• 通过隔膜蒸发进行工艺设备改造使蒸发蒸汽消耗明显降低

    The steam consumption in evaporation has been obviously reduced by way of innovating the process and device in diaphragm evaporation.


  • 太阳使地球湿气不断蒸发

    The sun is constantly evaporating the earth's moisture.


  • 就是为什么热能使融化使蒸发使物体膨胀的原因。

    That is why heat can melt ice, vaporize water and cause bodies to expand.


  • 小行星爆炸释放能量相当于地球有史以来最大氢弹爆炸的能量总和,使沙漠蒸发许多英里内引起了致命超音速

    The asteroid blew up with the energy of the largest hydrogen bombs ever detonated on Earth, vaporizing the desert and unleashing deadly supersonic winds for many miles.


  • 植物通过叶子微细小孔排出水分,这个蒸发过程使植物降温好像流汗使我们凉快一样。

    Plants give off water through tiny pores in their leaves, a process called evapotranspiration that cools the plant, just as perspiration cools our bodies.


  • 两个罐子中间沙子水分通过大罐表面蒸发使外部干燥空气开始流动

    Water in the sand between the two POTS evaporates through the surface of the larger pot, where drier outside air is moving.


  • 越来越多的证据显示,全球暖化已经使水文循环加速,换言之,降雨落雪蒸发速度越来越快。

    There is growing evidence that global warming is speeding up the hydrologic cycle-that is, the rate at which water evaporates and falls again as rain or snow.


  • 万里无云天空下地表水分蒸发使地表更热更干燥无法增加形成雨机会

    Under cloudless skies, the surface gives up its moisture, making the ground level hotter and drier while not increasing the chances of rain.


  • 全球变冷使空气更难保持海洋蒸发水分从而减少降雨量使更多地方面临干旱。

    Global cooling meant that the air had less capacity to hold moisture from the oceans, leading to fewer rains and more arid climes.


  • 就是一般所说蒸发冷却过程使AMO物理学家能够近似的靠近绝对零度建立简单宇宙热模型.

    This so-called evaporative cooling process has allowed AMO physicists to reach the subnanokelvin domain and to achieve what are arguably the coldest objects in the Universe.


  • 飞机上进餐一个问题干燥机舱空气使鼻腔粘液很快蒸发鼻腔粘液有帮助气味受体发挥功能的作用。

    One problem with airplane dining is that parched cabin air quickly evaporates nasal mucus, which helps odor receptors function.


  • 极高蒸发使厚实盐矿逐渐沉积包括食用盐石膏层(一种白垩板壁主要成分)。

    High rates of evaporation deposit thick layers of salt minerals, such as common table salt and gypsum (a chalky mineral that is a major component of wallboard).


  • 使网站突破100万后17个月达到200万大观的加速步伐瞬间蒸发了:增长一个百万用了将近2年时间

    The quickening pace that helped the site reach the 2m article milestone just 17 months after breaking the 1m barrier suddenly evaporated: adding the next million has taken nearly two years.


  • 日照时间加之使澳大利亚蒸发很高大多数其他国家高很多。

    Long hours of hot sunshine and searing winds give Australia an extremely high rate of evaporation, far more than in most other countries.


  • 丙酮被完全蒸发之前,依然呈塑性的长丝被轻轻地拉伸,目的使分子顺直,增加固有强度

    Before all the acetone HAS evaporated, the still-plastic filament is stretched slightly to align the long molecules and develop the inherent strength.


  • 他们接着说:“凹形屋顶使是在雨量非常的情况下也能够在雨水蒸发之前使雨水屋顶流下来,最终凝聚较大水流收集起来”。

    "A concave roof like this will help make even the smallest quantities of rain flow off the roof and eventually coalesce into bigger drops just right for harvesting before they evaporate, " they added.


  • 长久以来人们就知道树木能提高降雨量,原理就是,树木使大地变得更凉爽,同时减慢风力蒸发侵蚀使叶子上的水汽蒸发空气中去。

    It has long been known that trees enhance rainfall by cooling the land, slowing wind evaporation and erosion, and transpiring water into the sky from their leaves.


  • 之间沙子中的水分经由大罐表面蒸发使外部干燥空气开始流动

    Water in the sand between the two POTS evaporates through the surface of the larger pot, where drier outside air is moving.


  • 通过溅射的真空蒸发镀膜使超薄切片机上使用的玻璃刀口上带有膜。

    Glass knives for ultramicrotome were improved by sputter and evaporating coating cut-ting dege with a film of tungsten.


  • 水剂有效抑制土壤水分蒸发使土壤较长时间内维持较高的土壤含水量。

    Three polymers can reduce effectively the soil water evaporation, making soil maintain much amount of water in longer period contrary to the control.


  • 丙酮被完全蒸发之前,依然呈塑性的长丝被轻轻地拉伸,目的使分子顺直增加固有强度

    Before all the acetone has evaporated, the still-plastic filament is stretched slightly to align the LONG. molecules and develop the inherent strength.


  • 提出减少地面蒸发损失使降水有效利用未来农业节水的主攻方向

    The directions for agricultural water saving were pointed out that were to reduce evaporation from soil surface and make the wasted precipitation efficacy.


  • 设备中出来的蒸汽列管换热器,使第二蒸发器中的液体沸腾

    Hot vapor from this unit passes to the second-effect calandria and causes boiling in the second evaporator.


  • 作为下来,我们知道,雨由于太阳热量使地球表面水分蒸发而形成的。

    The water fell there as rain, and we know that rain is made by the sun's heat evaporating the water on the earth's surface.


  • 较低温度减少成分表面蒸发使那种成分吸表面并挥发毛细管现象降到最小

    Lower temperatures will reduce surface evaporation of constituents minimizing the capillary action that draws constituents to the surface where they would be volatilized.


  • 设备中出来的蒸汽进二效的列管换热器,使第二台蒸发中的液体沸腾

    Hot vapor from this unit passes to the second-effect calandria and causes boiling in the seconde vaporator.


  • 那里降下蒸发使可以逐渐累积

    More snow falls there than evaporates, leading to a net accumulation of ice.


  • 此时经氟利昂加热器加热使部分液体再次蒸发气体然后进入室内换热器后半部分

    At this point, as freon heater heating, so that the partial liquid again evaporated into gas, then re-entering the latter part of the interior heat exchanger.


  • 此时经氟利昂加热器加热使部分液体再次蒸发气体然后进入室内换热器后半部分

    At this point, as freon heater heating, so that the partial liquid again evaporated into gas, then re-entering the latter part of the interior heat exchanger.


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