶深重坏蛋

    She seized the boy in a crushing embrace that made him feel like the guiltiest of villains.


  • 夜鹰发出呆板嘎嘎声使觉得树林到处都是搜查他的卫兵,正在向他逼近。

    Night-jars, sounding their mechanical rattle, made him think that the wood was full of searching warders, closing in on him.


  • 脱发使觉得自己是个怪人。

    Losing my hair made me feel an oddity.


  • 老师批评使觉得自己完了

    She felt completely crushed by the teacher's criticism.


  • 因为不想要孩子使觉得自己社交心理上与他人格格不入。

    I have been made to feel a social and psychological misfit for not wanting children.


  • 性格了解使觉得是个非常负责、绝不会那些

    My reading of her character makes me feel that she was too responsible a person to do those things.


  • 母亲家庭主妇有时使觉得好像是个受累不讨好的差使

    Sometimes being a mother and a housewife felt like a thankless task.


  • 大度使觉得自己渺小。

    He was humbled by her generosity.


  • 这么多年认得使觉得荣幸

    I found it flattering that he still recognized me after all these years.


  • 使觉得口渴工作

    This is dry work.


  • 发生这样的事情,使觉得难以置信

    It shocks you when something like that happens.


  • 海上度过之后又回到使觉得坚实的陆地,真是惬意

    After two days at sea, it was good to be back on terra firma again.


  • 们的新礼仪使他们觉得自己比下层阶级更高贵。

    Their new manners made them feel higher than the lower classes.


  • 导演需要不受一些念头影响,比如想赶紧镜头一个细节转到另一个细节以免使观众觉得无聊,或者认为取景只是为了戏剧效果,抑或是因为担心太安静而要添加音乐

    Filmmakers need to resist the impulse to move the camera quickly from detail to detail for fear of boring the viewer, to frame the image for the sake of drama alone, to add music for fear of silence.


  • 的言谈举止变得出奇地讲究有宫廷气派使密友们大为钦佩,也觉得有趣。

    His speech and manners became curiously ceremonious and courtly, to the vast admiration and amusement of his intimates.


  • 他们使觉得参与决定其实早已内定

    They make you think you're taking part in the decisions, but it's all cut and dried.


  • 但是延迟使那些觉得时间不多了的人感到沮丧

    But the delay has frustrated those who feel time is running out.


  • 如果某人口头骚扰使觉得受到威胁那就打电话叫警察

    If someone is verbally harassing you and you feel threatened, call the police.


  • 分配跟踪几乎使觉得不是一个跟踪者。

    Being assigned to watch him almost makes me feel like I'm not a stalker.


  • 通常情况下有人试图使别人觉得不舒服时,我会非常愤怒

    Mostly, I hate when someone tries to make someone else feel bad.


  • 通常情况下有人试图使别人觉得不舒服时,我会非常愤怒

    Mostly, I hate when someone tries to make someone else feel bad.


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