• 财产租赁所得是指个人出租建筑物土地使用权机器设备车船以及其他财产取得所得。

    The term "income from lease of property" shall mean income derived by individuals from the lease of buildings, land use rights, machinery, equipment, means of transportation and other property.


  • ()、企业厂房建筑物抵押的,其占用范围内的土地使用权同时抵押。

    Where factories and other buildings of township (town) or village enterprises are mortgaged, the land-use right to the land occupied by such buildings shall be mortgaged at the same time.


  • 土地使用权地上建筑物所有权房地产法学热点问题之一

    The usufruct of land and buildings' ownership is one of hot topics in law science of real estate.


  • 建设用地使用权抵押土地上建筑物一并抵押。

    Where the right to the use of the land for construction is mortgaged, the buildings on the land shall be mortgaged along with that right.


  • 机场地区内土地使用权或者建筑物所有权人、使用权发生变更的,有关单位应当空港办备案

    If any persons with land use rights or building ownership or use rights in airport areas are altered, the relevant airport-stationed units must report to the SAMCO for record.


  • 乡镇、企业厂房建筑物抵押占用范围建设用地使用权一并抵押。

    Where the plant of a township and village enterprise is mortgaged, the right to use construction land within the area of such plant shall be mortgaged together.


  • 地上房屋包括建筑物构筑物在建工程国有土地使用权设定抵押的,适用办法

    These measures shall not apply to the mortgaged use right of the state-owned land on which there are no houses (including buildings, constructions and projects under construction).


  • 财产转让所得是个人转让有价证券股权建筑物土地使用权机器设备车船以及其它财产取得的所得。

    Transfer of property from the transfer of an individual securities, stock, buildings, land use rights, machinery and equipment, travel and other property income achieved.


  • 财产租赁所得个人出租建筑物土地使用权机器设备车般以及其它财产取得所得

    Rental property rental income refers to the individual buildings, land use rights, machinery and equipment, vehicles and other property obtained as the proceeds.


  • 第二十三土地使用权转让时,地上建筑物其他附着物所有权随之转让

    Article23. with the transfer of the right to the use of the land the ownership of the above-ground buildings and other attached objects shall be transferred accordingly.


  • 第二百条建设用地使用权抵押土地上新增建筑物属于抵押财产

    Article 200 after the right to the use of land for construction is mortgaged, the buildings erected thereafter are not mortgaged property.


  • 登记建筑物土地使用权依据土地使用权的审批文件和其他相关证据确定权属

    The ownership of an unregistered building and of the land use right shall be determined on the basis of the approval document for the land use right, and other relevant evidence, as well.


  • 已经获得建设用地建筑物商业用途使用权(租赁);

    We have obtained the property right of the land or building for commercial purpose ?


  • 第三条本规定房地产城镇国有土地使用权及其地上建筑物其他附着物

    The term real estate used here means State owned land, of which the right of use it (hereinafter referred to as land use right), structures on it and other attachments have been granted.


  • 第二百条建设用地使用权抵押土地新增建筑物属于抵押财产

    Article 200 the buildings newly constructed on the land after the mortgage of the right to use construction land may not belong to the mortgaged properties.


  • 土地使用权收回如何地上建筑物进行补偿

    How to compensate the overground construction after retract the land use rights?


  • 这种新型权利传统土地使用权建筑物区分所有权、相邻权与地役权都有一定程度联系区分。

    The new right is different from the traditional land ownership and the distinction between ownership of the building.


  • 第一百八十二条建筑物抵押,该建筑物占用范围建设用地使用权一并抵押

    Article 182 For mortgaging building, the right to use construction land within the area of this building shall be mortgaged together.


  • 第一百八十二条以建筑物抵押建筑物占用范围建设用地使用权一并抵押。

    Article 182 Where a building is mortgaged, the right to the use of the land for construction within the area occupied by the building shall be mortgaged along with the building.


  • 第二十四条地上建筑物其他著物所有或者共有人,享有建筑物、附著物使用范围内土地使用权

    Article 24: the owner or common owners of structures or other fixtures on a parcel of land shall have the right to use the land necessary for the use of such structures or other fixtures.


  • 第五房地产转让时,建筑物、附着物所有权应当建筑物、附着物所占用土地使用权同时转让,不得分割。

    Article 5 in the case of transfer of real estates, the ownership and the land-use right of buildings and other things adhering to the lands shall be transferred together other than distributed.


  • 第三十一条土地使用权地上建筑物其他附着物出租,出租人应当依照规定办理登记。

    With the above-ground buildings and other attached objects, the right to the use of the land within the limits of use of the said buildings and objects shall be mortgaged accordingly.


  • 第二十四地上建筑物其他附着物所有或者共有人,享有建筑物,附着物使用范围土地使用权

    Article 24 the owners or joint owners of the above-ground buildings and other attached objects shall have the right to the use of the land within the limits of use of the said buildings and objects.


  • 第二十三条土地使用权转让时,其地上建筑物其他附着物所有权随之转让

    With the transfer of the right to the use of the land, the ownership of the above-ground buildings and other attached objects shall be transferred accordingly.


  • 第二十三条土地使用权转让时,其地上建筑物其他附着物所有权随之转让

    With the transfer of the right to the use of the land, the ownership of the above-ground buildings and other attached objects shall be transferred accordingly.


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