• 全长侧边拉链机关,使穿上脱下都轻易;

    The full-length side zip makes them fast to put on and take off.


  • 诚然我们穿上漂亮合适衣服时,可能会思想上、言行努力做到更好使内在东西与外在的东西相匹配。

    It is true that when wearing beautiful and suitable clothes, we may try to be better in thought, speech and behavior to match what is on the inside to what is on the outside.


  • 我们不需要穿上什么特别衣服使我们觉得好像自己不错,需要开着辆什么车支撑我们摇摇欲坠自我

    We don’t have to wear certain kinds of clothes to make us feel like we’re okay, or drive a certain kind of car to prop up our faltering egos.


  • 姑姑深深地吹了口气榕树得直发抖,好心的姑娘给榕树穿上了一件羊皮大衣使榕树感到温暖许多真是太奇妙了

    Aunt wind blew breath deeply, banyan shivered with cold, good snow girl dressed banyan tree in a sheepskin coat, banyan tree feel warm a lot of, is really fantastic!


  • 花儿穿上美丽衣裳喷上馥郁清香使她们个个争奇斗艳,好不美丽。

    Is she the flowers put on beautiful clothes and spray fragrant scent, that they all understand, very beautiful.


  • 人情冷漠,使我们社会穿上厚厚的铠甲,身处闹市却异常孤独

    Stoniness of human makes us feel quite lonely in the noisy world, just like wearing thick corselet.


  • 要给亚伦穿上使成圣、以给祭司的职分

    Then dress Aaron in the sacred garments, anoint him and consecrate him so he may serve me as priest.


  • 穿上气溶胶知道什么是节间长度显然不是有助于使工厂更小

    I don't know what an internode length is either but apparently it helps to make the plant smaller.


  • 沙撒下令、 人但以理穿上、 把鍊给颈项上、 又传令使位列第三

    Then commanded Belshazzar, and they clothed Daniel with scarlet, and put a chain of gold about his neck, and made a proclamation concerning him, that he should be the third ruler in the kingdom.


  • 动过手术能够走路了。穿上特制使他的步态平稳。

    Operations made it possible for him to walk and, with the AID of a built-up shoe, to have a fairly normal gait.


  • 里维拉米兰穿上舍甫琴科7号球衣并且作为意甲并不熟悉面孔将会帮助使出名

    Ricardo Oliveira will fill Andriy Shevchenko's Number 7 shirt for Milan and maintains the fact he's an unknown face in Serie a will help him make his mark.


  • 这些时尚意见美学倒去一样容易因为它们可以穿上吸收使个人体现他们不断变化生物

    These fads, opinions, and aesthetics are tossed away just as easily as they're donned and absorbed, making the individuals that embody them creatures of constant flux.


  • 使自己研发生产产品真正成为穿上美尔亚,潇洒天下”的世界顶级名牌产品。

    We are trying to make the products the world's top brand and make"Go around the world with MELYA fashionable garments"come true.


  • 或许百事可乐使他们觉得年轻穿上耐克使他们觉得更象一个运动员不管他们实际上年龄多大或多么的不爱运动。

    Perhaps drinking a Pepsi-Cola makes them feel younger or wearing Nike shoes makes them feel more athletic, no matter how old or inactive they may be in reality.


  • 穿上新人进入复活得胜使可以胜过罪恶的生活。

    I put on the new man and stand into all the victory of the resurrection and the provision he has made for me there to live above sin.


  • 春天桂花树长出鲜嫩绿叶,春姑娘给桂花树穿上绿色衣裳使棵树看起来显得那么生气勃勃。

    Spring, the sweet-scented osmanthus trees grow in fresh green leaves of spring and the girl to the sweet-scented osmanthus trees wear green clothes, so that whole tree seems less of a vibrant look.


  • 春天桂花树长出鲜嫩绿叶,春姑娘给桂花树穿上绿色衣裳使棵树看起来显得那么生气勃勃。

    Spring, the sweet-scented osmanthus trees grow in fresh green leaves of spring and the girl to the sweet-scented osmanthus trees wear green clothes, so that whole tree seems less of a vibrant look.


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